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31 de gen. 2020

CoE (30 JAN 2020)

22 members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe ("PACE") have made a written declaration: "Protecting the right to political representation in Catalonia".
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Article by French MEPs Alfonsi, Bitteau and Rivasi — [29 JAN 2020]

Here is an English rendering of an article by three French MEPs in "Solidarity with the Catalan elected representatives in prison.
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28 de gen. 2020

Spanish Constitutional Court to prosecute Catalan Parliament officials (28 JAN 2020)

In Spain's orgy of repressive measures against Catalonia, affecting even the immunity of MPs, here is the latest example.
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27 de gen. 2020

Recursos d'Empara i altres gestions davant del TC pels presos polítics (2017-2020)

L'espectacular llista amb totes les sentències, providències i interlocutòries del Tribunal Constitucional disponibles a VLEX, relacionades NOMÉS amb Jordi Turull, Jordi Sànchez i Jordi Cuixart, Carme Forcadell (i el professor Jordi Matas).
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Sentència TC - Jordi Sanchez (15 JAN 2020)

El pleno del Tribunal Constitucional desestima el recurso de amparo de Jordi Sánchez contra la denegación del Tribunal Supremo del permiso para asistir personalmente al acto de su investidura. Más votos particulares.
Clica aquí , si cal, per llegir la sentència sencera (en espanyol)

Sentencia TSJC - President Torra (19 DEC 2019)

El Tribunal de la sala Civil y Penal del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Cataluña ha dictado SENTENCIA por la que condena al presidente de la Generalitat, Joaquim Torra i Pla, como autor penalmente responsable de un delito de desobediencia cometido por autoridad o funcionario público, art. 410 del Código Penal.
Clica aquí   si cal, per llegir la sentència sencera (en espanyol)

26 de gen. 2020

Barcelona Provincial Electoral Board decision on Rt.Hon. President Torra (24 DEC 2019)

Provincial Electoral Board ruling on President Quim Torra status as MP and President (29 DEC 2019).
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George Will "ladles" a one-sided view of the Catalonia-Spain conflict (23 JAN 2020)

When I post a link to an article with a visceral attack on those striving to achieve independence (as the Americans did 244 years ago (though the Catalans trust that Spain will be prevented from outright warfare) it is basically because its arguments are so weak, and the reason for the article being written at all are so obvious, that it deserves no reply.
Click here if need be to read the whole post.

Una prohibició del català, de 1896!

Un incident de prohibició del català i de l'èuscar... de 1896. Derogada a lavista de les protestes.
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23 de gen. 2020

2020 Economist Democracy Index - extract on SPAIN (23 JAN 2020)

Extracte de l’INDEX DE DEMOCRÀCIA DE The Economist per a 2019, a Espanya, que es fixa en el resultat del judici a nou líders separatistes catalans / Extract from The Economist's DEMOCRACY INDEX 2019, on Spain, which concentrates on the outcome of the trial of nine Catalan separatist leaders. 
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22 de gen. 2020

Letter by C. Puigdemont MEP and T. Comin MEP to colleagues (15 JAN 2020)

Here is the text of the letter sent by two of the three Catalan MEPs who, as such, enjoy immunity. The third, Oriol Junqueras, has not been let out of prison by the Spanish authorities. Moreover they are trying to strip him of the European Parliament seat he won last May.
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21 de gen. 2020

Antoni Bassas on the Mossos' trial (20 JAN 2020)

'On August 17 [2017], when Major Trapero reported to Rajoy, Puigdemont and Soraya, the deputy prime minister was stunned: this was the police force of [an independent] state. And a high-ranking Mosso officer said: "They will make us pay for this some day". Today is the day... '
Click here if need be to read the whole English translation of this article

Article by Prof. Javier Pérez Royo on the Junqueras case: The die is not cast (in English, 12 JAN 2020)

An English translation by Dave Evans of "La suerte no está echada" by Javier Pérez Royo.
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20 de gen. 2020

1979 US Congress on the Basque Country and Catalonia

Not earth-shaking, but perhaps interesting to some.
This is a transcript on 1979 hearings before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the US Congress Committee of Foreign Affairs, where Catalonia and the Basque country are mentioned.
Click here if need be to read the whole post.

19 de gen. 2020

Un Nou Estatut?

Unes consideracions sobre el rumor que corre en el sentit que l'oferta que s'acabarà fent serà un nou Estatut per substituir el de 2006, mutilat pel Tribunal Constitucional el 2010.
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18 de gen. 2020

Article by Joaquín Urías on Spain's judiciary (EN, 15 JAN 2020)

Below is the link to "Spain has a Problem with its Judiciary", an article by Spanish jurisconsult Joaquín Urías published in English in "Erfassungsblog on matters constitutional".
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17 de gen. 2020

Thread by Koldo Pereda on the issue of the EP immunity waiver request (in English, 14 JAN 2020)

This thread by "Koldo Pereda" is very interesting. It is on the issue of the immunity waiver request. I hope the author doesn't not mind this English translation.
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16 de gen. 2020

15 de gen. 2020

Catalonia in the 2019 Human Rights Report. Amnesty International.

The 2019 Human Rights Report just issued by Amnesty International includes this reference to the UN working group on arbitrary detention opinion that the Supreme Court was violating the rights of the Catalan leaders on trial. 
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VIDEO: "La Catalogne, le coup de semonce de la justice européenne” à "La Faute à l'Europe?" (14 JAN 2020)

”La Catalogne, le coup de semonce de la justice européenne” à "La Faute à l'Europe?" sur France Info, présenté par Yann-Anthony Noghès avec Karima Delli, députée, et les journalistes Jean Quatremer et Kattalin Landaburu.
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Article by Jean Quatremer on the Junqueras case (in English, 13 JAN 2020)

"Catalan MEPs: Junqueras’ case could spark a war between judges"
Translation by Milford Edge of Eurodéputés catalans : après Junqueras, le risque d’une guerre des juges by Jean Quatremer, Libération Brussels correspondent, January 13, 2020.
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14 de gen. 2020

Thread by Josep Costa on Spanish judge Marchena's blunder (English, 12 JAN 2020)

Excellent thread by Josep Costa on the reasons for the monumental blunder by Spain's judge Marchena. I hope he doesn't mind this translation. "Marchena gambled, and he lost."
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Thread by Dave Evans explaining what ECJ preliminary rulings are for (10 JAN 2020)

Excellent thread by Dave Evans. It explains clearly why he is "flabbergasted" (along with millions of others) at the Supreme Court bungle. He has authorized this format.
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13 de gen. 2020

Article by former judge Fernando Presencia: "Junqueras may not have lost immunity" (in English, 12 JAN 2020)

Fernando Presencia argues that according to the EP's Rules of Procedure, Oriol Junqueras has the right to request protection of his immunity, even after being deprived of his status as MEP by Spain. I hope the author does not object to this English translation (by M Strubell).
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Article by Anthony Sfez: "Catalonia: understandable indignation" (29 OCT 2019)

Here is an English translation of the article "Catalogne : une indignation compréhensible", an analysis of the first Supreme court judgment on the "Procés", by Anthony Sfez. I hope the author has no objections. Click if need be to read the whole post

11 de gen. 2020

Articles by Pere Borràs and Prof. Pérez Royo on recent Supreme Court decisions (English, 10 JAN 2020)

According to both Pere Borràs and Prof. Pérez Royo, the Supreme Court's decision removing Oriol Junqueras' status as an MEP may well backfire in its face. Here are English translations of the two articles (I hope they and the website don't mind).
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10 de gen. 2020

Dirty work by Spanish Supreme Court against VP Junqueras MEP

Here are two reactions by M. Strubell ( in English and in Catalan) to some of the latest moves by the Spanish Supreme Court, after being wrong-footed by a recent CJEU judgment recognising the rights of Catalan MEO-elects.
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Un article 13 que fa 17 anys que no hi és!

Història d'una cita mal feta, i repetida, per la l'Advocacia de l'Estat (escrit de 30 de desembre de 2019) i la Junta Electoral Central espanyola, (Sesión JEC: 03/01/2020).
Clica aquí si cal, per llegir l'entrada sencera.

9 de gen. 2020

Judge Marchena's trick letter to the CJEU (14 OCT 2019)

This is an English translation of a letter in which Judge Marchena (Supreme Court) sends a copy of the Judgment to the CJUE, handed down BEFORE the preliminary ruling he had requested on Oriol Junqueras' status as an MEP, and tricking it by saying that the ruling will nevertheless be valid and efficient.
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Sentencia TJUE caso Junqueras (19 DEC 2019)

Aquí se reproduce la versión en español (también existe en francès) de la sentencia del Tribunal de Justícia de la Unión Europea, en relación con la cuestión prejudicial planteada, a instancia de Oriol Junqueras, por el Tribunal Supremo español. Al fin destacamos en color verde la decisión del Tribunal.
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5 de gen. 2020

Spanish Electoral Board resolution (later quashed) banning Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí from European Parliament election (29 APR 2019)

The Central Electoral Board resolved on April 29 2019 (with four dissenting votes) not to allow three exiles to stand for the European Parliament election. This decision was later quashed by the Supreme Court. I have decided to translate it into English. TO BE TRANSLATED
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4 de gen. 2020

Electoral Board resolution on Oriol Junqueras MEP (3 JAN 2020)

The Central Electoral Board resolved on JAN 3 2020 to spit in the face of the European Court of Justice preliminary ruling on the immunity of Oriol Junqueras, MEP. It is so amazing I have decided to translate it into English. TO BE CORRECTED
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Electoral Board resolution on Rt. Hon. President Quim Torra (3 JAN 2020)

This is an English translation of the summary of the incredible resolution of the heavily politicized Central Electoral Board, taking on board (by the slimmest of majorities) the claims of the Spanish nationalist parties. It is a depth charge aimed both at destabilizing the Parliament of Catalonia and at shaking the extremely small majority of support for PM Pedro Sànchez's investiture. Despite the format of the resolution, note that the BOARD IS NOT A COURT OF LAW.
Click below if need be to read the whole post

3 de gen. 2020

"Pedralbes Declaration" in English (20 DEC 2018)

Here is an English rendering of the Agreement between the Governments of Spain and Catalonia on 20 December 2018. Given the uproar it caused in Spain, it was never applied. 
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