15 de set. 2018

Una entrevista al director del Instituto Martin Luther King

Una entrevista al director del Instituto Martin Luther King y publicada parcialment con unos titulares que no corresponden para nada con el contenido, han suscitado unes airades respuestas, incluyendo la del mismo entrevistado. 

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1 La entrevista
2 La respuesta
3 La difusión de la respuesta
4 The recorded interview and some remarks
5 King. Why now?

1 La entrevista

El Instituto Luther King de EEUU pide que Torra deje de usar su figura: "Es hipócrita"
(A las 13:00 h del 15/9/2018, 752.000 seguidores, 1.007 retuits, 1.276 likes y 125 respuestas, la mayoría de rechazo. Hasta esta ahora ni ha suprimido su tuit ni ha rectificado)

La "entrevista" ha sido reproducida (sin contrastar con el entrevistado, siguiendo elementales reglas del periodismo) por, entre otros medios (muchos de ellos usando, también, twitter):

Rectifican después? Alguno sí, de forma parcial, aunque no a través de la cuenta de twitter por la cual la habían difundido:

La noticia fue dada por buena por multitud de políticos contrarios a la libertad de Cataluña. Per ejemplo (selección hecha por VilaWeb, a comprobado a las 12:10 h del 15/9/2018):

i. Ministro español de Asuntos Exteriores, Josep Borrell:
(A las 12:18 h del 15/9/2018, 55.800 seguidores, 1.024 retuits, 1.865 likes y 315 respuestas, la mayoría de rechazo. Hasta esta hora ni ha suprimido su tuit ni ha rectificado)

 ii. Jefe de la Oposición en el Parlament de Catalunya, Inés Arrimadas

(A las 12:40 h del 15/9/2018, 448.000 seguidores, 1.962 retuits, 3.456 likes y 580 respuestas, las más recientes. Hasta esta hora ni ha suprimido su tuit ni ha rectificado)

 iii. El diputado en el Congreso de los Diputados, de Ciudadanos, Juan Carlos Girauta


(al tener mis dos cuentas bloqueadas por este señor, no puedo dar estadísticas del tuit. Algo me ayuda?)

Jefe del grupo Socialista en el Parlament de Catalunya, Miquel Iceta

(A las 12:53 h del 15/9/2018, 90.100 seguidores, 681 retuits, 614 likes y 213 respuestas. Hasta esta hora ni ha suprimido su tuit ni ha rectificado)

(A las 12:53 h del 15/9/2018, 90.100 seguidores, 178 retuits, 288 likes y 213 respuestas. Hasta esta hora ni ha suprimido su tuit ni ha rectificado)

También por entidades supuestamente dedicadas a promover la convivencia cívica en Cataluña:
(A las 13:27 h del 15/9/2018, 22.600 seguidores, 496 retuits, 685 likes y 27 respuestas. Hasta esta hora ni ha suprimido su tuit ni ha rectificado)

2 La respuesta

On Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Catalan Independence Movement

Statement by Prof., Clayborne Carson, 14/9/2018

"I was shocked and disturbed today to discover that I had been misquoted in a Spanish newspaper that claimed I believe Martin Luther King, Jr. would have opposed the Catalan independence movement..."


La difusión de la rectificación del Prof. Carson


"El director de l’Institut Luther King denuncia la manipulació de la premsa espanyola de les seves paraules sobre Catalunya. Carson diu que el molesta 'quan manifestants i líders no violents són reprimits o castigats violentament per la policia i els funcionaris del govern."


Editorial posterior de Vicent Partal: https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/la-vergonya-del-periodisme-espanyol/


"Clayborne Carson, director de l'Institut Martin Luther King Jr. de Recerca i Educació, ha desmentit dràsticament, a través del seu blog, que hagués demanat al president de la Generalitat, Quim Torra, que no utilitzés la figura de Martin Luther King. Desmenteix així, la informació publicada a El Confidencial, segons la qual hauria mostrat el seu disgust per l'utilització de la figura de Luther King per part de Torra.


(A las 13:51 h del 15/9/2018, 7.466 seguidores, 11 retuits, 32 likes y 4 respuestas)

Huffington Post
El director del Instituto Martin Luther King niega haber reprochado a Torra el uso de su figura. Ha publicado un comunicado sobre la información publicada en 'El Confidencial', que ha respondido publicando los audios con sus declaraciones.

Sr. Benjamí Villoslada

(A las 12:53 h del 15/9/2018, 7.466 seguidores, 45 retuits, 48 likes y 4 respuestas)

El mismo interpelado por el titular, el M.H. Sr. Quim Torra, president de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
(A las 13:40 h del 15/9/2018, 136.000 seguidores, 1.824 retuits, 2.978 likes y 131 respuestas (en dos horas. Varios piden al President Torra que invite el prof. Carson al Palau de la Generalitat y al president Puigdemont que le invite a la Casa de la República)

el catedrático de Economia Xavier Sala i Martín:
(A las 13:55 h del 15/9/2018, 451.000 seguidores, 956 retuits, 1.488 likes y 51 respuestas (en dos horas)

4. The recorded interview and some remarks

Listen to segments of prof. Carson's reply (apparently linked up with Onda Cero, with a morning radio debate with Albert Rivera, leader of Ciudadanos, immediately following the ).

If Miquel Strubell were to be asked "Do you think it's licit to compare what MLK fought about, his struggle, with an independence movement in Europe?" he, at least, would say NO, like prof. Carson. No-one does. The movements are very different in many ways. In Catalonia's case he and many of his statements are an inspiration to the independence movement, that's all!

Miquel Strubell says: I would like to see that list of 1,000 nations that want to solve their own problems. And an explanation, case by case, of why those that cannot do so: in what ways (legal, eonomic, cultural, sociolgical, whatever) is their current State failing them, generating grievances?
 The extremely Europe-minded Catalan people really want to be able to contribute to the unity of the countries of the world and peace between them. Unity does not mean eliminating nationas, surely! Should the independence of Croatia and Macednoia, of Lithuania and Latvia, of the Ukraine and Kazakhstan, of Slovakia and the Czech Republic, of Ireland and the UK, be reversed just so that there are fewer independent polities, for the sake of "unity"?

Miquel Strubell says: "A generally affluent area", yes, but seriously underfunded by central Government, with essential investments for economic development being denied (e.g. Mediterranean railway corridor), and with disturbingly high levels of poverty (bearing in mind the higher cost of living than in much of Spain).

Miquel Strubell says: The Catalan Parliament, the Spanish Parliament and the Catalan electorate agreed to a new regional Constitution in 2006. It has not been constitutionally in effect since 2010. This humiliating anomaly is the root cause of the blossoming of the independence movement.

Miquel Strubell says: In Catalonia there has been quite serious violence by those opposed to independence, both institutionally by the Spanish authorities (1,000 voters treated by the medical services during and after the police attacks in polling stations on October 1 2018) and by Spanish ultranationalist gangs (some of whose members are known to the public, but have not been charged) before and since, up to this day. Surely the Catalan government cannot be called "hypocritical" for doing its best to hold back the understandable reaction of many Catalans who feel oppressed by this repression, and might easily succumb to one of the frequent provocations (some promoted openly by the leading oppoiosition party!) and retaliate.

As to identity issues, our incessant discourse is that no-one who doesn't want to be Catalan will have (or even want!) to leave Catalonia! Day in, day out! This is more of a Lockean revolution than an ethnic one. Heck, under half of Catalonia's electorate have even a single Catalan-born grandparent!

5 King. Why now?

El País conjured up the relationship between president Torra (who is only president because Jordi Sànchez -with UN HR committee's provisional support- was refused bail, and because Jordi Turull was arrested before the final vote, and because Jordi Sànchez was not allowed to attend by videoconference, and because the legitimate incumbent president Carles Puigdemont was ousted by Spain quite illegally and was arbitrarily blocked by a court from being reelected) and Martin Luther King, here:


What did he actually say in his public lecture on September 4?


"Aquesta proposta que faig al poble de Catalunya té una divisa molt senzilla: o llibertat o llibertat. I emparat amb el mandat de l’1 d’octubre i amb les grans lluites per la llibertat que tenim tots en la memòria, com per exemple la de Martin Luther King pels drets civils, proposo una acció que cada català ha de fer seva, si vol acceptar-la: una marxa pels drets civils, socials i nacionals de Catalunya; una marxa de ciutadans que prenen la determinació lliure de ser poble constituent."

Translation by M.S.: 

"The proposal that I make to the people of Catalonia has a very simple slogan: either freedom or freedom. And protected by the mandate of October 1 [the independence recerendum outcome] and with the great struggles for freedom we all have in mind - for example that of Martin Luther King for civil rights - I propose an action that each Catalan would have adopt, if he/she wants to accept it: a march for the civil, social and national rights of Catalonia; a march of citizens who take the free decision to be a constituent people."

M.S. wrote "We have a dream" in November 2012.

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