12 de juny 2018

Architect Antoni Gaudí's arrest (1924)

"I was detained for four hours. For two I was locked up in a cell behind bars. By paying fifty pesetas, I was let out. What else can one expect of people like them? They make everything turn to violence: they are out to liquidate this country [Catalonia]. They arrested me arbitrarily and with violence. They insulted me: they told me twice, "Go to hell" and "arsehole" several times. I was asked if I did not know how to speak Spanish and I said yes, but that I did not want to speak it. And I did not want to speak it because all this aggression is against Catalonia, and one of the things that characterizes Catalonia most and Catalans most esteem is the language, which is mine, and I did not want to abandon it in those moments of persecution, for their hatred was because I spoke to them in Catalan ... ".

Antoni Gaudí, on his arrest on September 11, 1924


"Vaig estar detingut quatre hores. Dues tancat en un calabós amb reixes. Pagant deu duros, vaig poder sortir. D'aquesta gent, només se'n pot esperar coses així. Tot ho fan anar a la violència: van a la liquidació del país. Em van detenir arbitràriament i amb violència. Em van insultar: em van dir dues vegades "Vaya ud. a la mierda" i "sinvergüenza" diverses vegades. Em preguntaren si no sabia parlar castellà I els vaig dir que si, però que no em donava la gana de parlar-hi. I no hi vaig voler parlar perquè tota aquesta agressivitat es fa contra Catalunya, i una de les coses que més caracteritza I més estima Catalunya és la llengua, que és la meva, i jo no vaig voler deixar-la en aquells moments de persecució, perquè l'odi d'ells era perquè jo els parlava en català...".

Antoni Gaudí, sobre la seva detenció el dia 11 de setembre de 1924

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