21 de jul. 2021

Twitter thread by Albert Royo (20 JUL 2021)

A dramatic call by one of the 30+ politicaians and high ranking officials of the Government, who have to pay exorbitant sums of money ahead of the final decision of the highly politicized "Tribunal de Cuentas", equivalent to Courts of Auditors elsewhere, though with very few economists and accountants among its members, who include at least one former minister. 

Click here  if need be to access the whole text.


Tomorrow we will not be able to use the Fund created by the Generalitat de Catalunya to stop the action of the Court of Auditors, a court that is neither a court nor made up of judges and that only seeks revenge and giving lessons. 

I would like to thank the efforts of my Government and, in particular, of Minister Giró, to find an interim solution. It is the first time the Government is trying to stand up for us. I don't think the effort will come to nothing

Some offer the house where we live as a guarantee to reach the amount required by the Court of Auditors and thus prevent the seizure of the private accounts of thirty people, which would mean not being able to operate financially (or to get income or pay for what we need to live).

That said, what is happening now is just one more piece in the machinery of repression, which seeks to intimidate our leaders and public servants and condition Catalan politics undemocratically. As someone would say, a whole "lesson" for the people of Catalonia. 

The solution to this case (which is only one of the three I have open for doing my job at Diplocat) is through robust political action, acting in terms of a country, and through the solidarity of the citizens.


Demà no podrem utilitzar el Fons creat per la Generalitat de Catalunya per parar el cop del Tribunal de Cuentas, un tribunal que ni és un tribunal ni està format per jutges i que tan sols busca la venjança i l'escarment.

Voldria agrair l’esforç del meu Govern i, en concret, del conseller Giró, per trobar una solució ad interim. És la primera vegada que el Govern intenta donar la cara per nosaltres. Crec que l’esforç no serà en va.

Alguns oferim la casa on vivim com a aval per arribar a la xifra que ens reclama el Tribunal de Cuentas i evitar, així, que s’embarguin els comptes privats de trenta persones, el que suposaria no poder operar financerament (ni cobrar ni pagar allò que necessitem per viure).

Dit això, el que passa ara no és més que una peça més en la maquinària de la repressió, que busca atemorir els nostres líders i servidors públics i condicionar anti-democràticament la política catalana. Com diria algú, tota “una lliçó” per al poble de Catalunya.

La solució d’aquesta causa (que és tan sols una de les tres que tinc obertes per fer la meva feina a Diplocat) passa per una acció política robusta, en clau de país, i per la solidaritat de la ciutadania.  


Source: https://threader.app/thread/1417518663482048521

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