Communiqué (translated into English) issued by the North Catalan delegation of Europe Écologie Les Verts, on Catalonia's National Day 2019, calling for the release of the political prisoners.
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Since the death of FRANCO, every year, it mobilizes hundreds of thousands of Catalans. And several million since 2010, who claim the creation of a "Republica Catalana".
This year, everyone will have in mind the unjust trial of politicians and civil society leaders in pre-trial imprisonment for more than a year and a half, the verdict will be issued this autumn. EELV North Catalonia supports the people of Catalonia in their test. It calls for them to be able to choose democratically and freely their future, and demands in advance the return of the politicians from exiles, as well as the release of the political prisoners".
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Diada. EELV North Catalonia calls for release of political prisoners
The 11 September "Diada", a national holiday in Catalonia, is traditionally a day of protest and rallies.Since the death of FRANCO, every year, it mobilizes hundreds of thousands of Catalans. And several million since 2010, who claim the creation of a "Republica Catalana".
This year, everyone will have in mind the unjust trial of politicians and civil society leaders in pre-trial imprisonment for more than a year and a half, the verdict will be issued this autumn. EELV North Catalonia supports the people of Catalonia in their test. It calls for them to be able to choose democratically and freely their future, and demands in advance the return of the politicians from exiles, as well as the release of the political prisoners".
original (French)Diada. EELV Pays Catalan demande la libération des prisonniers politiques
La Diada du 11 septembre, fête nationale en Catalogne, est traditionnellement un jour de revendication et de défilés.
Depuis la mort de FRANCO, chaque année, elle mobilise des centaines de milliers de Catalans. Et plusieurs millions depuis 2010, qui réclament la création d'une « Republica Catalana ».
Cette année, tout le monde aura en téte le procès inique des responsables politiques et associatifs emprisonnés à titre préventifs depuis de plus d'un an et demi, dont le verdict tombera cet automne. EELV Pays Catalan soutient le peuple de Catalogne dans son épreuve. Il demande qu'il puisse choisir démocratiquement et librement son avenir, et réclame en préalable le retour des exilés politiques, ainsi que la libération des prisonniers politiques».
En un comunicat en motiu de la Diada de Catalunya, EELV (Europe Écologie Les Verts), el partit ecologista francès liderat per Yannick Jadot (13,5% dels vots a les últimes europees), reafirma el seu suport al poble de Catalunya, als exiliats i presos polítics catalans.— Josep BONET 🎗 (@jepbonet) September 10, 2019
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