* A collection of digital resources to get to know the Catalan people better. * Une collection de ressources numériques pour mieux connaître le peuple catalan. * Una colección de recursos digitales para conocer mejor al pueblo catalán.
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31 d’oct. 2015
"The Case of Catalonia". ONU, 1945.
26 d’oct. 2015
Un état
Un état
24 d’oct. 2015
Terrorisme d'état
20 d’oct. 2015
Multes als seguidors del Barça, del Joventut...
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1 d’oct. 2015
Dear Herr Frankenberger (Frankfurter Allgemeine):
Katalonien: Die Schwaben Spaniens pokern hoch
nationale Souveränität könnte Katalonien Milliarden kosten, doch der
Bruch mit Spanien scheint nach der Regionalwahl vom Wochenende
programmiert. Wäre ei...
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24 de set. 2015
La dignité de la Catalogne
Mariano Rajoy, journaliste à la radio
6 de set. 2015
I remember saying once to Arthur Koestler, ‘History stopped in 1936’, at which he nodded in immediate understanding. We were both thinking of totalitarianism in general, but more particularly of the Spanish civil war. Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’. Yet in a way, horrible as all this was, it was unimportant. It concerned secondary issues — namely, the struggle for power between the Comintern and the Spanish left-wing parties, and the efforts of the Russian Government to prevent revolution in Spain. But the broad picture of the war which the Spanish Government presented to the world was not untruthful. The main issues were what it said they were. But as for the Fascists and their backers, how could they come even as near to the truth as that? How could they possibly mention their real aims? Their version of the war was pure fantasy, and in the circumstances it could not have been otherwise.
The only propaganda line open to the Nazis and Fascists was to represent themselves as Christian patriots saving Spain from a Russian dictatorship. This involved pretending that life in Government Spain was just one long massacre (vide the Catholic Herald or the Daily Mail — but these were child's play compared with the Continental Fascist press), and it involved immensely exaggerating the scale of Russian intervention. Out of the huge pyramid of lies which the Catholic and reactionary press all over the world built up, let me take just one point — the presence in Spain of a Russian army. Devout Franco partisans all believed in this; estimates of its strength went as high as half a million. Now, there was no Russian army in Spain. There may have been a handful of airmen and other technicians, a few hundred at the most, but an army there was not. Some thousands of foreigners who fought in Spain, not to mention millions of Spaniards, were witnesses of this. Well, their testimony made no impression at all upon the Franco propagandists, not one of whom had set foot in Government Spain. Simultaneously these people refused utterly to admit the fact of German or Italian intervention at the same time as the Germany and Italian press were openly boasting about the exploits of their’ legionaries’. I have chosen to mention only one point, but in fact the whole of Fascist propaganda about the war was on this level.
This kind of thing is frightening to me, because it often gives me the feeling that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. After all, the chances are that those lies, or at any rate similar lies, will pass into history.
From George Orwell, Looking back on the Spanish War.
2 de set. 2015
Comments on "Catalonia's regional elections: scenarios for independence " by Fernando Betancor
Let me recommend the following article by a US political analyst resident in Madrid, Fernando Betancor.
I have differences with the descriptive contents which I shall refer to when I get a moment. For the time being I shall only highlight the rock-bottom credit of the firm responsible for the "poll" he quotes. Others doubt that it even exists, and that its "data" are in any way real.
17 d’ag. 2015
Recital de cançó catalana del segle XX
La programación de esta segunda edición del festival incluye un recital centrado en la canción catalana del siglo XX. A continuación le comunico toda la información acerca de dicho recital:
Lugar, fecha y hora:
Regent Hall, 275 Oxford St, London W1C 2DJ (parada de metro: Oxford Circus)
Viernes 25 de septiembre 2015 a las 13h00
Entrada gratuita
Josep-Ramon Olivé Soler, barítono
Maria Mauri Fàbregas, piano
- Lo Blat és segat
- Silenci
- Sis cançons tradicionals catalanes
La calàndria
La mort i la donzella
El petit vailet
El cotiló
Enemic de les dones
Els ballaires dins un sac
- 3 balades
El vent de la tardor
En somnis
- L'oreneta
- Abril
- A dues violes marcides
- Cant espiritual
- Cançó del capvespre
TOLDRÀ, Eduard
- Romanç de Santa Llúcia
- Cançó de vela
- Camins de fada
Un cordial saludo,
Ricardo Gosalbo
17 de jul. 2015
Pensamiento Único
3 de jul. 2015
"Catalonia's self-determination process: a bottom-up movement?"
88, rue de la Semois.
First of all I am most grateful to the Luxembourg delegation of the Catalan National Assembly, an NGO to which I will devote much of my talk, for this invitation to speak to you this evening. Secondly, I should like to thank the Centre Català de Luxemburg for hosting the event.
19 de juny 2015
Letter to X
Catalanofòbia III. 2014-2016
17 de juny 2015
Catalanofòbia II. 2013
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