An article by Juan Carlos Lagunas on Spain's offensive against President Puigdemont's lawyer Gonzalo Boye. Translation by M.S.
Click , if need be, to read the transcript and translation
* A collection of digital resources to get to know the Catalan people better. * Une collection de ressources numériques pour mieux connaître le peuple catalan. * Una colección de recursos digitales para conocer mejor al pueblo catalán.
An article by Juan Carlos Lagunas on Spain's offensive against President Puigdemont's lawyer Gonzalo Boye. Translation by M.S.
Click , if need be, to read the transcript and translation
An article by Josep Casulleras, on the Otegi case, explaining how the Spanish Supreme Court has defied the ECHR and broken its own case-law. Here is an English translation by M.S.
Click , if need be, to read the transcript and translation
Elisa Beni has written an article about the shocking case of "Otegi, the endless trial", in which the Spanish judiciary openly defies the European Convention on Human Rights. Here is an English translation (by M.S.).
Click , if need be, to read the transcript and translation
A Norwegian-Catalan tweeter has written a thread of tweets explaining why the Catalan mentality is not understood in northern Europe. Here is my English translation (I hope the author does not mind).
Click , if need be, to read the transcript and translation
On 11 November 1713. the Generalitat de Catalunya published a pamphlet, Despertador de Catalunya, to rally forces in support of the Habsburg King (former Archduke) Charles in his war against King Philip V (IV of Aragon).
Click , if need be, to read the transcript and translation (extracts).
Here is an English translation (by MS) of an article by journalist Quico Sallés, on the acquittal of Chief Superintendent Trapero and three other officials.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.
An English translation (by MS) of a statement by Independentistes d'Esquerres on their support for candidates close to Laura Borràs and their ideals.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.
For the last eight years Spain has blantantly ignored recommendations regarding the implementation of the FRAMEWORK CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF NATIONAL MINORITIES, as regards the Catalan people, among others. Here are relevant extracts from the 3rd (2012), 4th (2014) and 5th (2018) Opinions of the Advisory Committee.
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to read the whole post, if need be.
This is an English translation of an article by Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira, "Speaking Catalan in Madrid", published with the author's permission (25 NOV 2020)
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« Le drame espagnol », un article de Toni Brosa sur les attitudes espagnoles concernant la diversité linguistique (21 NOV 2020)
Traduit par Miquel-Àngel Sànchez Fèrriz et révisé par Anyeline Genicot.
ici l’article
en entier ici