Judge Ramírez Sunyer withdraws charges of rebellion, sedition, etc. against forty Catalans involved in the self-determination referendum of October 1 2017. (8 OCT 2018) English translation (by M.S.)
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Source: https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/el-jutjat-13-retira-lacusacio-de-rebellio-i-sedicio-a-desenes-dinvestigats-despres-dun-any-damenaca/
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Source: https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/el-jutjat-13-retira-lacusacio-de-rebellio-i-sedicio-a-desenes-dinvestigats-despres-dun-any-damenaca/
Court 13 withdraws charges of rebellion and sedition against dozens of suspects after a year of threat
He acknowledges that does not have jurisdiction as judge to investigate these offences after months of having investigated them
Josep Casulleras Nualart and Josep Rexach Fumanya
8 OCT 2018 12:52
After more than a year maintaining the threat of chages of rebellion and sedition against dozens of people, many of whom are senior officials of the Generalitat, investigating court No. 13 of Barcelona has confirmed that it has ceased to investigate for these two offences the forty-odd people chaged with having had something to do with the October 1 [referendum] and the independence process. This has been confirmed to VilaWeb by defence sources of some of those investigated. This investigation, which began before the one the Supreme is undertaking, has advanced in parallel, and has fueled with data obtained irregularly Pablo Llarena's investigation. Throughout this time, since the beginning of 2017, Judge Juan Antonio Ramírez Sunyer has been summonsing dozens of people on various charges, ranging from rebellion and sedition to the revelation of secrets, embezzlement, contempt of court and prevarication. Now the charges of rebellion and sedition are upheld by the Supreme Court against the political prisoners, and the Spanish National Court against Major Trapero and deputy Laplana on charges of sedition and of belonging to a criminal organization.
After a voluble investigation which began with an investigation into all these different offences, the judge has witten a resolution, in which he indicated that he saw signs of embezzlement, 'among others.' It must be taken into account that to take this step, to go ahead with the proceedings, the judge has to justify that he has suspicions of offenses that surpass nine years of imprisonment. With rebellion and sedition he would have had enough as they entail sentences of thirty and fifteen years, respectively, but Ramírez only retained the offence of embezzlement, with up to eight years in prison. To reach the threshold of nine years, he says that he has reliable evidence that the embezzled amount is more than €250,000, which is an aggravating factor.
The lawyers of the affected parties asked the judge for an explanation, because suddenly they saw that the offences of rebellion and sedition of the investigation had disappeared. And now they have received the judge's response to the clarification: "At the moment and despite the fact that were this to be the case, the investigation would not be in the jurisdiction of this court, there were no indications of participation in these crimes [rebellion and sedition] of the people thus far investigated in this case". That is, not only does he claim that he does not now see signs of these crimes, but also says that he would not be the competent judge to investigate them. And despite this, he has spent months investigating them and entrusting reports to the Civil Guard about this suspicion of commission of offences.
An irregular investigation
This investigation started following a complaint lodged by the ultra-right Vox party against Lluis Salvadó, Carles Viver i Pi-Sunyer, Carles Puigdemont, Carles Mundó, Oriol Junqueras and former judge Santi Vidal, for statements by the latter in which, among other things, he claimed that the Generalitat had illegally obtained the Catalans' tax data. The TSJC dismissed the admission to the process of that complaint, but it sent it to court No. 13 to decide on those who had no parliamentary privileges, that is, Salvadó and Viver. Ramirez Sunyer did not hesitate and accepted the rebellion complaint, sedition (months later, these crimes were to made against the government), disclosure of secrets, embezzlement, contempt of court and prevarication.
Wheeas initially they were investigations of Santi Vidal's statements, they later led to investigations into state structures that were supposedly being prepared at the Institute for Self-Government Studies, and finally, the judge focused on the referendum. In May, the Civil Guard began to summons administration officials, civil servants and senior officials of the Generalitat. The judge denied any investigation into the referendum. A year later, he acknowledged that he was investigating it.
More information: 20-S: història dels abusos d’un magistrat a l’ombra
8 OCT 2018 12:52
After more than a year maintaining the threat of chages of rebellion and sedition against dozens of people, many of whom are senior officials of the Generalitat, investigating court No. 13 of Barcelona has confirmed that it has ceased to investigate for these two offences the forty-odd people chaged with having had something to do with the October 1 [referendum] and the independence process. This has been confirmed to VilaWeb by defence sources of some of those investigated. This investigation, which began before the one the Supreme is undertaking, has advanced in parallel, and has fueled with data obtained irregularly Pablo Llarena's investigation. Throughout this time, since the beginning of 2017, Judge Juan Antonio Ramírez Sunyer has been summonsing dozens of people on various charges, ranging from rebellion and sedition to the revelation of secrets, embezzlement, contempt of court and prevarication. Now the charges of rebellion and sedition are upheld by the Supreme Court against the political prisoners, and the Spanish National Court against Major Trapero and deputy Laplana on charges of sedition and of belonging to a criminal organization.
After a voluble investigation which began with an investigation into all these different offences, the judge has witten a resolution, in which he indicated that he saw signs of embezzlement, 'among others.' It must be taken into account that to take this step, to go ahead with the proceedings, the judge has to justify that he has suspicions of offenses that surpass nine years of imprisonment. With rebellion and sedition he would have had enough as they entail sentences of thirty and fifteen years, respectively, but Ramírez only retained the offence of embezzlement, with up to eight years in prison. To reach the threshold of nine years, he says that he has reliable evidence that the embezzled amount is more than €250,000, which is an aggravating factor.
The lawyers of the affected parties asked the judge for an explanation, because suddenly they saw that the offences of rebellion and sedition of the investigation had disappeared. And now they have received the judge's response to the clarification: "At the moment and despite the fact that were this to be the case, the investigation would not be in the jurisdiction of this court, there were no indications of participation in these crimes [rebellion and sedition] of the people thus far investigated in this case". That is, not only does he claim that he does not now see signs of these crimes, but also says that he would not be the competent judge to investigate them. And despite this, he has spent months investigating them and entrusting reports to the Civil Guard about this suspicion of commission of offences.
An irregular investigation
This investigation started following a complaint lodged by the ultra-right Vox party against Lluis Salvadó, Carles Viver i Pi-Sunyer, Carles Puigdemont, Carles Mundó, Oriol Junqueras and former judge Santi Vidal, for statements by the latter in which, among other things, he claimed that the Generalitat had illegally obtained the Catalans' tax data. The TSJC dismissed the admission to the process of that complaint, but it sent it to court No. 13 to decide on those who had no parliamentary privileges, that is, Salvadó and Viver. Ramirez Sunyer did not hesitate and accepted the rebellion complaint, sedition (months later, these crimes were to made against the government), disclosure of secrets, embezzlement, contempt of court and prevarication.
Wheeas initially they were investigations of Santi Vidal's statements, they later led to investigations into state structures that were supposedly being prepared at the Institute for Self-Government Studies, and finally, the judge focused on the referendum. In May, the Civil Guard began to summons administration officials, civil servants and senior officials of the Generalitat. The judge denied any investigation into the referendum. A year later, he acknowledged that he was investigating it.
More information: 20-S: història dels abusos d’un magistrat a l’ombra
El jutjat 13 retira l’acusació de rebel·lió i sedició a desenes d’investigats després d’un any d’amenaça
Reconeix que no és jutge competent per a investigar aquests delictes després de mesos d'haver-los investigat
Josep Casulleras Nualart i Josep Rexach Fumanya
Josep Casulleras Nualart i Josep Rexach Fumanya
8.10.2018 12:52
Després de més d’un any mantenint l’amenaça de l’acusació per rebel·lió i sedició contra desenes de persones, molts dels quals alts càrrecs de la Generalitat, el jutjat d’instrucció número 13 de Barcelona ha confirmat que ha deixat d’investigar per aquests dos delictes la quarantena d’acusats d’haver tingut alguna cosa a veure amb l’1-O i amb el procés d’independència. Així ho han confirmat fonts de la defensa d’alguns dels investigats a VilaWeb. Aquesta investigació, que va començar abans de la que porta el Suprem, ha avançat en paral·lel, i ha alimentat de dades obtingudes de manera irregular la instrucció de Pablo Llarena. Durant tot aquest temps, des de començament del 2017, el jutge Juan Antonio Ramírez Sunyer ha anat citant desenes de persones investigades per diversos delictes, que anaven de la rebel·lió i la sedició a la revelació de secrets, la malversació, la desobediència i la prevaricació. Ara l’acusació de rebel·lió i sedició la manté el Suprem contra els presos polítics, i l’Audiència espanyola contra el major Trapero i la intendent Laplana en el cas de sedició i de pertinença a organització criminal.
Després d’una instrucció voluble i que va començar amb una investigació sobre tots aquests delictes diferents, el jutge ha fet una interlocutòria d’incoació del sumari, en què ha assenyalat que veia indicis de malversació, ‘entre altres’. Cal tenir en compte que per a fer aquest pas, per a incoar el sumari, el jutge ha de justificar que té sospites de delictes que superen nou anys de pena. Amb la rebel·lió i la sedició n’hauria tingut prou perquè impliquen penes de trenta anys i quinze, respectivament, però Ramírez només ha fet constar-hi el delicte de malversació, d’un màxim de vuit anys de pena. Per a superar el llindar dels nou anys, diu que té proves fefaents que la quantitat defraudada seria de més de 250.000, cosa que és un agreujant.
Els advocats dels afectats van demanar un aclariment al jutge, perquè de cop i volta veien que havien desaparegut els delictes de rebel·lió i de sedició de la investigació. I ara han rebut la resposta del jutge a l’aclariment: ‘De moment i malgrat que en el seu cas no correspondria la instrucció a aquest jutjat, no s’han observat indicis de participació en aquests delictes [rebel·lió i sedició] dels fins ara investigats en aquesta causa.’ És a dir, no només afirma que ara no veu indicis d’aquests delictes sinó que també diu que no seria el jutge competent per a investigar-los. I això que s’ha passat mesos investigant-los i encarregant diligències a la Guàrdia Civil sobre aquesta sospita de comissió de delictes.
Una investigació irregular
Aquesta investigació neix arran d’una denúncia del partit ultradretà Vox contra Lluís Salvadó, Carles Viver i Pi-Sunyer, Carles Puigdemont, Carles Mundó, Oriol Junqueras i l’ex-jutge Santi Vidal, per unes declaracions d’aquest darrer en què, entre més coses, assegurava que la Generalitat havia obtingut il·legalment les dades fiscals dels catalans. El TSJC va desestimar l’admissió a tràmit d’aquella querella, però la va derivar al jutjat d’instrucció número 13 perquè decidís sobre els denunciats que no eren aforats, és a dir, Salvadó i Viver. Ramírez Sunyer no en va dubtar i va acceptar la querella per rebel·lió, sedició –mesos més tard, aquests delictes s’imputaren a part del govern–, revelació de secrets, malversació, desobediència i prevaricació.
Si inicialment eren unes investigacions per les declaracions de Santi Vidal, després van derivar en investigacions contra les estructures d’estat que suposadament es preparaven a l’Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern i, finalment, el jutge va centrar-se en el referèndum. El mes de maig, la Guàrdia Civil va començar a citar a declarar càrrecs de l’administració, funcionaris i alts càrrecs de la Generalitat. El jutge negava qualsevol investigació del referèndum. Un any després, va reconèixer que sí que l’investigava.
Més informació: 20-S: història dels abusos d’un magistrat a l’ombra
Si inicialment eren unes investigacions per les declaracions de Santi Vidal, després van derivar en investigacions contra les estructures d’estat que suposadament es preparaven a l’Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern i, finalment, el jutge va centrar-se en el referèndum. El mes de maig, la Guàrdia Civil va començar a citar a declarar càrrecs de l’administració, funcionaris i alts càrrecs de la Generalitat. El jutge negava qualsevol investigació del referèndum. Un any després, va reconèixer que sí que l’investigava.
Més informació: 20-S: història dels abusos d’un magistrat a l’ombra
Juan Antonio Ramírez Sunyer (9 de setembre de 1947 - 4 de novembre de 2018)
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