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For evidence, see press coverage the day after the Rambla and Cambrils attacks:
Más palos a Puigdemont y a los Mossos en Madrid por el atentado yihadista.
On the 18th, at 5.44 in the morning, OK Diario had been fed information to start the attack on the Mossos, claiming they been been sent information from an allied foreign intelligence service "perhaps Morocco", through the Spanish authorities.
On August 21st this media campaign was prophetically announced (though the campaign was already underway): “In the coming weeks, EVERYTHING'LL GO: every kind of lie, manipulation, intoxication or dirty games”.
See this article in Spanish, by Iñigo Sáenz de Ugarte, published on 25 August. I have translated the heading:
"The manipulating machine does not respect either the Mossos or the Barcelona dead".
25 ago 2017 01:23

1 September 2017
My translation: "Last March, the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) forwarded at least two communications to the Mossos d 'Esquadra, which reported possible terrorist threats in Catalonia. This agency is an agency of the United States Government whose mission is to collect data on terrorism from more than twenty intelligence agencies in the country, in addition to maintaining relations with its international counterparts.
"On March 23 and 24, the US agency forwarded communications to the [Spanish] Police and Guardia Civil, informing them that, by given that its content affected Catalonia, it had also been forwarded to the Mossos. "Given that this memorandum includes possible information on threats in Barcelona, our service is providing the National Intelligence Centre (CNI), the Civil Guard (GC), the National Police of Spain (SNP), the Mossos d'Esquadra and the Spanish Counter-Terrorism and the Centro de Inteligencia del Crimen Organizado (Center for the Intelligence of Organized Crime, CITCO)", both reports said in their last paragraph."
1 September 2017

Here is another example of false and manipulated news, headlined as follows: "A Generalitat
official accuses the [Spanish] Government of allowing the attack so that
the Mossos would fail".
Before considering what Prof. Ferran Requejo actually said (in an El Món interview on 23 August 2017), let me point out he holds no post of any kind in the Catalan government. Along with dozens of other academics and specialists, he was a member of an ad hoc "Advisory Council" which finished its work about three years ago.
"Requejo sees "two phases" in this matter. Before the attacks 'there was a political will on the part of the government of Madrid to exclude and marginalize the Catalan institutions'. The Mossos were excluded from the coordination of the security forces and Requejo recalls 'all the reluctance and obstacles that there were to hold a meeting of the Security Board, which has not met for eight years, until the president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, put his foot down'.
OK Diario, 25 August 2017
Before considering what Prof. Ferran Requejo actually said (in an El Món interview on 23 August 2017), let me point out he holds no post of any kind in the Catalan government. Along with dozens of other academics and specialists, he was a member of an ad hoc "Advisory Council" which finished its work about three years ago.
"Requejo sees "two phases" in this matter. Before the attacks 'there was a political will on the part of the government of Madrid to exclude and marginalize the Catalan institutions'. The Mossos were excluded from the coordination of the security forces and Requejo recalls 'all the reluctance and obstacles that there were to hold a meeting of the Security Board, which has not met for eight years, until the president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, put his foot down'.
"The political scientist believes that the attitude of the State before the attack 'was totally negative' and 'it has already been seen, in a second phase [after the attacks] that it was not passing information.' The political scientist frames this way of acting in 'a clear political manoeuvre to have the Mossos' marginalized because, 'in the event that they acted, they would fail because of lack of information.'"
23 August 2017
Following the attacks, the main pro-independence movement, ANC, has been accused of being involved with Jihadists. Firstly, by organising meetings in mosques. For instance (my translation): "The Catalan National Assembly (ANC) last May chose the Al Furkan mosque in Vilanova i la Geltrú to hold an event, with which it hoped to attract immigrant population of Muslim origin towards independence".
Secondly, even members of the terrorist cell itself were claimed to be associated with the movement. Though no-one in the movement in Ripoll ever came acros him, Younes Abouyaaqoub (the driver of the la Rambla van) was reported to have been a volunteer "in the referendum" and to have distributed propaganda in favour of the 'Yes' vote.
Finally, the arrest of a Spanish-Moroccan who had been an active member of the Partido Popular in Melilla (the Spanish enclave on the north Moroccan coast) for his membership of a terrorist cell put an abrupt end to this strategy, on September 6:
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