Fascist attacks on support of Catalan independence supporters increase by the day. Here is a communiqué on the latest incident, translated by M.S. into English.
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Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana
Assemblea Local de Mataró
The aggression was accompanied by "Viva VOX hijo de puta" ("Up with VOX, you sonofabitch"). The companion received medical attention at the hospital in Mataró and has already filed a report at the Mossos d'Esquadra police station in the city. Sadly this is not the first Fascist attack that has takeb place in the city. Just over a year ago, after a 'unionist' demonstration, another Mataró resident was assaulted by a group of Fascists. We also want to recall that two weeks weeks ago a Fascist group visited the premises we share with Esquerra Republicana and a colleague who was inside was locked in by force and intimidated, and the premises were damaged.
These attacks are not casual or isolated. They are a direct consequence of the irresponsible speeches that are made by the right and the extreme right. They are also the result of the cowardice of the Spanish left when it comes to standing up to Fascism. The impunity enjoyed by these organized Fascist groups can only be stopped by building popular unity. Step by step we will destroy Fascism.
April 26, 2019
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Joventuts d'Esquerra Republicana
Assemblea Local de Mataró
In the evening of Thursday, April 25, a member of the Republican Youth of Mataró was assaulted by Fascists in Carrer de Cuba. The member, who was wearing a protest t-shirt, saw a car stop in front of him and three men fire a pellet, probably with an air pistol, which hit him just by his eye.The aggression was accompanied by "Viva VOX hijo de puta" ("Up with VOX, you sonofabitch"). The companion received medical attention at the hospital in Mataró and has already filed a report at the Mossos d'Esquadra police station in the city. Sadly this is not the first Fascist attack that has takeb place in the city. Just over a year ago, after a 'unionist' demonstration, another Mataró resident was assaulted by a group of Fascists. We also want to recall that two weeks weeks ago a Fascist group visited the premises we share with Esquerra Republicana and a colleague who was inside was locked in by force and intimidated, and the premises were damaged.
These attacks are not casual or isolated. They are a direct consequence of the irresponsible speeches that are made by the right and the extreme right. They are also the result of the cowardice of the Spanish left when it comes to standing up to Fascism. The impunity enjoyed by these organized Fascist groups can only be stopped by building popular unity. Step by step we will destroy Fascism.
April 26, 2019
El vespre del passat dijous 25 d'abril un militant del Jovent Republicà de Mataró va patir una agressió feixista al Carrer de Cuba. El militant, que vestia una samarreta reivindicativa, va veure que un cotxe s'aturava al seu davant i com tres homes li disparaven un projectil, segurament amb una pistola de balins, que va impactar-li a la vora d'un ull.
L'agressió la van acompanyar d'un ''Viva VOX hijo de puta". El company va requerir assistència mèdica a l'hospital de Mataró i actualment ja ha presentat una denúncia a la comissaria dels Mossos d'Esquadra de la ciutat. Malauradament no és la primera agressió feixista que vivim a la ciutat. Fa poc més d'un any, després d'una manifestació unionista, un altre mataroní va patir una agressió per un grup de feixistes. També volem recordar que fa dues setmanes un grup feixista va visitar el local que compartim amb Esquerra Republicana i un company que es trobava a l'interior va ser tancat per la força, intimidat i el local va patir desperfectes.
Aquestes agressions no són casuals ni aïllades. Són una conseqüència directa dels discursos irresponsables que es llancen des de la dreta i l'extrema dreta. També són resultat de la covardia de les esquerres espanyoles a l'hora de plantar cara al feixisme. La impunitat de la que gaudeixen aquests grups feixistes organitzats només es pot aturar construint unitat popular. Pam a pam destruirem el feixisme.
26 d'abril de 2019
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