Supreme Court case law on civil disobedience. On the date of this post it seemed clear that the Supreme Court's own case-law would lead to Jordi Sanchez (AMC) and Jordi Cuixart's (Omnium Cultural) acquittal.
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Sala de lo Penal
SENTENCIA N° : 480/2009
Excmos. Sres. :
D. Juan Saavedra Ruiz
D. Andrés Martinez Arrieta
D. Manuel Maza Martín
D. Miguel Colmenero Menéndez de Luarca
D. Juan Ramón Berdugo Gómez de la Torre
"La desobediencia civil puede ser concebida como un método legítimo de discrepancia frente al Estado, cuya admisión como tal forma de ideologia o pensamiento, no puede ser cuestionada en un Estado democràtico."
Sentencia Núm. 480/2009 del Tribunal Supremo
My translation: "Civil disobedience can be construed as a legitimate method of discrepancy with the State, the admission of which, as such a form of ideology or thought, cannot be questioned in a democratic State."
Supreme Court Judgment No. 480/2009 of the
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