6 de set. 2017

Spain's dirty war and the 17A terrorist attacks - INDEX

This set of entries is aimed to outline the manipulations, insidious hints, and outright lies aimed at the Catalan government, and particularly the Catalan police force, the Mossos d'Esquadra (or simply "Mossos"), in a clear but desperate attempt to whip up public opinion against them in the run-up to the 1 October independence referendum, following the August 19 terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils.

It is worth remembering that the Spanish government has not only refused to authorize the referendum (despite its commitment to international treaties on the issue) but threatens to confiscate the property of Catalan political leaders and their officials (to date, to the tune of over €5 million), bar them from office, dismiss them from their jobs, and even imprison them on grounds of sedition and contempt of court.

The posts linked to this entry are as follows:

1. Precedents http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-1-precedents.html

2. Summary http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-2-summary.html

3. Spain's strategy http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-3-strategy.html

   a. General (4) http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-4-general.html

   b. Public opinion manipulation (5) http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-5-manipulation.html

   c. "CIA" (6) http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-6-cia.html

   d. The Imam (7) http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-1-imam.html

   e. The demonstration (8) http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-8-demonstration.html

   f. Flags and photos (9) http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/17a-9-flags.html

See also thread (2019):

Bin Laden was the man who invented the undetectable communication system known as "dead letterbox".  But the espionage services have adopted it as a contact tool with their undercover informants, and that method of transmission - which can not be intercepted because nothing is actually sent - is the one used by Spain's National Intelligence Centre (CNI) to communicate with its most secret confidant: the imam of Ripoll, Abdelbaki is Satty, leader of the terrorists who committed the massacre of Las Ramblas in Barcelona two years ago.



Público 15/7/2019: La verdad sobre el imán de Ripoll (1)
El cerebro de la masacre de Las Ramblas fue confidente del CNI hasta el día del atentado
Tras un año de investigación, ‘Público’ ha reunido fuentes de inteligencia, documentos confidenciales y datos extraídos de las investigaciones sobre los atentados terroristas cometidos en Barcelona y Cambrils por la célula yihadista que dirigía Abdelbaki es Satty, como para poder asegurar que ese imán de Ripoll seguía siendo considerado informador de los servicios secretos españoles –por ellos mismos– el día en que su discípulo Younes Abouyaaqoub asesinó a 13 personas, hace dos años...


Público 16/7/2019: La verdad sobre el imán de Ripoll (2)
El CNI escuchaba los móviles de los asesinos de Las Ramblas cinco días antes de la matanza
'Público' aporta hoy una prueba definitiva de que los servicios secretos españoles vigilaban estrechamente a los asesinos de Las Ramblas y Cambrils en vísperas de los atentados: no sólo tenían intervenidos los móviles de los jovencísimos discípulos del imán de Ripoll, sino que escuchaban las conversaciones que mantenían entre ellos sin participación de su líder Es Satty.


Público 16/7/2019
PP, PSOE y Cs vetaron en el Congreso la comisión de investigación sobre el CNI y el imán de Ripoll
La iniciativa impulsada por ERC y PDeCAT fue rechazada en marzo de 2018. Días antes, Cs propuso investigar los supuestos errores policiales pero sin "buscar responsables políticos", algo que nunca se llegó a materializar porque no registró una solicitud formal tras el fracaso de su PNL. Desde PSOE y PP siempre se han mantenido en contra de iniciar cualquier investigación.

LA VERDAD SOBRE EL IMÁN DE RIPOLL (3) | EXCLUSIVAEl CNI fichó a Es Satty en 2014 a cambio de no ser deportado y le ayudó a ser imán en Ripollhttps://www.publico.es/politica/iman-ripoll-3-exclusiva-cni-ficho-satty-2014-cambio-no-deportado-le-ayudo-iman-ripoll.html
English translation:https://barbaryfigs.com/2019/07/19/the-cni-recruited-es-satty-in-2014-in-exchange-for-not-deporting-him-and-helped-him-become-the-imam-of-ripoll/

LA VERDAD SOBRE EL IMÁN DE RIPOLL (4) | EXCLUSIVAEl CNI quiso poner al imán en Barcelona pero el jefe local se negó a que lo controlara Madrid
18 July 2019



The leader of the Jihadi terrorist group which on August 17th, 2017 attacked Barcelona's Rambla, Abdelbaki Es Satty, was an informer for the Spanish secret service, the CNI, right up until the attacks in which 15 people were murdered.

According to exclusive information published by the Spanish digital newspaper Público.es, Spain's CNI knew that a terrorist group based in the Catalan town of Ripoll was preparing an attack. The newspaper has had access to information that confirms this relationship between the Spanish intelligence agency and the attack mastermind, as well as showing that the CNI spies were monitoring the group's movements to and from the location of their bomb factory.

The intelligence agency communicated with Satty, the imam of Ripoll, through a hard-to-detect communication system known as "dead mail drops", which consists of writing draft emails without sending them. The two people who want to communicate enter the same mailbox and add to their drafts, but since they never hit 'send', the data does not circulate on the internet. As Público.es notes, this system was invented by Bin Laden.

The newspaper has obtained screenshots from the gmail account that was used for communications between the imam and the CNI: adamperez27177@gmail.com. The new revelations are the result of a year of investigation during which the newspaper has opened up intelligence sources, gathered confidential documents and extracted data from the investigations into the attacks.

The email address adamperez27177@gmail.com was active until at least two months before the 2017 terror attack. The last message left in the dead mail was from June 19th, 2017, when the bombs used for the attack were already being manufactured. The passwords to access this email address were found in the remains of the group's bomb factory in the town of Alcanar, whose accidental explosion on August 16th, 2017 killed Satty and one other terror group member. As a result of the explosion, the cell moved quickly and the next day improvised the horrific Rambla van attack and a second deadly attack in the town of Cambrils, instead of the high-powered bomb explosion they had been working towards, possibly aimed at Barcelona's Sagrada Família.

Confidential CNI reports that the newspaper has obtained demonstrate that the Ripoll terror cell was monitored by Spanish intelligence. These documents show that the Spanish agency listened to their conversations and followed their movements. The CNI was aware of the trips made by the members of the Jihadi group from Ripoll to Alcanar and knew about the existence of the villa where explosives were being manufactured.

Moreover, Público affirms that the Spanish secret services monitored the terrorists until the very day of the attacks and that Satty's name was erased from CNI files after the attacks.

Spanish authorities monitored terrorist movements

The intelligence reports that the newspaper has obtained on the attacks specify in detail the trips that the members of the terror cell made several months before the August 2017 attacks. The Spanish secret service document list separate journeys by terror group members to Switzerland and Germany, and to France and Belgium, all in December 2016. This second trip was made using the same Audi A-3 car that was later used in the Cambrils attack.

The CNI, according to the newspaper, monitored the movements across four countries of the three young men who made the explosives in Alcanar, not only observing their itineraries, but also with advance knowledge of their plans, through listening to their conversations.



See also:

Time to demand explanations for the Barcelona Terrorist Attacks
Benjamin Paret
Dec 19, 2017

Four months ago Barcelona suffered a terrorist attack but, unfortunately, part of the story remains in the shadows. Let’s start at the beginning.

Abdelbaki Es Satty was a moroccan imam with previous radical activities that was recruited as an informer by the Spanish Intelligence Agency (Centro Nacional de Inteligencia or CNI). That cooperation prevented Es Satty to be expelled by a judge although he had been involved in drug trafficking.

Es Satty was approached by a Spanish neonazi in order to get weapons to attack a Jewish publishing company and kidnap a Jewish manager in a Catalan bank. The plot was dismantled in 2015.
Being Es Satty a clear risk to Jewish communities, the Israeli intelligence service placed him under a special electronic surveillance.

Es Satty recruited a cell of young people without previous radical activities for a new terrorist plot. They got a a house in Alcanar, a southern Catalan village, and started to buy materials to prepare the explosives. The plan seemed to be a strike against the always crowded Sagrada Familia church, a tourist hot spot, with a truck full of explosives.

Meanwhile, Israeli surveillance, unaware that Es Satty was an informant, concluded that his patterns of activity matched to those of an inminent terrorist attack.

Israeli intelligence service issued warnings of the terrorist preparations to both the Spanish Intelligence Agency and the Spanish Homeland Department. American Intelligence was also informed of the threat.

On July 31st, the Exeintel Group, a private intelligence contractor, also shared critical intelligence of the impending attacks with Spain, the US and other European agencies. It was published by the newspaper Publico later on ( http://www.publico.es/politica/espionaje-eeuu-contacto-asesino-ramblas-telegram-31-julio.html

After Spanish government’s lack of effective response and fearing an upcoming attack, the Israli Intelligence Service sent operatives to Barcelona to protect key buildings of the local Jewish community....



“Spaniards, You Are Going to Suffer:” The Inside Story of the August 2017 Attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils. 
CTC Centinel, January 2018, Volume 11, Issue 1
...This article draws on nine sessions of interviews with police, intelligence, and judicial officials knowledgeable about the case, which were conducted by the authors between September and December 2017 in Barcelona and Madrid. Among the interviewees were officials from Catalonia’s autonomous police, or Mossos d’Esquadra (hereafter Mossos), Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (CNP, National Police), Guardia Civil (GC, Civil Guard), Centro de Inteligencia contra el Terrorismo y el Crimen Organizado (CITCO, Center for Intelligence on Terrorism and Organized Crime), Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI, National Intelligence Center), and the Prosecutor’s Office of Audiencia Nacional (National Court). This account also draws on legally available judicial and law enforcement documents—that is, criminal proceedings that are not subject to a gag order—as well as reliable open sources....
According to Spanish investigators, the aim of the terrorists who were making TATP was to carry out a terrorist action of a “big magnitude.” When their bomb-making preparations in Alcanar went wrong, far from paralyzing other cell members or prompting them to surrender to the authorities, the destruction of the bomb factory galvanized them into alternative, improvised action. It is possible this happened because they anticipated it was only a matter of time before the police would identify them after grilling their hospitalized co-conspirator or after checking information on the car and motorbike parked directly in front of the collapsed Alcanar property. It is also highly likely that at least one of the cell members became aware of the Alcanar blast and its consequences when, over the morning and afternoon of August 17, Mossos, having unproductively questioned the injured man, also attempted via phone calls to find out about the users of the two vehicles. At least one phone call, made on or very shortly before 3:00 PM on August 17, reached cell member Younes Abouyaaqoub while he was driving a rented van on a beltway road about one hour away from Barcelona’s city center.... 

Cell Behind Barcelona Attack May Have Had Sights on Eiffel Tower
In the weeks before they carried out an attack in the Spanish city of Barcelona last summer, a cell of jihadists inspired by the Islamic State traveled repeatedly to France, where they bought a camera and recorded footage of the Eiffel Tower.
That video, as well as the stunning quantity of precursor chemicals used to make explosives which were recovered from the safe house they used, has led experts to conclude that the terrorists were plotting something much larger and more catastrophic. The materials they left behind suggest that their plan involved packing vans with explosives and attacking targets not just in Spain, where the group killed 16 people and injured 140 others in August, but also possibly in France.
“The existing evidence indicates the terrorist cell had planned a far more ambitious and potentially more deadly operation,” Fernando Reinares and Carola García-Calvo of the Program on Global Terrorism at the Elcano Royal Institute in Madrid wrote in a study published on Wednesday....

The Rambla attack terrorists had Spanish police documents on making explosives
El Nacional
Saturday, 15 December 2018

Spanish intelligence service admits imam behind Catalonia attacks was an informant
El Nacional
Friday, 17 November 2017

Mastermind of Rambla terror attacks was informer for Spanish intelligence, say reports
Secret services were in touch with Abdelbaki Es Satty via email until August 17 incidents and knew about the cell's movements, according to ‘Público’ newspaper
July 16 2019 

Torra asks the Government for explanations about Ripoll's relationship with CNI
The Catalan president, Quim Torra, has demanded "explanations" from the Government for the alleged relationship between the then-imam of Ripoll Abdelbaki is Satty, "brain" of a jihadist cell, with the CNI, after Public affirmed today that they were in contact until shortly before the attacks in Catalonia in 2017.
July 16 2019


The CNI could have prevented the 17-A attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, according to Carlos E. Bayo, the public's reporter who revealed that the Spanish secret services followed the Ripoll group until the same week of the attack. In a statement to The World at RAC1, the journalist explained that in next articles he will show that the CNI knew what were the objectives of the group. "One thing is that they are secret services, but they are not 007 licensed to kill or to allow them to be massively killed," he said....


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