Extracte de l’INDEX DE DEMOCRÀCIA DE The Economist per a 2019, a Espanya, que es fixa en el resultat del judici a nou líders separatistes catalans / Extract from The Economist's DEMOCRACY INDEX 2019, on Spain, which concentrates on the outcome of the trial of nine Catalan separatist leaders.
Click here DEMOCRACY INDEX 2019
.. "A Espanya, la condemna del Tribunal Suprem, l'octubre del 2019, de nou líders independentistes catalans a penes de presó d'entre 9 i 13 anys pel seu paper en la fallida campanya d'independència de la regió el 2017 va provocar un rebuig generalitzat i manifestacions massives a Catalunya. El tribunal va absoldre els nou acusats de l'acusació de rebel·lió violenta, però els va condemnar per acusacions de sedició, malversació i desobediència. Per molt que la sentència complís amb la lletra de la llei els llargs condemnes de presó per als polítics electes per delictes com la sedició no foren fins l'escrit de la democràcia. Amb la seva resposta excessivament legalista a l’hora de tractar la qüestió catalana, les autoritats espanyoles han mostrat una falta de confiança per abordar el tema mitjançant el diàleg polític i el debat obert, afeblint les seves credencials democràtiques se passada. Aquestes deficiències ja foren recollides en una davallada de la puntuació d’Espanya el 2017-18, i la modesta millora de la seva puntuació en l'Índex de Democràcia del 2019 reflecteix una millora en relació a una pregunta relativa a les eleccions locals, que es van celebrar el 9 de maig i es va considerar que havien estat lliures i justes".
... "In Spain, the sentencing by the Supreme Court in October 2019 of nine Catalan separatist leaders to prison terms of between nine and 13 years for their role in the region's failed independence campaign in 2017 provoked widespread condemnation and mass demonstrations in Catalonia. The court acquitted all nine accused of the charge of violent rebellion but convicted them of charges of sedition, misuse of public funds and disobedience. Although the sentencing complied with the letter of the law the long prison terms for elected politicians on charges such as sedition were not in the spirit of democracy. With their excessively legalistic responsè to dealing with the Catalan question the Spanish authorities have shown a lack of confidence in addressing the issue through political dialogue and open debate, weakening their democratic credentials in the process. These deficiencies were already captured in a decline in Spain's score in 2017-18. The very modest improvement in its score in the 2019 Democracy Index reflects an improvement in relation to one question concerning local elections, which were held on May 9 and were deemed to have been free and fair." (p. 48-49)
c The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2020
... "In Spain, the sentencing by the Supreme Court in October 2019 of nine Catalan separatist leaders to prison terms of between nine and 13 years for their role in the region's failed independence campaign in 2017 provoked widespread condemnation and mass demonstrations in Catalonia. The court acquitted all nine accused of the charge of violent rebellion but convicted them of charges of sedition, misuse of public funds and disobedience. Although the sentencing complied with the letter of the law the long prison terms for elected politicians on charges such as sedition were not in the spirit of democracy. With their excessively legalistic responsè to dealing with the Catalan question the Spanish authorities have shown a lack of confidence in addressing the issue through political dialogue and open debate, weakening their democratic credentials in the process. These deficiencies were already captured in a decline in Spain's score in 2017-18. The very modest improvement in its score in the 2019 Democracy Index reflects an improvement in relation to one question concerning local elections, which were held on May 9 and were deemed to have been free and fair." (p. 48-49)
c The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2020
.@TheEconomist: “Although the sentencing complied with the letter of the law, the long prison terms for elected politicians on charges such as sedition were not in the spirit of democracy.” pic.twitter.com/8rR6f6qDHc— Josep Goded (@josepgoded) January 23, 2020
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