2 de maig 2018

Institut d'ensenyament secundari "El Palau" de Sant Andreu de la Barca

There has been a particularly serious case of political persecution of Catalan teachers, for allegedly singling out the children of Spanish policemen attending the school, following the 1 October police brutality during the referendum on independence.
***** Click beneath on "Més informació" to read the post *****




29 d'abril de 2018

29 d'abril de 2018

30 d'abril de 2018
"El instituto de Sant Andreu de la Barca investigado por la Fiscalía amanece con pintadas contra los profesores". eldiario.es (30/4/2018). https://www.eldiario.es/catalunya/politica/Sant-Andreu-Barca-investigado-Fiscalia_0_766423523.html

30 d'abril de 2018

1 de maig de 2018

2 de maig de 2018

2 de maig de 2018 
El juez investiga a uno de los nueve profesores de Sant Andreu de la Barca por discriminar a hijos de guardias civiles. La causa se divide en dos procedimientos, uno por los comentarios de los profesores del 2 de octubre y otro por los del día 20.  https://www.eldiario.es/catalunya/politica/denuncia-profesores-Sant-Andreu-Barca_0_767123485.html

2 de maig de 2018 El Defensor del Pueblo catalán pide a la Consejería que proteja a los profesores denunciados de Sant Andreu. El síndic Rafael Ribó considera “desorbitada e inadecuada” la denuncia por la vía penal y asegura que la inspección y dirección del centro actuaron con diligencia. Reclama a la administración medidas para garantizar el derecho a la intimidad y a la propia imagen de los profesores, cuyas identidades fueron reveladas en los medios.

6 de maig de 2018
Trenquen els vidres del cotxe de la diputada d’ERC. Jenn Díaz L'atac s'ha dut a terme a Sant Andreu de la Barca aquesta matinada i la diputada creu que es tracta d'un acte intencionat. https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/trenquen-els-vidres-del-cotxe-de-la-diputada-derc-jenn-diaz/

9 de maig de 2018


Today I met a friend that I hadn't seen for several months. She is from St. Andreu [de la Barca] and her son studies at the infamous El Palau secondary school. She herself studied at this same institute. She is, in fact, a member of the Parents' Association. I transmit to you what you have explained to me.

1) The day after the October 1st [referendum] there was a serene debate in the school (as happened in all schools in Catalonia) on the subject [of police brutality].

2) In the following days, NO parent went to the head teacher (or other teachers) of the school to mention any kind of incident.

3) Months later, all of a sudden, a few parents went straight to certain TV stations and from then on the commotion was enormous.

4) From then on, journalists from certain channels idled close to the Palau school doors unashamedly. It became hard to do teach classes normally.

5) The teachers are shatterd. They live in fear of not being able to say absolutely anything. Some of them have seen their photographs on television, in newspapers and on Twitter as if they were terrorists. Threats have been painted on the school walls. Did they really deserve this, @albert_rivera [head of the Ciudadanos party]?

What has shaken me the most is that now, some of the complainants' children, in class, go so far as to "threaten" their teacher: "Be careful what you say, you might end up in gaol."C Kids aged 15 with the power to subjugate their teacher.

They talk about division: There have been [Spanish police] barracks In St. Andreu for decades. There had been no problems in this regard at El Palau school. In fact, St. Andreu is markedly unionist! On 21D almost 60% voted for C's or PSC!

The hopeful sign: These parents (many of them C's and PSC voters), affected by so much manipulation, have organized themselves to defend our educational model. Others' hatred only generates rejection. Another seed that is sprouting in favour of the Republic.

10 de maig de 2018


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