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El Periódico were under pressure - at least in Catalonia - to publish the document. It eventually got hold of a document which they claimed was from the CIA or the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), who incidentally have failed to reply to two requests I have made to them to state whether they issued a statement on May 25, and who it was sent to. This is the second, corrected version, of the purported message from the CIA to CITCO, dated August 21, which refers to a message purportedly sent to the Catalan Mossos on May 25. But it was not the May 25 message: it purported to be a copy of that message, issued at the request of person or persons unknown. It was hammered immediately by English-speakers.

It was also hammered immediately by a specialist in
official US documents, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, who went so far as to call for
Sr. Hernàndez's resignation.


See, for instance, http://www.elnacional.cat/es/sociedad/informe-cia-elperiodico_187014_102.html.

El Periódico, 31 August 2017

31 August 2017
"La Generalitat dio 'baja credibilidad' al aviso del atentado"
(My translation): "The interior minister, Joaquim Forn, claimed this Thursday that the warning about a possible attack on the Barcelona Rambla "from other sources", not from the CIA and that, after contrasting and assessing it, they concluded that it had "very low credibility".
"He also notes that the Catalan Ministry of the Interior communicated this warning to the State, which did not grant the threat credibility either, so it was not discussed at the meetings of the antiterrorist evaluation panels of May 25 and June 8, despite which the security measures on the Rambla were increased.
"The Minister, who has denounced a campaign of "intoxication and smearing" against the Mossos d'Esquadra, has highlighted that in the days after the attack on the Rambla, the State confirmed that none of the warnings received previously on the terrorist threat was related to the attacks that were finally perpetrated.
"In that alert of the intelligence services of the United States there was no data, such as affiliations, addresses or vehicle registration numbers, that could be used beyond mere prevention in the field of citizen security that, sources remember, is the exclusive competence of the Mossos in Catalonia."
Another article, which talks about a "nube tóxica" - a toxic cloud - was published on September 1:
Nube tóxica tras la "exclusiva" de El Periódico, by Rosa María Arta. ("Toxic cloud after the El Periódico 'scoop'"). The news is that a newspaper presents a falsified document, without stating this, to call into doubt the Catalan police. It says they received information about the La Rambla attack, suggesting that they ignored it. What is enormously relevant is that the media make the content of what has been published newsworthy. It is not something that easily happens with exclusive scoops from other media. What is clamorous is that there has not been a massive reaction by journalism to facts of such gravity, except for the FAPE that supports El Periódico and considers the "attacks" suffered as "intolerable"...
President Carles Puigdemont, the Catalan Interior Minister, Joaquim Forn and the head of the Mossos, Josep Lluís Trapero (the latter, again on the 28th, on the radio programme El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio) denied having received any message from the CIA.
An espionage company, EXEINTEL, claimed to have held talks with Telegram with the truck's terrorist. At the end of July they would have warned "authorities in Europe and the United States"
Their note https://exeintel.com/notices/red-notice-elint-intercept-of-terrorist-cells-in-europe/ was later removed from the net.
THE END: On September 8, 2017 a citizen managed to get confirmation of what was suspected: the NCTC had sent NO message to the Catalan police on May 25, or to the CITCO on August 21. It was all fabricated, to discredit the Catalan police.
Los nueve interrogantes que nadie responde sobre la alerta de atentado a los Mossos
1 Sept 2017
La batalla política que ha estallado en torno a la coordinación policial
y la colaboración de las administraciones públicas antes del ataque
yihadista en Catalunya ha encontrado su culmen en un supuesto aviso del
espionaje de EEUU, presuntamente enviado el 25 de mayo a los Mossos
d'Esquadra y recogido por 'El Periódico de Catalunya'... en una
confirmación del 21 de agosto llegada al CITCO. ...
Return to index: https://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/spains-dirty-war-and-17a-terrorist.html
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