Not earth-shaking, but perhaps interesting to some.
This is a transcript on 1979 hearings before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the US Congress Committee of Foreign Affairs, where Catalonia and the Basque country are mentioned.
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This is a transcript on 1979 hearings before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the US Congress Committee of Foreign Affairs, where Catalonia and the Basque country are mentioned.
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(Part 3)
Subcommittee on
Europe and the Middle East
Economic and Military Aid Programs in Europe and the Middle East
FEBRUARY 1, 3, 14, 22, 26, 28; MARCH 1, 5 and 6 1979
U.S. Government Printing Office
Mr. Studds. Mrs. Fenwick.
Mrs. Fenwick. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mrs. Fenwick. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I am particularly interested in the prohlems connected with the Basque Situation and Catalonia. I lived in Spain for 4 years.
What is the chance of a peaceful outcome for the Basques? How do we gage [sic] their strength and what effect do you think the movement will have on the Spanish Govemment?
Ms. Ahmad*. If you have lived there for 4 years, you may well know the situation even better than I. In terms of the Basque problem, it is a serious one. It is the source of the majority of the terrorism that is being carried out now.
The terrorists appear to want to force the government into repressive action. This is understood by virtually everyone concerned. So far they have not been successful. We do not see them being successful at this point in time in forcing an overreaction from the government.
It is a serious problem. After these elections are over, it will be necessary to take up in the Cortes the legislation implementing the degree of autonomy that the Rregions who want more autonomy will have.
At this point, I would not want to say whether or not this is a last-ditch effort on the part of the terrorists or whether we can expect it to continue or increase. In terms of the present situation, the terrorist activity does appear to be designed to work against the democratic government.
I think the situation is much more encouraging in Catalonia. Terrorism is not non-existent there, but it is nothing like the Basque situation. I think the Catalonians, as you well may appreciate, feel confident that they can work out something.
* Ms. Sharon Ahmad, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
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economic problems have barely begun to be addressed: the inefficiency of the huge and ... backing, to playing second fiddle to Gonzalez' Socialist Party); this might provoke sharp right-wing and army reactions. ... the Basque independence movement and the Catalonian drive for autonomy represent real threats to national unity.
, 142-3 Mauritius: Chinese loan, 92, 174 Middle East, 181 Mongolia: Soviet forces in ... 120 Venezuela: diplomatic relations, 118 Vietnam, North: military aid, 41, 119, 122, 125, 197 Yemen, 187 Chinamano, ... 152 Cuba, 226 European Community, 73 Executive Committee meeting, 152 Finland: economic co- operation, 63, 69, ...
* Ms. Sharon Ahmad, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
Committee on Foreign Affairs. and assist in the acquisition of new fighter aircraft and improved airto-air missiles. ... Can you tell the subcommittee what Spain's reasons were for the denial of that stopover and what our transit rights generally are with respect to the bases in Spain, and whether this particular ... I am particularly interested in the problems connected with the Basque situation and Catalonia.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East - 1977 - Llegits - Més edicions
Security, Economic, and Political Issues : Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the ... Its limited electoral support (9.2 percent), together with the absence of any semblance of hegemony in the divided ... clear that the great majority of the population in Catalonia and the Basque provinces expects and will insist upon some degree of autonomy. ... The Spanish army, a main underpinning of the Franco dictatorship, has at least for the present been effectively ...Western Europe in 1978: Political Trends and U.S. Policy : ...
- Pàgina 80- Tradueix aquesta pàgina
United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East - 1978 - Llegits - Més edicions
Political Trends and U.S. Policy : Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on ... Italy's formidable socio-politico-
1992 - Visualització de fragments - Més edicions
... economic relations Nov 26 90 29 --- Calfa Meets With Gonzalez On Economic Relations military relations Oct 10 90 17--- ... 11 90 17--- Calfa Receives Catalonian Delegation 10 December Czechoslovakia/Swaziland diplomatic relations Jan 791 ... Czechoslovakia/Syria economic relations Jan 25 91.27--- Cabinet Discusses Vienna Talks, CEMA, Taxes military aid ... Dienstbier On Exporting Tanks To Syria May 8 91 14--- Charter 77 Protests Arms Sales To Middle East May 991 5–7 ...
1990 - Visualització de fragments - Més edicions
East Europe. Index. CZECHOSLOVAKIA (continued) Czechoslovakia/Spain economic relations NOV 26 90 29 ... Dec 11 90 17--- Calfa Receives Catalonian Delegation 10 December Czechoslovakia/Swaziland diplomatic relations Jan 791 20 ... Czechoslovakia/Syria economic relations Jan 25 9127 --- Cabinet Discusses Vienna Talks, CEMA, Taxes military aid and ... Dienstbier On Exporting Tanks To Syria May 8 91 14--- Charter 77 Protests Arms Sales To Middle East May 991 5–7 ...
2006 - Visualització de fragments - Més edicions
Still that morning, in a blatant display of either political blindness or unabated cynicism, the Spanish foreign minister, Ana Palacios. ... will be reversed as the Socialists' Catalan experience has demonstrated the possibility of compromise and understanding. ... of the willing' has lost one of its central actors, and British prime minister Tony Blair has lost a key ally in Europe. ... The peoples of the Middle East have to be taken into account; they have to be listened to and not prescribed ...
1972 - Visualització de fragments - Més edicions
... Dr Fidel, Cuban Prime Minister: official visits, 114, 157 Catalan nationalists, 221-2 Cato, Milton, St Vincent Prime Minister: 33, ... 199 Malta: Chinese loan, 120
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