16 de juny 2020

Article by the father of Xavi Martínez, one of the 16 people killed in a terrorist attack in Barcelona, 17 AUG 2017

This is a translation of the home page of the website set up by Javier Martínez and relatives of Xavi, a 3-year-old boy killed in the terrorist attack in the Rambla, Barcelona. They clamour, up to now without success, for an official investigation of the background to the attacks, including the possible connivance of the Spanish authorities.
Click to read the whole post, if need be.


Dear people,

We are Javier Martínez and relatives of Xavi Martínez Mompart, my three-year-old son who was killed in the terrorist attack in the Rambla, Barcelona.

First of all, we want to thank all the people who have given us their support in one way or another. We want you to know that we have felt your warmth in these hard moments of solitude, you have made your most generous empathy reach us with with the messages of support we have received, with each look, hug and gesture. This struggle is for everyone.

Now we need your help.

In August 2017, Catalonia suffered a series of serious terrorist attacks, in which 16 people died, and 29 more were injured in Alcanar, 125 in the Rambla, as well as 3 Mossos [Catalan police officers] Barcelona and 12 in Cambrils. This adds up to 169 injured in all (according to the lists in the indictment), though they do not match those submitted by the Ministry of Interior.

At this juncture we wish to recall the names of the dead that we will always bear in the our minds:

Desiree Eugenia Hildegard Zolotas (Germany)
Silvina Alejandra Pereyra Cabrera (Argentina)
Elke Leona Florentina (Belgium)
Jared Alton Tucker (U.S.A.)
Ian Moore Wilson (Great Britain)
Luca Ruso (Italy)
Carmela Lopardo (
Bruno Gulotta (
Maria De Lourdes Correia Duarte Ribero (Portugal)
Maria Monteiro Agostinho Correia (Portugal)
Josefa Codina Oliveras (Spain)
Ana Maria Suarez Lopez (
Pau Perez Villan (Espanya)
Francisco Lopez Rodriguez (
Julian Alesando Kadman (Australia)
Xavier Martinez Mompart (

Let us offer you a summary of our reason for asking for help.

The start of our struggle

Our struggle began almost three years ago, just when we experienced at first hand the way we were treated by the various institutions that at that time were to guide us, to advise us, to explain the procedures, etc. The answer was uncertainty, frustration and, sadly, solitude.

At that time we experienced the inhumanity of some journalists who added painful and morbid images to their publications, some institutions that approached us inappropriately, others who sought to take advantage of other peoples' grief, etc. And there was no-one to guide us.

In the midst of such confusion and acceptance, we found messages of hatred towards Muslims that we wanted stopped.

We add the video where Javier, during the TV3 programme "FAQs", explained how it all started and the reasons for embarking on this struggle.

Thanks to our complaints, we met Robert Manrique and the UAVAT, David Torrents and many other people who gave us advice in this environment which was unknown to us and that, without knowing it, unfortunately, was to become a way of life for us.

The more questions we asked, the more answers we got, some of which were unexpected, and we began to approach all the authorities that let us do so.

Now is not yet the time to talk about all of them, but let us explain a few.

Why did Javier Martínez embark upon this struggle?

He explains that he did so for two main reasons, but that over time and with having obtained more information, the struggle has broadened.

"The first impact I suffered was in a personal conversation in the office of the judge investigating the case of my son's murder, in Madrid. Accompanied by David Torrents on this difficult journey, his lordship said to me, verbatim: "I apologize, Mr. Martínez, for information about the Imam not being given to the Mossos d'Esquadra." A very harsh sentence for me.

"Inside me questions arose as I began to move forward and to receive information. Why did the Spanish national police visit the Iman of Ripoll as many as three times before the attacks? Why was he not extradited after serving his gaol sentence in Castellón prison? Why is Spain refusing to set up a committee of inquiry, when they have been held in all EU countries? What was said in the official secrets committee in Madrid, which the victims cannot know? What use has the death of my son and 15 other innocent people been? What has improved since then? Neither has care for the victims improved nor do they want to investigate what happened that day, despite new, repeatedly justified issues arising.

"More information and statements that I have need to be withheld until the trial and after it. That's why we decided to become a party to the trial, with help, to represent all those people like us. Let us be fully conscious that anyone could be in our place, so we believe that our struggle is in the common interest. To find out what went wrong and what can be improved. To make sense of all the grief we have experienced."

Committee of Inquiry

We called for a committee of inquiry, which was needed to resolve issues that many people and in particular the victims ask ourselves, just like the one after the 11 March 2004 attack in Madrid.

The result of our request was as follows:

Parlament de Catalunya Junts x Cat, CUP, Comuns, ERC, PSC       Ciudadanos, PP 
Barcelona City Council
Junts x Cat, ERC, CUP, Barcelona en Comú BCN pel canvi, PSC, Ciudadanos, PP
Congress of Deputies, Madrid (refused by the Bureau)  PSOE, Ciudadanos, VOX, PP

We can observe, for example, the constant incongruity of the Socialists: They vote "yes" in the Catalan Parliament, "no" in the City Council and "no" in the Spanish Parliament.


We wonder what right some deputies have, in the official secrets committee, to receive information that victims cannot have access to.

At that time, we found deputies like Joan Tardà and Jordi Xuclà. Do MPs have the right to have information that the victims do not have? For this reason, we cannot use this information in court, for example.

Here we can see the constant incongruity of scattered information.

We become a party in the trial

Given the constant unexplained refusal to set up a committee of inquiry alongside the information that was coming to us from different sources, we decided to become a party in the trial to ask for explanations and we contacted Jaume Alonso Cuevillas given his career and knowledge in similar cases as a lawyer.

Below are some outstanding pieces of information that we believe should be investigated and have not been.

Diari Público. BARCELONA – 04/12/2019.

L’Audiència no interrogarà els agents del CNI que van visitar a presó l’imam de Ripoll.

La Sala penal rebutja inapel·lablement totes les diligències i testimonis sol·licitats pel pare del nen de 3 anys assassinat en l’atemptat de les Rambles, però els advocats creuen que deixa oberta la porta a sol·licitar una nova peça que investigui “l’actuació de les Forces i Cossos de Seguretat o comprovar el grau de coneixement que els serveis d’intel·ligència de l’Estat poguessin tenir sobre la radicalització d’És Satty,” cervell de la cèl·lula jihadista de Ripoll.

The National Court will not summon the CNI agents who visited the Imam of Ripoll in prison.
The Criminal Court rejects point blank all the proceedings and testimonies requested by the father of the 3-year-old boy killed in the attack in La Rambla, but the lawyers believe that it leaves the door open to request a new piece to investigate “the action of the Security Forces and Corps or to check the level of knowledge that the state intelligence services might have on the radicalization of Es Satty”, the master-mind of the Ripoll jihadist cell.

Diari público. BARCELONA – 09/10/2019.

L’Audiència Nacional s’escuda en la mort de l’imam de Ripoll per no investigar el paper del CNI.

El jutge Calama Teixeira desestima el recurs del pare del nen de tres anys assassinat a la Rambla demanant diligències i testimonis sobre la relació del capitost de la cèl·lula jihadista amb el servei secret, refugiant-se en què l’ordre de processament no inclou Es Satty com a processat, per raó de la seva mort, i argumentant que “els fets que es pretenen denunciar no són connexos” amb aquest acte i “superen l’objecte de la instrucció de la present causa”.

The National High Court uses the death of the Imam of Ripoll as a shield so as not to investigate the role of the CNI.
Judge Calama Teixeira dismisses the appeal of the father of the three-year-old boy murdered in the Rambla requesting reports and testimonies on the relationship between the head of the jihadist cell and the [Spanish] secret service, based on the fact that the prosecution order does not include Satty as being prosecuted, due to his death, and arguing that "the facts to be reported on are not related" to this act and "exceed the object of the investigation of the present case."

Diari público. Barcelona – 19/09/2019.

El juez rehúsa citar a los agentes del CNI y los guardias civiles que vieron al imán en prisión.

La Audiencia asume la tesis de la Fiscalía de que pedir al Centro Nacional de Inteligencia que aporte sus informes sobre Es Satty “excede del ámbito de investigación del presente procedimiento”, pero el abogado del padre de Xavier, asesinado en Las Ramblas a los 3 años, recurrirá el auto. Sobre las visitas de los agentes al imán, el juez se conforma con que fue “una labor de investigación del cometido que les es encomendado en la prevención de delitos graves” anterior a la célula terrorista del 17A.

The judge refuses to summon CNI agents and civil guards who went to see the imam in prison.
The Court accepts the prosecution's thesis that asking the [Spanish] National Intelligence Centre to provide its reports on Es Satty "exceeds the scope of the investigation of the present procedure", but the lawyer of Xavier's father, killed in La Rambla at the age of 3, will appeal against the ruling. As regards the agents' visits to the Imam, the judge is satisfied that it was "an investigative task of the funstion entrusted to them in the prevention of serious crimes" prior to the terrorist cell of the 17A.

Diari público – 16/ 06/2019.

17A: Dosieres ‘fantasma’, denuncias anónimas, filtraciones interesadas y errores varios.

Síntesis de los materiales y fuentes que este diario ha publicado en los sucesivos capítulos de la exclusiva y que NO figuran ni por asomo en aquella denuncia anónima inicial… solo la confirman.

17A: ‘Ghost’ files, anonymous complaints, self-serving leaks and various errors.
A synthesis of the materials and sources that this newspaper has published in the successive chapters of this exclusive report and that do NOT even appear in that initial anonymous complaint… and that only go to confirm it.

Diari Público. MADRID – 22/09/2017.

La Intel·ligència dels EUA desmenteix la “nota” als Mossos de l’amenaça a la Rambla.

En compliment de l’Acta de Llibertat d’Informació, l’Oficina del Director d’Intel·ligència Nacional dels EUA diu que no hi ha cap registre dels suposats missatges del Centre Nacional Antiterrorista (CNTC), primer als Mossos i després com a resposta al CITCO, que van ser filtrats després dels sagnants atemptats a Barcelona i Cambrils.

U.S. intelligence disclaims the "note" sent to the Mossos about a threat to the Rambla.
In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, the Office of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence says there is no record of the alleged messages from the National Anti-Terrorism Center (CNTC), first to the Mossos [Catalan police force] and then in response to the CITCO, which were leaked after the bloody attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils.

Més 324, TV3 – 10/06/2020

Jaume Alonso Cuevillas (Abogado) y Javier Martínez.

Javier demana ajuda per arribar al judici dels atemptats a l’audiència nacional. J.Alonso, explica dubtes trobats als fulls del sumari.

Jaume Alonso Cuevillas (Lawyer) and Javier Martínez.
Javier ask for help to get to the trial of the attacks in the national court. J.Alonso explains doubts found in the pages of the indictment.

El Món – 14/06/2020

Un crowdfunding per saber la veritat sobre l’imam de Ripoll

El pare d’una de les víctimes enceta una campanya per finançar la investigació aprofitant la imminent obertura del judici oral

A crowdfunding project to find out the truth about the Imam of Ripoll
The father of one of the victims launches a campaign to fund the investigation taking advantage of the imminent start of the trial

TV3 –  08/01/2020

El 17A, a judici: els tres acusats dels atemptats no seran jutjats per assassinat

El jutge no veu indicis de participació directa dels acusats en les 16 morts a Barcelona i Cambrils, per tant no seran jutjats per l’assassinat.

The 17A attack, on trial: the three defendants charged with the attacks will not be tried for murder. The judge sees no evidence of direct involvement of the defendants in the 16 deaths in Barcelona and Cambrils, so they will not be tried for murder.

TV3, Anna Teixidor – 21/08/2019

El pare del nen mort el 17A: “No he pogut fer el dol perquè he començat a saber coses”

Alguns familiars de les víctimes dels atemptats del 17A demanen canvis en els protocols i una comissió d’investigació per aclarir els fets.

The father of the child who died in the 17A attack: "I have not been ablt to mourn because I began to find out things"
Some of the relatives of the victims of the 17A bombings are calling for changes to the protocols and a committee of inquiry to clarify the facts.

TV3 – 17/08/2019

Alcanar reclama que tots els afectats per les explosions de fa dos anys siguin reconeguts com a víctimes del terrorisme.

Alcanar calls for all those affected by the explosions two years ago to be recognized as victims of terrorism.

Telenotícies, TV3 – 17/08/2019

Segon aniversari dels atemptats, homenatges.

Second anniversary of the attacks, tributes.

El punt avui, Xavier Miró – 17/08/2019

Clam per aclarir el 17A

Govern, partits, alcaldessa i víctimes exigeixen la veritat i l’assumpció de responsabilitats. El servei secret espanyol hauria seguit les activitats de la cèl·lula dels atemptats catalans fins al dia de la tragèdia.

Clamour for the 17A attack to be clarified
The [Catalan] government, the parties, the [Barcelona] mayoress and the victims demand the truth and for the blame to be taken. The Spanish secret service may have monitored the activities of the cell of the Catalan attacks until the day of the tragedy.

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