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* A collection of digital resources to get to know the Catalan people better. * Une collection de ressources numériques pour mieux connaître le peuple catalan. * Una colección de recursos digitales para conocer mejor al pueblo catalán.
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29 de març 2020
Oriol Mitjà warned about the Covid-19 virus very clearly, on 15 FEB (in Catalan/Spanish) / Oriol Mitjà alertava sobre el Covid-19, molt clarament (15 FEB 2020)
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Article del Doctor Lu Xiang (Xina, 28 MAR 2020)
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28 de març 2020
Municipis on s'estan anunciant establiments amb servei a domicili (28 MAR 2020)
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A Twitter thread by Pau Castellví about his six days in hospital with Covid-19 (28 MAR 2020)
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27 de març 2020
BÈRGAM. L'Atalanta-València (19 FEB), "una bomba biològica". Entrevista amb el Dr. Di Marco (20 MAR 2020)
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26 de març 2020
The "Scientific Commentary" on Covid-19 measures (21 MAR 2020)
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"Comentario Científico" de 70 científicos sobre medidas Covid-19 (21 MAR 2020)
25 de març 2020
Coronavirus Deaths by U.S. State and Country Over Time: Daily Tracking (NYT)
Letter to the President of the European Council (25 MAR 2020)
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Strategy choice for Covid-19 pandemic. (1) Tomas Pueyo (2) Imperial College London (23 MAR 2020)
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La "Càrrega Viral", un punt clau en la transmissió o no del Covid-19 (23 MAR 2020)
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23 de març 2020
"Com es va escapar el virus" (NYT, 22 MAR 2020)
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COVID-19 in Italy
Data from Italy in the first phase of the Lombardy pandemic.
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Suport d'Alcaldes al President Torra (23 MAR 2020)
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22 de març 2020
Guillem Hernandez Solà explains the pandemia from a Chinese perspective (20 MAR 2020)
21 de març 2020
Els Primers Casos de COVID-19 als PPCC (21 MAR 2020)
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20 de març 2020
The first big outbreak of Covid-19 in Catalonia: Igualada
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19 de març 2020
Call for limited parole in Catalan prisons during Covid-19 pandemic (19 MAR 2020)
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12 de març 2020
Fernand de Varennes' UN report on Spain and definition of "minority" de (11 MAR 2020)
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5 de març 2020
Post by M. Strubell "Just like the UK" (5 MAR 2020)
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4 de març 2020
L'escàndol d'Andrés Betancor (Ciudadanos/JEC) (26 OCT 2017)
L'escàndol del nomenament d'Andrés Betancor, pel que sembla a sou de Ciudadanos, per a formar part de la Junta Electoral Central, "en estos momentos complicados".
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How Catalan minister Josep Rull was treated by Spanish officials when he was first arrested in November 2017.
2 de març 2020
It is with great concern that we respectfully submit the present Petition to the Members of the EU Parliament and to its President David Sassoli, in order to express our worry regarding the crisis in Catalonia and the response of the Spanish Kingdom, and call for measures susceptible of clarifying the situation and furthering its resolution....
Barcelona, 19 November
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Article by M.J. Hierro which includes reactions to the Catalan pro-independence movement.
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