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29 de març 2020

Oriol Mitjà warned about the Covid-19 virus very clearly, on 15 FEB (in Catalan/Spanish) / Oriol Mitjà alertava sobre el Covid-19, molt clarament (15 FEB 2020)

Extractes de la seva intervenció al FAQs de TV3, en català. Versión en español de los principales aspectos de su intervención.
Clica aquí si cal per veure tota l'entrada.

Article del Doctor Lu Xiang (Xina, 28 MAR 2020)

"First Person: Heartbreak and hope – one doctor’s story from China’s coronavirus ground zero". Traducció al català.
Clica aquí si cal per veure tota l'entrada.

28 de març 2020

27 de març 2020

BÈRGAM. L'Atalanta-València (19 FEB), "una bomba biològica". Entrevista amb el Dr. Di Marco (20 MAR 2020)

El partit Atalanta Bergamasca Calcio - València celebrat al San Siro (Milà) el 19 de febrer fou decisiu per a la ràpida propagació del Covid-19 a Bergamo, quan encara hi havia poquísims casos comptabilitzats. El testimoni del Dr. Fabiano Di Marco fa feredat.
Clica aquí si cal per veure tota l'entrada.

26 de març 2020

The "Scientific Commentary" on Covid-19 measures (21 MAR 2020)

Here is an English translation of the widely reported (and hotly debated by the Spanish government; some media call it a Catalan separatist measure!) "Scientific Commentary" on measures to curb the Covid-19 pandemic in Spain. Please send me corrections (especially the authors!)
Click here if need be to read the rest of the post.

"Comentario Científico" de 70 científicos sobre medidas Covid-19 (21 MAR 2020)

El polémico "Comentario Científico" sobre medidas que había que tomar urgentemente el 21 de marzo para evitar el colapso del sistema sanitario previsto para el día 25 de marzo.
Clica aquí si hace falta para leer el resto del texto

25 de març 2020

Coronavirus Deaths by U.S. State and Country Over Time: Daily Tracking (NYT)

Link to article in NYT "Coronavirus Deaths by U.S. State and Country Over Time: Daily Tracking" (updated daily)

Letter to the President of the European Council (25 MAR 2020)

Letter to the President of the European Council on Covid-19 pandemic by eight EU Member State leaders
Click here if need be to read the rest of the post.

Strategy choice for Covid-19 pandemic. (1) Tomas Pueyo (2) Imperial College London (23 MAR 2020)

Interesting, urgent articles by (1) Tomás Pueyo and (2) the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team on the probable consequences of several political options to cope with the pandemic.
Click here if need be to read the rest of the post.

La "Càrrega Viral", un punt clau en la transmissió o no del Covid-19 (23 MAR 2020)

No sóc metge. Si algú diu que ho tregui ho trec. Però ens semblava a qui m'ho ha enviat des d'Anglaterra, i a mi, que el consell és molt valuós.
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23 de març 2020

"Com es va escapar el virus" (NYT, 22 MAR 2020)

"Com es va escapar el virus". Traducció de l'article "How the Virus Got Out", del NYT (22 MAR 2020). I hope the NYT doesn't mind.
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COVID-19 in Italy

Data from Italy in the first phase of the Lombardy pandemic.

Click here if need be to read the rest of the post.

Suport d'Alcaldes al President Torra (23 MAR 2020)

Piulades d'alcaldes d'arreu de Catalunya donen suport al nostre president.
Clica aquí   si cal per veure'n una llista.

22 de març 2020

Guillem Hernandez Solà explains the pandemia from a Chinese perspective (20 MAR 2020)

The dramatic plea by Guillem Hernandez Solà, who witnessed at first hand, as early as January, how the Chinese Community in Catalonia were getting worried about the risk of the COVI-19 virus reaching them over here, and started to take preventive action well in advance. I have translated it into English (with the author's permission), because it applies everywhere. It is dated March 20.
Click here to see the whole post, if need be.

20 de març 2020

The first big outbreak of Covid-19 in Catalonia: Igualada

The latest on the original serious focus of the coronavirus in Catalonia: Igualada and the Òdena valley.
Click here to see the whole post, if need be.


President Quim Torra's letter to the President of the European Council
Click here to see the whole post, if need be.

19 de març 2020

Call for limited parole in Catalan prisons during Covid-19 pandemic (19 MAR 2020)

The "coordinadora de l'advocacia de Catalunya" has issued a communiqué regarding the hazardous health conditions in Catalan prisons, and calls for special measures to allow many prisoners to spend their health confinement at home. This is an English translation.
Click here to see the whole post, if need be.

12 de març 2020

Fernand de Varennes' UN report on Spain and definition of "minority" de (11 MAR 2020)

The UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues, Fernand de Varennes, has presented his report on his visit to Spain, and also recently offered a comprehensive definition of a minority (be it ethnic, religious or linguistic).
Click here if need be to read the whole post

5 de març 2020

Post by M. Strubell "Just like the UK" (5 MAR 2020)

 In this short article I wonder how it is educated British citizens can side with the Spanish authorities in the repression of what is Europe's largest civil movement.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

4 de març 2020

L'escàndol d'Andrés Betancor (Ciudadanos/JEC) (26 OCT 2017)

L'escàndol del nomenament d'Andrés Betancor, pel que sembla a sou de Ciudadanos, per a formar part de la Junta Electoral Central, "en estos momentos complicados".

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How Catalan minister Josep Rull was treated by Spanish officials when he was first arrested in November 2017.

This is an English translation of the way Catalan minister Josep Rull describes his disgusting treatment at the hands of Spanish prison officials when he was first arrested in November 2017.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

2 de març 2020



It is with great concern that we respectfully submit the present Petition to the Members of the EU Parliament and to its President David Sassoli, in order to express our worry regarding the crisis in Catalonia and the response of the Spanish Kingdom, and call for measures susceptible of clarifying the situation and furthering its resolution....

Barcelona, 19 November 2019

Click here for whole text: https://euparliamentpetitioncatalonia.home.blog/

Article by M.J. Hierro which includes reactions to the Catalan pro-independence movement.

Here is an extract of an article in English by Ma. José Hierro on Regional and National Identities in Spain, which mentions reactions to the Catalan pro-independence movement.
Click here if need be to read the whole post