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25 d’oct. 2020

An article by lawyer Gonzalo Boye: From Schleswig to Trapero (25 OCT 2020)

An English translation (by MS) of an article by Gonzalo Boye, on the acquittal of Chief Superintendent Trapero and colleagues.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

Article by Toni Strubell "Spanish Sociopathy" (23 OCT 2020)

 An English translation (by MS) of an article by Toni Strubell (with the author's permission), La Sociopatia antiseparatista.

Click to read the whole post, if need be.

Jordi Cuixart's downloadable e-book (22 OCT 2020)

Jordi Cuixart, the president of Òmnium Cultural who has been in prison for three years, has written a book, now published in an English version as "We'll do it again".
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

24 d’oct. 2020

An article by Vicenç Villatoro, "The Cornerstone", in English (22 OCT 2020)

Here is English translation (by MS) of an article by Vicenç Villatoro, with his permission, on the implications - for the Catalan political prisoners' conviction - of the acquittal of Chief Superintendent Trapero.
Click to read the whole post, if need be. 

18 d’oct. 2020

El presidente Lluís Companys: la verdad!

Un interesante y clarificador hilo de Josep Vives (que reproduzco con su autorización) sobre el president Lluís Companys, que jamás tuvo competencias para ordenar o firmar sentencias de muerte. "Esta es una de las mentiras sobre Companys más extendidas por Internet que difunden indocumentados o sencillamente personas malvadas."

 Clicad aquí si hace falta para acceder al texto entero

15 d’oct. 2020

Catalan laws referred to the Spanish Constitutional Court, 2012-2016

 A list of Catalan laws referred to the Spanish Constitutional Court by the Spanish government (at the time, PP), just between 2012 and 2016. 

Click below to read the whole post, if need be

Declaration of Perpignan by three presidents of Catalonia (9 OCT 2020)

The Perpignan Declaration, by three presidents of Catalonia (9 OCT 2020)
Catalan, English and French versions.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

14 d’oct. 2020

Conferència de Nick Hanauer, "El secret lleig del capitalisme - i un nou camí per avançar" (TED talk, 2019)

L'empresari Nick Hanauer ofereix una excel·lent xerrada TED sobre el neocapitalisme i què cal fer-ne, amb els rics cada cop més rics i els pobres cada cop més pobres. 

Clica aquí sota per llegir-ne una traducció (amb permís del conferenciant)

11 d’oct. 2020

Editorial by Vicent Partal, "This isn't just revenge: it's oppression" (29 JUL 2020)

English translation of an article by Vicent Partal, director of Vilaweb (with his permission), "No és venjança i prou: és opressió". It comments on the latest measures against the rights of the convicted Catalan political prisoners.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.

Twitter thread by Rosa Cabús on Catalonia-Spain conflict (20 SEP 2020)

Here is an English translation of a Twitter thread by Rosa Cabús, who has authorized it) on the Catalonia-Spain conflict.
Click to read the whole post, if need be

8 d’oct. 2020

Article by Jorge Cagiao, "Spain has not reacted like a liberal democracy to the Catalan challenge" (25 NOV 2019)

This is an English rendering (by MS), with the author's permission, of an article by Jorge Cagiao criticizing the way Spain has reacted to the Catalan pro-independence movement.

Click below to read the whole post, if need be

Thread by Ramir de Porrata-Doria on the Catalan economy (4 OCT 2020)

This is an English rendering (by MS, with the author's permission) of a successful (more than 2,000 retweets) Twitter thread by Ramir de Porrata-Doria on the way Spain damages the Catalan economy. 

Click to read the whole post, if need be.

Article de Vicent Partal, "Le Roi et les juges se démasquent et la crise en Espagne devient monumentale" (25 SEPT 2020)

Editorial de Vicent Partal, pour VilaWeb, paru le 25.09.2020 à 21:50.

Traduit en français par Miquel-Àngel Sànchez Fèrriz, avec l'autorisation de l'auteur. Révisé par Anyeline Genicot.

Cliquez ici pour visionner le post en entier, s'il le faut.