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11 de set. 2020

Twitter thread on political prisoners by Andreu Van Der Eynde (10 SEPT 2020)

English translation of a Twitter thread by Andreu Van Der Eynde, lawyer of Oriol Junqueras MEP and Raül Romeva, two of the Catalan political prisoners, on their unjust treatment in prison.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.
Original tweet:


I think it is fair to inform, as a matter of public interest, about the conditions under which my clients Oriol Junqueras and Raül Romeva are serving their sentences after the decision of the Supreme Court [1] to withdraw any release from prison in the context of the pandemic.

Beyond the fact that they have been imprisoned for almost three years (more than 1000 days) and have been in three different prisons, that they have been tried in prison and that their immunities have been violated (according to the ECJ [2]), the specific conditions in which they are serving their sentences are an aberration.

For over 40 days, neither of them has been able to touch any of their relatives, women or children. They can talk to them for 40 minutes a week through the pane of glass. They spend 24 hours closed in the module without activities. This is worse than what any prisoner endures under normal circumstances, including cases of terrorism.

They have no leaves or permits, none (through a decision by a Supreme Court that did not have the power to restrict leaves) and will almost certainly not have any until 2021.

This time it was not the prison system that ordered, in a context of health emergency, that the sentence be served under these brutal conditions without any mercy.

The Supreme Court has not acted on all prisoners. It has acted exclusively with regard to the political prisoners. All we can do is to defend them to the end and above all to remember them every day so that they can go through this misfortune knowing that they are accompanied.


Crec que és just que traslladi com a dada d’interès públic quines son les condicions en les que compleixen la pena els meus clients Oriol Junqueras i Raül Romeva després de la decisió del Tribunal Suprem de retirar-los qualsevol sortida de la presó en el marc de la pandèmia.

Més enllà de que portin quasi bé tres anys presos (més de 1000 dies) i hagin estat en 3 presons diferents, s’hagin sotmès a judici en situació de presó i se’ls hagi vulnerat la immunitat (segons el TJUE), les condicions concretes en les q compleixen condemna son aberrants.

Fa més de 40 dies que cap d’ells pot tocar a cap dels seus familiars, ni dona ni fills. Hi parlen 40 minuts setmanals a través del vidre. 24 hores tancats al mòdul sense activitats. Això és pitjor que el que suporta qualsevol pres en circumstàncies normals, inclosos els casos de terrorisme.

No tenen cap tipus de sortida ni permís, cap ni un (per decisió d’un TS que no tenia competència per a restringir les sortides) i no el tindran segurament fins l’any 2021.

Aquest cop no ha estat el sistema penitenciari que ha ordenat, en un context d’emergència sanitària, que la pena es compleixi en aquestes brutals condicions sense cap tipus de pietat.

El Tribunal Suprem no ha actuat respecte de tots els presos. Ha actuat exclusivament respecte dels presos polítics. L’únic que podem fer nosaltres és defensar-los fins al final i sobretot recordar-los cada dia perquè aquest tràngol el passin sabent-se acompanyats.



https://twitter.com/eyndePenal/status/1303952482633121793?s=20 [1] http://www.poderjudicial.es/stfls/TRIBUNAL%20SUPREMO/CAUSA%20ESPECIAL/TS%20Causa%20especial%20auto%2022%20julio%202020.pdf

 [2] http://curia.europa.eu/juris/liste.jsf?oqp=&for=&mat=or&jge=&td=%3BALL&jur=C%2CT%2CF&page=1&dates=%2524type%253Dpro%2524mode%253DfromTo%2524from%253D2019.01.01%2524to%253D2020.06.01&pcs=Oor&lg=&parties=Junqueras&pro=&nat=or&cit=none%252CC%252CCJ%252CR%252C2008E%252C%252C%252C%252C%252C%252C%252C%252C%252C%252Ctrue%252Cfalse%252Cfalse&language=en&avg=&cid=1660208





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