28 de gen. 2021

Fil Twitter de Christelle Dauvergne (28 JAN 2021)

Aquest fil presenta la crida feta per càrrecs electes francesos contra la repressió judicial que Espanya continua exercint sobre el moviment independentista català.

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22 de gen. 2021

Casos nous de Covid-19 entre persones vaccinades

Hi ha qui vol acusar el vaccí de causar infeccions de la Covid-19. La coincidència de nous casos en residències on s'acaben de fer vaccinacions (que constato aquí amb casos concrets de Mallorca, Almeria, Vinaròs, Ribeira, Ibañeta, Brazatortas, Lleó, Astorga, Pamplona, Ejea de los Caballeros, Tamarit de la Llitera, Múrcia, Benidorm, Viver, Bilbo, Salou) alimenta aquesta voluntat de desacreditar aquest vaccí (i tots els altres!).

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16 de gen. 2021

Anàlisi jurídica de la Comissió de defensa dels drets de la persona (ICAB 2013)

La Comissió de Defensa dels Drets de la Persona de l'Il·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats de Barcelona, el gener de 2013, va emetre una anàlisi jurídica sobre el dret de l'autodeterminació. Per raons que desconec, l'enllaç original s'ha trencat. Heus aquí una transcripció del text.

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14 de gen. 2021

An article by Josep Casulleras on impact on Spain of Belgium Court of Appeal ruling (9 JAN 2021)

This article is on the dire dilemma Spain faces given the Belgium Court of Appeal ruling on Lluís Puig, which affects not only all exiles, but - unless the Court is stone deaf - all those convicted in the Independence process trial. This English translation (by M.S.) is published with the author's permission.
Click , if need be, to read the text

Two threads by Koldo Pereda on impact of Lluís Puig Belgium judgment (7 and 14 JAN 2021)

These threads by Koldo Pereda highlight the fact that the Spanish Supreme Court, and Judge Pablo Llarena, now face a daunting dilemma: a lose-lose choice. Translation by M. Strubell. Authorisation requested.
Click , if need be, to read the text

13 de gen. 2021

Wiretaps undermine key charge against Puigdemont’s lawyer (12 JAN 2021)

President Puigdemont's lawyer is being subjected to full-scale, classic lawfare by Spain.

Click , if need be, to read the text

11 de gen. 2021

Please stand up for EU values

Here is the full text of the letter I have sent to members of the EP Commission on Legal Affairs ("JURI") regarding the requests for waiver of the immunity of three Catalan MEPs, whose freedom of movement throughout the EU has nevertheless been guaranteed by High Court decisions in Germany and Belgium. 

Click , if need be, to read the full text.

8 de gen. 2021

Letter to the Financial Times about fundamental rights and the Catalans (8 JAN 2021)

 This is the text I have sent as a Letter to the Editor of the Financial Times, with copies to the authors of an article, "EU identity crisis: Poland, Hungary and the fight over Brussels’ values" about the blind eye the European institutions are still turning as regards Spain. 

Click , if need be, to read the text (ewith hyperlinks added here).