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17 de des. 2020

Thread by Nordic.cat on why Catalonia is not understood in northern Europe (16 DEC 2020)

A Norwegian-Catalan tweeter has written a thread of tweets explaining why the Catalan mentality is not understood in northern Europe. Here is my English translation (I hope the author does not mind).

Click , if need be, to read the transcript and translation

13 de des. 2020

Wake Up! From a pamphlet published by the Catalan government (11 NOV 1713)

On 11 November 1713. the Generalitat de Catalunya published a pamphlet, Despertador de Catalunya, to rally forces in support of the Habsburg King (former Archduke) Charles in his war against King Philip V (IV of Aragon).

Click , if need be, to read the transcript and translation (extracts).

11 de des. 2020

Article by Quico Sallés, "Acquittals" on the Trapero case (24 OCT 2020)

Here is an English translation (by MS) of an article by journalist Quico Sallés, on the acquittal of Chief Superintendent Trapero and three other officials.

Click to read the whole post, if need be.

8 de des. 2020

Support for candidates close to Laura Borràs and to the ideals of Independentistes d'Esquerres in Junts per Catalunya's primaries (7 DES 2030)

An English translation (by MS) of a statement by Independentistes d'Esquerres on their support for candidates close to Laura Borràs and their ideals.

Click to read the whole post, if need be.

6 de des. 2020

An article by Rt. Hon. Carles Puigdemont on relations with Spain (6 DEC 2020)

The 130th president of Catalonia, Rt. Hon. Carles Puigdemont, has written an important article on Catalonia's relations with Spain. I trust the author will authorize this English translation.
Click below to read the whole post, if need be.

4 de des. 2020

Spain and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (posted 4 DEC 2020)

For the last eight years Spain has blantantly ignored recommendations regarding the implementation of the FRAMEWORK CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF NATIONAL MINORITIES, as regards the Catalan people, among others. Here are relevant extracts from the 3rd (2012), 4th (2014) and 5th (2018) Opinions of the Advisory Committee.

Click below to read the whole post, if need be.


The coordinating body of Catalonia's lawyers has issued a strongly worded communiqué condemning today's decision by the Supreme Court, which has usurped the power to rule on inmates' penitentiary status from the penitentiary supervision courts that have - or had - this function. 
Click below to read the whole post, if need be.

1 de des. 2020

An article by Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira, "Speaking Catalan in Madrid" (25 NOV 2020)

This is an English translation of an article by Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira, "Speaking Catalan in Madrid", published with the author's permission (25 NOV 2020)

Click below to read the whole post, if need b

« Le drame espagnol », un article de Toni Brosa sur les attitudes espagnoles concernant la diversité linguistique (21 NOV 2020)

« Le drame espagnol », un article de Toni Brosa sur les attitudes espagnoles concernant la diversité linguistique (21 NOV 2020)

Traduit par Miquel-Àngel Sànchez Fèrriz et révisé par Anyeline Genicot. 

Trouvez ici    l’article en entier ici

26 de nov. 2020

Extracto de Auto del TJUE sobre el caso Junqueras (8 OCT 2020)

This is a literal copy of part of the text, in Spanish of the "AUTO DE LA VICEPRESIDENTA DEL TRIBUNAL DE JUSTICIA de 8 de octubre de 2020"

Click here  to read the whole post (in Spanish), if need be

23 de nov. 2020

Written observations by Ms Ponsatí MEP (made available 20 NOV 2020)

Here are the "Written observations" made by Ms Clara Ponsatí MEP as regards one aspect of the request for the waiver of her parliamentary immunity.

 Click below  to read the whole post, if need be

Catalan laws referred to the Spanish Constitutional Court, 2012-2016

Here is a list of all laws, decrees and parliamentary resolutions that (mainly) the Spanish government referred to the Constitutional Court, only in the period 2012-2016.

Click  to read the whole post, if need be

22 de nov. 2020

14 de nov. 2020

25 d’oct. 2020

An article by lawyer Gonzalo Boye: From Schleswig to Trapero (25 OCT 2020)

An English translation (by MS) of an article by Gonzalo Boye, on the acquittal of Chief Superintendent Trapero and colleagues.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

Article by Toni Strubell "Spanish Sociopathy" (23 OCT 2020)

 An English translation (by MS) of an article by Toni Strubell (with the author's permission), La Sociopatia antiseparatista.

Click to read the whole post, if need be.

Jordi Cuixart's downloadable e-book (22 OCT 2020)

Jordi Cuixart, the president of Òmnium Cultural who has been in prison for three years, has written a book, now published in an English version as "We'll do it again".
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

24 d’oct. 2020

An article by Vicenç Villatoro, "The Cornerstone", in English (22 OCT 2020)

Here is English translation (by MS) of an article by Vicenç Villatoro, with his permission, on the implications - for the Catalan political prisoners' conviction - of the acquittal of Chief Superintendent Trapero.
Click to read the whole post, if need be. 

18 d’oct. 2020

El presidente Lluís Companys: la verdad!

Un interesante y clarificador hilo de Josep Vives (que reproduzco con su autorización) sobre el president Lluís Companys, que jamás tuvo competencias para ordenar o firmar sentencias de muerte. "Esta es una de las mentiras sobre Companys más extendidas por Internet que difunden indocumentados o sencillamente personas malvadas."

 Clicad aquí si hace falta para acceder al texto entero

15 d’oct. 2020

Catalan laws referred to the Spanish Constitutional Court, 2012-2016

 A list of Catalan laws referred to the Spanish Constitutional Court by the Spanish government (at the time, PP), just between 2012 and 2016. 

Click below to read the whole post, if need be

Declaration of Perpignan by three presidents of Catalonia (9 OCT 2020)

The Perpignan Declaration, by three presidents of Catalonia (9 OCT 2020)
Catalan, English and French versions.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

14 d’oct. 2020

Conferència de Nick Hanauer, "El secret lleig del capitalisme - i un nou camí per avançar" (TED talk, 2019)

L'empresari Nick Hanauer ofereix una excel·lent xerrada TED sobre el neocapitalisme i què cal fer-ne, amb els rics cada cop més rics i els pobres cada cop més pobres. 

Clica aquí sota per llegir-ne una traducció (amb permís del conferenciant)

11 d’oct. 2020

Editorial by Vicent Partal, "This isn't just revenge: it's oppression" (29 JUL 2020)

English translation of an article by Vicent Partal, director of Vilaweb (with his permission), "No és venjança i prou: és opressió". It comments on the latest measures against the rights of the convicted Catalan political prisoners.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

Twitter thread by Rosa Cabús on Catalonia-Spain conflict (20 SEP 2020)

Here is an English translation of a Twitter thread by Rosa Cabús, who has authorized it) on the Catalonia-Spain conflict.
Click to read the whole post, if need be

8 d’oct. 2020

Article by Jorge Cagiao, "Spain has not reacted like a liberal democracy to the Catalan challenge" (25 NOV 2019)

This is an English rendering (by MS), with the author's permission, of an article by Jorge Cagiao criticizing the way Spain has reacted to the Catalan pro-independence movement.

Click below to read the whole post, if need be

Thread by Ramir de Porrata-Doria on the Catalan economy (4 OCT 2020)

This is an English rendering (by MS, with the author's permission) of a successful (more than 2,000 retweets) Twitter thread by Ramir de Porrata-Doria on the way Spain damages the Catalan economy. 

Click to read the whole post, if need be.

Article de Vicent Partal, "Le Roi et les juges se démasquent et la crise en Espagne devient monumentale" (25 SEPT 2020)

Editorial de Vicent Partal, pour VilaWeb, paru le 25.09.2020 à 21:50.

Traduit en français par Miquel-Àngel Sànchez Fèrriz, avec l'autorisation de l'auteur. Révisé par Anyeline Genicot.

Cliquez ici pour visionner le post en entier, s'il le faut.

27 de set. 2020

Acuerdos entre la UE y España para el uso del catalán, el gallego y el euskera (2005-2009)

La vertebración del canal para dar efectividad de los acuerdos entre España y las distintas instituciones de la Unión Europea sobre el uso del catalán, el gallego y el euskera por parte de los ciudadanos, nunca ha funcionado.

Clicad aquí si hace falta para acceder al texto entero

26 de set. 2020

"La lluita a l'exili", de Carles Puigdemont (extractes)

Extractes del llibre de Carles Puigdemont i Xevi Xirgo "La lluita a l'exili" (2020) 

Clica aquí si cal per accedir al text sencer

20 de set. 2020

La felicitat i la Constitució de Cadis

Agraeixo al piulador Isma López aquest text, inspirat segurament, entre altres textos, en el "pursuit of happiness" de la Declaració de Drets de Virginia de 1776, prefaci de la Constitució dels Estats Units.
Clica aquí si cal per accedir al text sencer

11 de set. 2020

Twitter thread on political prisoners by Andreu Van Der Eynde (10 SEPT 2020)

English translation of a Twitter thread by Andreu Van Der Eynde, lawyer of Oriol Junqueras MEP and Raül Romeva, two of the Catalan political prisoners, on their unjust treatment in prison.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

5 de set. 2020

The floundering of Spain's judicial strategy, by Carles Puigdemont et al (16 August 2020)

This is an English rendering (by MS, with improvements by MT: thanks) of an article published in La Vanguardia by exiled Catalan leaders Carles Puigdemont, Clara Ponsatí, Toni Comín and Lluís Puig. If they have any objection, I shall delete it at once.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

16 d’ag. 2020


Declaració d'ADIC Parlament, per la censura unilateral d'una Resolució parlamentària per part del secretari general de la institució.
Clica aquí si cal per accedir al text sencer

4 d’ag. 2020

Resolució 27 octubre 2017

Resolució del Parlament de Catalunya núm. XXX/XI, de 27 d'octubre de 2017, de la Declaració dels Representants de Catalunya.
Clica aquí si cal per accedir al text sencer

15 de jul. 2020

Conversation between PM Rajoy and Catalan President Puigdemont

An extract from a recently launched book by Rt. Hon. Carles Puigdemont, 130th president of Catalonia.

Click to read the whole post, if need be.

13 de jul. 2020

12 de jul. 2020

17 de juny 2020

The Supreme Court and the Catalan language (16 JUN 2020)

The Spanish Supreme Court ruled in June that "Valencian is only official in the Valencian community, when the scientific community and the Valencia language authority itself recognise it is the local name for the Catalan language. Here is an English translation of a declaration by the FOLC

Click to read the whole post, if need be.

16 de juny 2020

Article by the father of Xavi Martínez, one of the 16 people killed in a terrorist attack in Barcelona, 17 AUG 2017

This is a translation of the home page of the website set up by Javier Martínez and relatives of Xavi, a 3-year-old boy killed in the terrorist attack in the Rambla, Barcelona. They clamour, up to now without success, for an official investigation of the background to the attacks, including the possible connivance of the Spanish authorities.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

6 de juny 2020

Twitter thread by David Ferrer on Catalan independence and political parties

English translation of a Twitter thread by David Ferrer (@DFerrerC) on 5 June 2020.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

"À vous, unioniste, que je vois si convaincu !", article de Paco Martínez

Une des assemblées de base de l‘Assemblea Nacional Catalana*, l’assemblée des retraités, tient le blog où depuis le 15 mars 2020 est publié l‘article en espagnol «Unionista, a ti que te veo tan convencido», dont l’auteur est un ....

Cliquez ici , s'il faut, pour lire l'article entier.

28 de maig 2020

"To you, Unionist", an open letter by Paco Martínez (English translation)

What Spain seems incapable of understanding is why so many Catalans who support independence are not Catalan-born. Paco Martinez, who came to live in Catalonia decades ago, expresses his views very clearly here.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.


David Fernàndez (not to be confused with the former CUP MP and journalist) hammers home a clear message: Spaniards, you let Fascism act in Catalonia - without a word of complaint - to try and stop a completely peaceful, democratic independence movement. So don't expect our support now!
Click to read the whole post, if need be.