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....that the Spanish government has not only refused to authorize (despite its commitment to international treaties on the issue) but threatens to confiscate the property of Catalan political leaders and their officials, bar them from office, dismiss them from their jobs, and even imprison on grounds of sedition and contempt of court.
The earliest fear that a false flag attack might be in the offing had been voiced a year earlier:
This text reproduces a blog entry written in September 2016 (nine days after Minister García-Margallo's controversial interview: see below). It was later removed. https://elrobotpescador.com/2016/09/19/estan-preparando-un-atentado-de-falsa-bandera-en-barcelona/
The same author published a second article on the same subject, just five days after the attacks. It was reproduced here:
¿Es posible un segundo atentado de falsa bandera en España?
The refusal by Spain to allow Catalan police to belong to Europol and to be therefore able to directly share intelligence data was widely criticized. This was in June. The European police union Eurocop warned that their exclusion can compromise security throughout Europe. http://www.elpuntavui.cat/societat/article/5-societat/1173995-eurocop-alerta-que-l-exclusio-dels-mossos-d-europol-pot-comprometre-la-seguretat-de-tota-europa.html

Several ominous statements by former Foreign Minister José Manuel García-Margallo. In hindsight it is easy to imagine he had forewarning of the August 17 attacks. I will not do this. The first was on September 10 2016, that is, a day before the Catalan National Day and the huge demonstrations in five cities across Catalonia. "A terrorist attack can be overcome, the dissolution of Spain is irreversible". He was still a minister.
See, for example,

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