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31 de gen. 2019

"301 actos de violencia golpista en 2018"

He llegit amb interès que una entitat autoanomenada Cataluña Somos Todos "entrega al Relator de la ONU los 301 actos de violencia golpista perpetrados en 2018 por el separatismo catalán".

Essent el moviment independentista un moviment que SEMPRE ha defensat la no violència i la resistència passiva, m'ha preocupat la notícia i he investigat el contingut de l'esmentat informe, sobre els "301 actos de violencia golpista".

No cal dir que rebutjo tot acte de violència, d'intolerància. Dit això, us convido a llegir-los. Tots 301. I si voleu, en comentem alguns...

29 de gen. 2019

Supreme Court says ECHR judgment on S. Demirtas has no bearing on the Catalans' pre-trial detention

The Spanish Supreme Court claims the ECHR judgment on Selahattin Demirtas MP has no bearing on the pre-trial detention of the Catalan political prisoners.
Click here if need be to read the whole post.

27 de gen. 2019

English translation of John Carlin's article "El españolito cabreado", on Mario Vargas Llosa

This is an English translation of an article by John Carlin, "El españolito cabreado", about Mario Vargas Llosa's phobia of all things Catalan. I hope Mr. Carlin doesn't mind. If he has one, I'll willingly replace this text!
Click here if need be to read the whole post.

#MakeAMove. A new Catalan National Assemblea campaign

An unofficial trabnslation of the letter sent to members of the Catalan National Assembly, on the coming show trials against Catalan social and political leaders in Madrid.
Click here if need be to read the whole post.

24 de gen. 2019

TEXTOS: Cronologia 7 (9-12/2018) de textos -judicials o no- relacionats amb el 20/9/2017, 1/10/2017 i 21/12/2017

De setembre a desembre de 2018

Una cronologia de textos legals i judicials, entre d'altres, relacionats amb l'u d'octubre i el 21 de desembre de 2017.
**** Clica a "Més informació" per accedir al llistat ****


Click here if need be to read the whole post.

21 de gen. 2019

Interesting paper by Jaume López: "Catalonia and the right to self-determination"

This is an interesting paper by professor Jaume López, "Catalonia and the right to self-determination in the 21st century", read at the United Nations, Geneva, in March 2018. I hope the author does not mind my reproducing the text.
Click here if need be to read the whole post.

20 de gen. 2019


This is a preliminary English translation of the 73-page "INFORME OBSERVATORI GARANTIES DEMOCRÀTIQUES" by Luís Remiro and Erick Álvarez. It was sent to me by the Director of the Col·legi de Politòlegs i Sociòlegs de Catalunya, with permission to post both it and an English translation on this blog.
Click here if need be to read the whole post.

18 de gen. 2019


This 73-page "INFORME OBSERVATORI GARANTIES DEMOCRÀTIQUES" by Luís Remiro and Erick Alvarez was sent to me by the Director of the Col·legi de Politòlegs i Sociòlegs de Catalunya, with permission to post both it and an English translation on this blog.
Click here if need be to read the whole post.

16 de gen. 2019

Forn's counsel's brief (resumé in Catalan)

Here is an English rendering of an article summarising Joaquim Forn's counsel's brief, published on 15 JAN 2019. If the source objects I shall of course delete it.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

Sànchez, Rull and Turull's counsels' brief (resumé in Catalan)

Here is an English rendering of an article summarising Jordi Sàncehz, Josep Rull and Jordi Turull's counsels' brief, published on 15 JAN 2019. If the source objects I shall of course delete it.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

Jordi Cuixart's counsel's brief. 13 JAN 2019

Here is an English rendering of an article summarising Jordi Cuxart's counsels' brief, published on 13 JAN 2019. If the source objects I shall of course delete it.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

Carme Forcadell's counsel's brief (resumé in English)

Here is an English rendering of an article summarising the Carme Forcadell's counsel's brief, published on 16 JAN 2019. If the source objects I shall of course delete it.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

14 de gen. 2019

Catalonia, FDI Strategy award for large regions

"Barcelona retains its crown as the leading major city for FDI Strategy in fDi’s European Cities and Regions of the Future 2018/19 ranking." 12 FEB 2018
Click here if need be to read the whole post

Junqueras' and Romeva's counsels' brief (summary)

Here is an English rendering of an article summarising the Junqueras' and Romeva's counsels' case, published on 13 JAN 2019. If the source objects I shall of course delete it.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

10 de gen. 2019

Manifesto by "Grandparents"

A group of Catalan "grandparents" set up in protest at Spain's hamfisted treatment of Catalonia's political and social leaders, and its right of self-determination, issued a manifesto on January 10 2019. Here is an English translation of it (by M.S.).

Click here if need be to read the whole post

Joan Ridao: Notes on 2010 Constitutional Court judgement

Note about the Constitutional Court Judgment on the 2006 Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, by Joan Ridao [2010].
Click here if need be to read the whole post

5 de gen. 2019

Andrej Hunko MP (Die Linke) visits Els Lledoners prison.

This is a press release by ANC Hamburg on the visit of Andrej Hunko MP (Die Linke,) to Els Lledoners prison.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

4 de gen. 2019


Here is an English translation of a bizarrre incident purportedly involving Catalan policemen in an accident on December 21 2018.
Click here if need be to read the whole post