Twitter thread.
01. La independència la farem. El poble tenim diversos instruments per arribar-hi. De l'ús que en fem, d'aquests instruments, dependrà la velocitat a què hi arribem.
— David Ferrer (@DFerrerC) June 5, 2020
01. We shall achieve independence. We, the people, have a number of tools to get there. The speed at which we make it will depend on the use we make of these tools.
10:25 p. M. · 5 June 2020
02. One of the tools (just one of many) are the political parties. If these political parties are not necessary (or are an obstacle) to reach independence, the people will end up choosing others.
03. If the political parties are artefacts that view themselves as managers of stability, it is obvious that they are of no use to us.
Why not?
04. This is because an independence process is characterized and defined by DESTABILIZATION.
We're talking about putting one regime in place of another! We want a State to leave our territory!
05. Stability is the great enemy of revolutions. Whoever tells you now that they seek it is a false prophet.
Let's not believe them.
06. The people are a collective intelligence; a living organism. And organisms are wise and always end up finding what suits them best.
Even if it's by trial and error. Even if it's by making mistakes.
07. We need unity, yes, not of the parties, though, but rather of people, of the people. Us.
Let's work together.
08. If the parties want to join in and put themselves at the service of the will of the people, we (we) will use them (them) to reach independence the sooner the better.
Otherwise, let's identify the problem, let's isolate it... and cheerio!
09. Let's convince ourselves we already have the power, and let's not mortgage our future by putting ourselves in the hands of someone who wants everything to remain still.
We want changes! And the changes must be sought and must be forced.
10. Do we believe this? I do. I want independence. And I want it in order to be.
For "men [and women] cannot exist if they are not free" (S. Espriu).
02. One of the tools (just one of many) are the political parties. If these political parties are not necessary (or are an obstacle) to reach independence, the people will end up choosing others.
03. If the political parties are artefacts that view themselves as managers of stability, it is obvious that they are of no use to us.
Why not?
04. This is because an independence process is characterized and defined by DESTABILIZATION.
We're talking about putting one regime in place of another! We want a State to leave our territory!
05. Stability is the great enemy of revolutions. Whoever tells you now that they seek it is a false prophet.
Let's not believe them.
06. The people are a collective intelligence; a living organism. And organisms are wise and always end up finding what suits them best.
Even if it's by trial and error. Even if it's by making mistakes.
07. We need unity, yes, not of the parties, though, but rather of people, of the people. Us.
Let's work together.
08. If the parties want to join in and put themselves at the service of the will of the people, we (we) will use them (them) to reach independence the sooner the better.
Otherwise, let's identify the problem, let's isolate it... and cheerio!
09. Let's convince ourselves we already have the power, and let's not mortgage our future by putting ourselves in the hands of someone who wants everything to remain still.
We want changes! And the changes must be sought and must be forced.
10. Do we believe this? I do. I want independence. And I want it in order to be.
For "men [and women] cannot exist if they are not free" (S. Espriu).
David Ferrer (@DFerrerC)
Fil de twitter.
10:25 p. m. · 5 de juny de 202001. La independència la farem. El poble tenim diversos instruments per arribar-hi. De l'ús que en fem, d'aquests instruments, dependrà la velocitat a què hi arribem.
— David Ferrer (@DFerrerC) June 5, 2020
02. Un dels instruments (tan sols un de tants) són els partits polítics. Si aquests partits polítics no són necessaris (o són un obstacle) per arribar a la independència, el poble n'acabarà triant uns altres.
03. Si els partits polítics són artefactes que es pensen a ells mateixos com a gestors de l'estabilitat, resulta evident que no ens serveixen.
Per què?
04. Perquè un procés d'independència es caracteritza i es defineix per la DESESTABILITZACIÓ.
Estem parlant de canviar un règim per un altre! Volem que un estat marxi del nostre territori!
05. L'estabilitat és la gran enemiga de les revolucions. Qui ara us digui que la busca és un fals profeta.
No ens els creguem.
06. El poble és una intel•ligència col•lectiva; un organisme viu. I els organismes són savis i sempre acaben trobant el que més els convé.
Encara que sigui per assaig-error. A força d'equivocar-nos.
07. Ens cal unitat, sí. Però no de partits, sinó del poble, de la gent. Nosaltres.
Ajuntem esforços.
08. Si els partits s'ho volen sumar i es posen al servei de la voluntat del poble, els farem servir (nosaltres a ells) per arribar a la independència com abans millor.
Si no, identifiquem el problema, aïllem-lo, i bon vent!
09. Creguemos ja que tenim el poder, i no hipotequem el nostre futur posant-nos en mans d'algú que vol que tot resti tranquil.
Volem canvis! I els canvis s'han de buscar i s'han de forçar.
10. Ens ho creiem? Jo sí. Vull la independència. I la vull per poder ser.
Perquè "els homes i les dones no podrem ser si no som lliures".
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