18 d’ag. 2021

Letter to the Federal Alliance of European Federalists (18 AUG 2021)

A letter to the Federal Alliance of European Federalists (FAEF) 

Click here  if need be to access the whole text.

10 d’ag. 2021

Xavier Domènech accuses Spanish politicians and media of having whipped up a media storm against the Catalans (15 JULY 2021)

A strongly-worded article by Xavier F. Domènech accusing Spanish politicians and media of having whipped up a hate storm against the Catalan independence movement. I hope he doesn't mind my publishing an English version.
Click here  if need be to access the whole text..

9 d’ag. 2021

An article by Dolors Feliu on the next steps on the road to independence [20 JUL 2021]

An article by lawyer Dolors Feliu on the pitfalls in the next steps on the road to independence. She has kindly authorized this English translation.
Click here  if need be to access the whole text.

An article by @GemmaLinan, translated into English, on Spain's on-going repression of the #Catalan independence movement through the courts (25 JULY 2021)

Journalist Gemma Liñán explains how Spain's judicial strategy against the process is crumbling because of the lack of evidence. 
Click here  if need be to access the whole text.

Twitter thread by Ramir De Porrata-Doria, on the coming "dialogue" with Spain (24 JULY 2021)

Here is a Twitter thread by Ramir De Porrata-Doria, arguing that the Catalans need to play their hand carefully in the coming "dialogue" with Spain, that many see doomed to failure. 

Click here  if need be to access the whole text.

1 d’ag. 2021

Los Sres. Puigdemont (MEP), Ponsatí (MEP) i Comín (MEP) demandan al Parlamento Europeo, por ocho motivos (18 MAY 2021)

Ha sido comentado una decisión del Tribunal General de la UE, maliciosamente mal interpretada por la prensa española. He aquí los motivos de la demanda inicial.

Click here  if need be to access the whole text.