An English translation (by MS) of Gonzalo Boye's twitter comments of the Catalan MEP obstruction case.
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In short, the full acquisition of the status of Member of the European Parliament - unlike the condition of National MP, for whom Art. 71.2 of the Constitution limits its application to the moments prior to an indictment or a prosecution - would make it necessary to put the request for waiver of the MEPs' immunity before the aforementioned Chamber, in accordance with Arts. 5, 7 and 9 of the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure, with a view to withdrawing the immunity granted them by Protocol 7 of the Treaty of the European Union, with the consequent suspension and paralysis of the trial. This would generate an interference both undue and inadmissible in the exercise of the function of trying and having the judgment implemented that corresponds to the Judicial Power, consecrated as a fundamental value of the legal system (Articles 1 and 117 of the Spanish Constitution).
"Al final a la Fiscalía no le queda más remedio que reconocer que tenemos razón sobre la inmunidad como parlamentarios europeos: "
"In the end the Prosecutor's Office has no choice but to recognize that we are right about immunity as European parliamentarians: "
In short, the full acquisition of the status of Member of the European Parliament - unlike the condition of National MP, for whom Art. 71.2 of the Constitution limits its application to the moments prior to an indictment or a prosecution - would make it necessary to put the request for waiver of the MEPs' immunity before the aforementioned Chamber, in accordance with Arts. 5, 7 and 9 of the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure, with a view to withdrawing the immunity granted them by Protocol 7 of the Treaty of the European Union, with the consequent suspension and paralysis of the trial. This would generate an interference both undue and inadmissible in the exercise of the function of trying and having the judgment implemented that corresponds to the Judicial Power, consecrated as a fundamental value of the legal system (Articles 1 and 117 of the Spanish Constitution).
En definitiva, la plena adquisición de la condición de miembro del Parlamento Europeo -a diferencia de la condición de Diputado nacional para quienes el art. 71.2 de la Constitución limita su aplicación a los momentos previos a la inculpación o al procesamiento- determinaria la necesidad de instar el suplicatorio de la referida Càmara, a tenor de los arts. 5, 7 y 9 del Reglamento interno del Parlamento Europeo, para retirar la inmunidad que les reconoce el Protocolo n 7 del Tratado de la Unión Emopea, con la consiguiente suspensión y paralización del procedimiento, lo cual generaría una intromisión tan indebida como inadmisible en el ejercicio de la función de juzgar y hacer ejecutar lo juzgado que corresponde al Poder Judicial, consagrada como valor fundamental del ordenamiento juridico (arts. 1 y 117 de la CE).
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