13 de juny 2018

President Torra has sent a letter to European leaders

President Torra has sent a letter to European leaders following the commitment of the new Catalan Executive to dialogue and negotiation (11 June 2018).
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El president
de la Generalitat de Catalunya 

H.E. Mr Lars Lekke Rasmussen
Prime Minister
Government of the Kingdom of Denmark
Prins Jørgens Gård 11
1218 Copenhagen K

Dear Prime Minister, 

I am pleased to inform you that on 14 May 2018 I was appointed as the 131st President of the Government of Catalonia. This appointment has taken place in an anomalous situation of open conflict between the Catalan institutions and the Spanish government: honourable and democratic Catalan politicians have been accused of rebellion and placed in provisional detention without any sentence having been passed on them, and the President Mr Carles Puigdemont, as well as members of his government and former members of the Parliament of Catalonia, are living in exile.
Amidst this situation and despite the adverse circumstances, we have formed a new government that is still determined to found itself upon the values of solidarity, diversity and cohesion. Therefore, the new ministers of the Government of Catalonia and I wish to develop policies that make Catalonia a socially just and prosperous country within the framework of a stronger, fairer and more equal Europe. We remain confident in Catalan society's clear devotion to Europe. 
The Government of Catalonia will continue to be firmly committed to dialogue and negotiation as the tools for resolving our political discrepancies. As I solemnly declared in my investiture speech to the Parliament of Catalonia, we understand debate, dialogue and the ballot box to be the only means of progression for our society. There is no better expression of dialogue and debate than that which culminates in total respect for freedom of all individuals to express themselves, air their views and make decisions.
Finally, we share the values upon which the European Union is based: those of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, pacifism, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of people belonging to minorities. These values constitute the backbone of our government action.

An illustrious Catalan compatriot, the cellist and pacifist Pau Casals, composed the hymn of the United Nations based on the lyrics of the poet W.H. Auden. The final verse says:

But song is true:
Let music for peace
Be the paradigm,
For peace means to change
At the right time,
As the World-Clock,
Goes Tick and Tock.
So may the story
Of our human city
Presently move
Like music, when
Begotten notes
New notes beget,
Making the flowing
Of time a growing,
Till what it could be,
At last it is,
Where even sadness
Is a form of gladness,
Where Fate is Freedom,
Grace and Surprise.

'Where Fate is Freedom". I am entirely at your disposal in the interest of maintaining a sincere and fruitful collaboration that will allow us to tackle the collective challenges that we are being faced with.

I hope to have the opportunity to greet you in person, and in the meantime, I send my warmest regards.

Quim Torra i Pla

Barcelona, 11 June 2018

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