Here is an English translation (by M.S.) of the Declaration made by the four Catalan political prisoners on ending their 20-day hunger strike, after achieving their aim: for the Constitutional Court to finally consider the violations of their fundamental rights.
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Twenty days ago today we started our hunger strike. This was a political action initiated to shake up people's conscience and will, especially those of the Constitutional Court judges that during the last year has been blocking the resolution of our protection writs with the sole purpose of delaying our access to the European Court of Human Rights.
As Lluís Maria Xirinacs liked to say, a hunger strike touches the friends and acquaintances that are at all sensitive. We know that the arrow of our action has touched the hearts of many people. We are aware that the hunger strike has managed to cause deep commotion in thousands of women and men of goodwill, whether in favour of independence or not, citizens of Catalonia, but also from all over Spain and Europe. People, all of them, committed to a present of freedom, justice and democracy.
Since the announcement of our denunciation action we have received hundreds of thousands of testimonies of support. The thousands of letters that the strikers have received during these twenty days are an example of the impact our decision has had on the conscience of so many people. The acts of support, especially the fastings, that in solidarity with our denunciation have been taking places in almost all the regions around the country, are another example.
In this area, we are honoured and we have been very aware of the public statement of the Presidents of the Generalitat and the Speakers of the Parliament of Catalonia. We share the view that the hunger strike has given visibility to our procedural situation, and have also seen that the Constitutional Court has at long last set a timetable for the resolution of the appeals we lodged.
On the 20th day of the hunger strike, we are more aware than ever before of the transformative and mobilizing capacity that each one of us has in our interior. The hunger strike has made us stronger as individuals, and we also believe that as a people, to face the next few months, that will be marked by the trial and the sentences that Spain will impose upon us to punish a whole country thanks to those who one day were the legitimate Government of Catalonia and the leaders of the main pro-sovereignty civil organizations.
Today we can say with satisfaction that thanks to this collective strength we have made an important step towards the restitution of our rights.
A few hours after the start of the hunger strike, and thanks to the impact and social shock it produced, the Constitutional informed, on Sunday, December 2, in the evening, its will to regularly address the protection appeals that up to then it had not wanted to study. This, however, is pitiful and the fact that such an extreme action as a hunger strike has had to be used, because get fundamental rights to be even minimally assured, ought to reach out to everyone. This is absolutely improper in a solvent democracy in 21st century Europe.
However, we accept this announcement as a commitment by the Constitutional Court to abandon the blockade that it has imposed upon us until now. This decision is confirmed by the first resolutions of appeals for protection and with the forecast - publicly made - that, every month, the Plenary of this Court will resolve without interruption all the pending appeals related to the Case that the Supreme Court is undertakinh against the independence movement.
After a year of inaction, the Constitutional Court has opened the drawer where our appeals for protection had been condemned to oblivion, and the door of access to the European Court of Human Rights is now open. For all these reasons, we announce that today, 20 days after its initiation, we will give up our hunger strike.
We would like to especially thank the many displays of support and solidarity received during these days. They have been our constant food and the best company, together with the unstoppable and persevering warmth of our families.
Finally, and in coherence with our commitment to non-violence, we call for the civic and peaceful attitude to overflow the streets of the country's capital on Friday with the aim, once again, of making the collective voice in favour of freedom head, with the full exercise of fundamental rights and that the will of self-determination of the people of Catalonia be respected.
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Lledoners prison, December 20, 2018Twenty days ago today we started our hunger strike. This was a political action initiated to shake up people's conscience and will, especially those of the Constitutional Court judges that during the last year has been blocking the resolution of our protection writs with the sole purpose of delaying our access to the European Court of Human Rights.
As Lluís Maria Xirinacs liked to say, a hunger strike touches the friends and acquaintances that are at all sensitive. We know that the arrow of our action has touched the hearts of many people. We are aware that the hunger strike has managed to cause deep commotion in thousands of women and men of goodwill, whether in favour of independence or not, citizens of Catalonia, but also from all over Spain and Europe. People, all of them, committed to a present of freedom, justice and democracy.
Since the announcement of our denunciation action we have received hundreds of thousands of testimonies of support. The thousands of letters that the strikers have received during these twenty days are an example of the impact our decision has had on the conscience of so many people. The acts of support, especially the fastings, that in solidarity with our denunciation have been taking places in almost all the regions around the country, are another example.
In this area, we are honoured and we have been very aware of the public statement of the Presidents of the Generalitat and the Speakers of the Parliament of Catalonia. We share the view that the hunger strike has given visibility to our procedural situation, and have also seen that the Constitutional Court has at long last set a timetable for the resolution of the appeals we lodged.
On the 20th day of the hunger strike, we are more aware than ever before of the transformative and mobilizing capacity that each one of us has in our interior. The hunger strike has made us stronger as individuals, and we also believe that as a people, to face the next few months, that will be marked by the trial and the sentences that Spain will impose upon us to punish a whole country thanks to those who one day were the legitimate Government of Catalonia and the leaders of the main pro-sovereignty civil organizations.
Today we can say with satisfaction that thanks to this collective strength we have made an important step towards the restitution of our rights.
A few hours after the start of the hunger strike, and thanks to the impact and social shock it produced, the Constitutional informed, on Sunday, December 2, in the evening, its will to regularly address the protection appeals that up to then it had not wanted to study. This, however, is pitiful and the fact that such an extreme action as a hunger strike has had to be used, because get fundamental rights to be even minimally assured, ought to reach out to everyone. This is absolutely improper in a solvent democracy in 21st century Europe.
However, we accept this announcement as a commitment by the Constitutional Court to abandon the blockade that it has imposed upon us until now. This decision is confirmed by the first resolutions of appeals for protection and with the forecast - publicly made - that, every month, the Plenary of this Court will resolve without interruption all the pending appeals related to the Case that the Supreme Court is undertakinh against the independence movement.
After a year of inaction, the Constitutional Court has opened the drawer where our appeals for protection had been condemned to oblivion, and the door of access to the European Court of Human Rights is now open. For all these reasons, we announce that today, 20 days after its initiation, we will give up our hunger strike.
We would like to especially thank the many displays of support and solidarity received during these days. They have been our constant food and the best company, together with the unstoppable and persevering warmth of our families.
Finally, and in coherence with our commitment to non-violence, we call for the civic and peaceful attitude to overflow the streets of the country's capital on Friday with the aim, once again, of making the collective voice in favour of freedom head, with the full exercise of fundamental rights and that the will of self-determination of the people of Catalonia be respected.
Avui fa vint dies de l'inici de la vaga de fam. Una acció política iniciada per remoure consciències i voluntats, especialment dels magistrats del Tribunal Constitucional que al llarg del darrer any havien vingui bloquejant la resolució dels nostres escrits d'empara amb l'únic objectiu d'endarrerir-nos l'accés al Tribunal Europeu de Drets Humans.
Com agradava dir a Lluís Maria Xirinacs, la vaga de fam toca els amics i coneguts amb una mica de sensibilitat. Sabem que la sageta de la nostra acció ha arribat al cor de molta gent. Som conscients que la vaga de fam ha pogut provocar una profunda commoció en milers de dones i homes de bona voluntat, independentistes i no independentistes, ciutadans de Catalunya però també d'arreu d'Espanya i Europa. Persones, totes elles, compromeses en un present de llibertat, justícia i democràcia.
Des de l'anunci de la nostra acció de denúncia hem rebut centenars de milers de mostres de suport. Els milers de cartes que els vaguistes hem rebut aquests vint dies són exemple de l'impacte que la nostra decisió ha tingut en les consciències de tantes i tantes persones. Els actes de suport, especialment els dejunis que solidàriament amb la nostra denúncia s'han anat succeint en quasi totes les comarques arreu del pals, en són un altre exemple.
En aquest terreny, ens honora i hem tingut ben present el comunicat públic dels presidents de la Generalitat i del Parlament de Catalunya. Compartim el criteri que la vaga de fam ha donat visibilitat a la nostra situació processal, i també la constatació que el Tribunal Constitucional ja ha posat calendari a la resolució dels recursos d'empara interposats.
En el 20è dia de la vaga de fam, som més conscients, com mai abans ho havíem estat, de la capacitat transformadora i mobilitzadora de què disposem cadascú de nosaltres en el nostre interior. La vaga de fam ens ha fet més forts com a persones, i també creiem que com a poble, per encarar els propers temps, Uns mesos que vindran marcats pel judici i les sentències que l'Estat espanyol ens imposarà per castigar a tot un país a través dels qui un dia vàrem ser el Govern legítim de Catalunya i els líders de les principals entitats civils sobiranistes.
Avui podem dir amb satisfacció que gràcies a aquesta fortalesa col·lectiva hem fet un pas important en la restitució dels nostres drets.
Poques hores després de l'inici de la vaga de fam, i gràcies a l'impacte i commoció social produïda, el Constitucional va comunicar, diumenge 2 de desembre al vespre, la seva voluntat d'abordar regularment els recursos d'empara que fins aleshores no havia volgut estudiar. Això no obstant és lamentable i hauria d'interpel·lar tothom que s'hagi hagut d'emprar una acció tan extrema com una vaga de fam, perquè drets fonamentals poguessin ser mínimament garantits. Absolutament impropi d'una democràcia solvent a l'Europa del segle XXI.
Tanmateix, acceptem aquest anunci com un compromís del Tribunal Constitucional per abandonar el bloqueig que fins ara ens imposava. Una decisió que ve confirmada amb les primeres resolucions d'escrits d'empara i amb la previsió -comunicada públicament- que mensualment el Ple d'aquest TribunaI resoldrà sense interrupció tots els recursos pendents relacionats amb la Causa que el Tribunal Suprem instrueix contra l'Independentisme.
Després de tot un any d'inacció, el Tribunal Constitucional ha obert el calaix on els nostres escrits d'empara havien estat condemnats a l'oblit, i se’ns obre ara la porta d'accés al Tribunal Europeu de Drets Humans. Per tot això anunciem que avui, 20 dies després d'haver-la iniciada, deixarem la vaga de fam.
Volem agrair especialment la infinitat de mostres de suport i de solidaritat rebudes durant tots aquests dies. Han estat el nostre aliment constant i la millor companyia, juntament amb l'escalf insubornable i perseverant de les nostres famílies.
Finalment, i conseqüents amb el nostre compromís amb la no-violència, emplacem que l'actitud cívica i pacífica desbordi els carrers de la capital del país demà divendres amb l'objectiu de fer escoltar, una vegada més, la veu col·lectiva a favor de la llibertat, del ple exercici dels drets fonamentals i que es respecti la voluntat d'autodeterminació del poble de Catalunya.
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