13 de jul. 2020

A thread by Xavier Domènech on the Laura Borràs case (19 JUN 2020)

Here is an English translation of a thread by Xavier Domènech on the Laura Borràs case.
Click to read the whole post, if need be. The thread begins here:


1) I would like to propose something to those who applaud that the request for Laura Borràs' parliamentary immunity to be waived be accepted and that it be up to the Supreme Court to "judge" if she committed irregularities during the period she was in charge of the Institution of Catalan Letters. Please allow me to open this THREAD.

2) As a preliminary it would be a good idea to read one of the most brutal laws of the Franco regime: the Law of Political Responsibilities of February 9, 1939. Obviously, I did not suffer it, but the lives of several of my relatives were shattered "thanks" to that law.

3) The purpose of this law was diabolical: it was not just about punishing the “crime” but also the thinking that had generated it. And if there was "thinking" but no "crime," that was no problem: a crime could always be rustled up to justify the - often very harsh - conviction.

4) Once you have read it, I suggest you read the texts with which Judge Llarena justified the need to keep the Catalan political prisoners in [pre-trial] detention, and tell me if you do not find any parallels with the Law of Responsibilities. I'm sure you will, and more than one.[1]

5) For example when he says that "the separatist ideology causes damage in itself ..." and when he speaks of "the sowing of the pro-independence [ideal] and the damage it causes". It is very possible that you will end up with the conviction that what Llarena was applying was nothing more than PURE AND HARD FRANCOIST ORTHODOXY.

6) Let us continue: don't you think we are dealing with a witch hunt similar to the McCarthyism persecution in the USA in the 1940s? Well, it's not quite the same, it's not the Communists that are being persecuted but rather the pro-independence activists, nor has a Committee on Un-Spanish Activities been set-up...

7) ... perhaps because they already have a Prosecutor's Office that acts in loyal and enthusiastic coordination with the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. Don't you think that in this context we should assume once and for all that the ultimate goal is to liquidate an entire generation of politicians and, with it, the Catalan independence movement?

8) The political and judicial persecution by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court will last for years and will destroy the lives of dozens of people. They will do so through disqualifications, harsh financial sanctions and, of course, heavy prison sentences (as did the Law on Political Responsibilities).

9) And unless we reverse the trend, there will come a day when we will have normalized that "thinking is a crime" regardless of whether any crime has been committed under the Criminal Code. If you don’t believe thids to be the case, it may be because you do not sufficiently value the “conjuring” skills of certain judges.

10) They know what they are doing, they know that the independence movement is not an ideal theorization without a vocation of becoming a reality, they know that it is a serious political project that wants to be implemented. And the goal is to avoid it. They have the means to do so and, sometimes, unexpected collaborators.

11) And, finally, I would ask you to keep in mind that the consequences of the Law of Political Responsibilities lasted many years, into the 1960s (twenty years after the law had been repealed), when there were still people with cases pending, economic penalties in force...

12) ... confiscated goods that it has been impossible as yet to recover, and shattered lives of good and honest people who fell into the hands of this Fascist mob and paid dearly for the cruelty of some and the laziness of others. The witch hunt has long since begun [2]. Up to you.


[1] e.g. "Como ya ha ocurrido con el resto de investigados, el solicitante mantiene su ideario soberanista, lo que resulta constitucionalmente válido, pero imposibilita el convencimiento de imposible reiteración delictiva que se tendría respecto de quien profese la ideología contraria."

[2] Caça de bruixes, Francesc Vilanova. Ara, 18 de febrer de 2018.

"Caza de brujas". "El camino emprendido por el gobierno español (y, con él, el aparato judicial entero) es irreversible". Francesc Vilanova. Ara, 18 de febrer de 2018.

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