1 de maig 2018

Brunswick and the Cámara de Comercio de España contract

The Chamber of Commerce of Spain hires an international campaign against the Catalan independence movement...

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The Chamber of Commerce of Spain was founded by Law No. 4 in April 2014, that is, scarcely four years ago. It is chaired by an outspoken opponent of Catalan independence, though the grapes he uses to make his world-famous Freixenet cava are Catalan and grow in Catalan soil. So to are the cellars where the cava has been made for over a hundred years. And he himself is a Catalan.

I would like to help Brunswick do a good job, so please feel free to draw on my notes below.

I think the best way to put across my ideas is to frame them in the context of the UK. Fortunately we have a recent precedent in the Scotland referendum on independence, so the analogy will be easy, though some elements are completely different (for instrance, the UK was not wracked by a civil war between 1936 and 1939, largely on the issue of Catalonia's home rule; nor was it Scotland's political, social and academic leaders that fled into France en masse when that war was lost).

a.  Without going back to 2010 (which is of course when the crisis broke, though the Spanish government failed to realise for a good six years!) let's just concentrate on rceent events. Just imagine Mr. Salmond had, after repeated attempts to get Westminster to agree (let's say, well over a dozen well attested requests) to the referendum he had a political mandate, and parliamentary majority, to hold, just imagine that the UK prime minister had snubbed him, arguing that the United Kingdom's unity is "sacred" (I choose the word knowingly).

b. Get the police to concentrate not on preventing more former Spanish police informers turned Muslim imams from committing terrorist attacks in Catalonia, but rather to removing yellow ribbons from public places whilst on duty.



The Chamber of Spain hires an international campaign against the independence movement 

It entrusts a British agency to defend that "Spain complies and enforces the Law" 
30 Apr 2018 03:08  

One of the main business institutions of the country, the Cámara de Comercio de España (Chamber of Commerce of Spain), has decided to hire an international campaign to counter the independence and defend media and organizations of foreign entrepreneurs that the Spanish democracy is a rule of law. The aim is to "reinforce the image of Spain and encourage the arrival of investments", as confirmed by EL MUNDO, a spokesperson for this business institution, which hopes that it can start at the end of May. 

This body chaired by the Catalan businessman Josep Lluis Bonet, and that brings together the chambers of commerce, has already awarded the campaign to the British agency Brunswick to promote in influential circles the idea that Spain is a democracy that had to apply the article 155 of the Constitution before an illegal attempt of secession. 

Sr. Bonet himself, president of Freixenet, has defended that principle in his public declarations during recent months. The decision of the Chamber of Spain to mount this campaign has been endorsed by the board of directors, which includes representatives of Banco Santander, BBVA, CaixaBank, Telefónica or Iberdrola, among other large Spanish groups. According to the specifications of the campaign, the British agency must combat "the reputational damage suffered by Spain - and by Catalonia a as part of Spain - before international public opinion, specifically in the economic-business sphere, which as a consequence of the The independence process affects, directly and negatively, Spanish economic activity in general".

According to his diagnosis, "the image of political stability and legal security that Spain has made - and Catalonia as part of Spain - a preferred destination for international investments has recently been marred as a result of the attempted secessionist process that has developed in Catalonia in recent months, and that has led to the application of exceptional constitutional mechanisms by the Government of Spain in order to preserve the constitutional order and current legislation. In the Chamber of Spain say they have not acted with instructions from the Government and remember that Law 4/2014 of April 1 of the Official Chambers of Commerce obliges the agency to "the defence of the general interests of trade, industry, services and navigation". In response to compliance with these functions "the Chamber of Spain considers it urgent to strengthen the image and prestige of Spain - and Catalonia as part of Spain - abroad by reinforcing the confidence of international operators in Spain's economic, business and legal environment. Catalonia, thus mitigating the harmful consequences derived from the attempt of Catalan secessionist process", according to the specifications. 

It is considered necessary to focus the actions to be tendered in Germany, Belgium and the United Kingdom, countries where former Generalitat leaders headed by Carles Puigdemont have taken refuge. But the agency is also asked to extend the campaign to France, Italy, the United States, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil

The winning agency must "carry out a public relations strategy, including actions with the main media, opinion makers and representative entities of the business community". The task includes the organization of events, meetings with journalists, dissemination of arguments and publication of branded content in favour of Spain. 

The budget of 484,000 euros is criticized by aspiring communication agencies consulted by this newspaper for being very limited for the challenge it poses in the absence of government action. However, in the Chamber of Spain they expect it to be a relevant and effective contribution. The Government has not managed to get the full extent of the State's action against the independence movement understood in the international press, but it has not shown that any country in the European Union has shown any intention of recognizing the self-proclaimed Catalan republic. 

The expected duration of the campaign contracted by the Chamber of Spain is seven months, that is until the end of this year 2018. 

The message of the campaign 

The messages to be defended are four, according to the contract:    
  1. "Spain is a consolidated democracy that offers a stable economic and financial framework and legal security for business activity." 
  2. "The quality of Spanish democratic institutions is beyond doubt. Spain is a law-abiding state, a member of the European Union that complies and enforces the law".
  3.  "Spain continues to enjoy, despite the attempt of the Catalan independence process, the political, economic, legal and social stability necessary to maintain a significant attractiveness as a destination for foreign investments."
  4. "International operators can maintain, as they have done up to now, with excellent results, the maximum confidence in the economic, business and legal environment of Spain and Catalonia."


La Cámara de España contrata una campaña internacional frente al independentismo 

Encarga a una agencia británica defender que "España cumple y hace cumplir la Ley"

30 abr. 2018 03:08

Una de las principales instituciones empresariales del país, la Cámara de Comercio de España, ha decidido contratar una campaña internacional para contrarrestar a los independentistas y defender en medios de comunicación y organizaciones de empresarios extranjeras que la democracia española es un Estado de Derecho. Se trata de «reforzar la imagen de España y fomentar la llegada de inversiones», según confirma a EL MUNDO un portavoz de esta institución empresarial, que espera que se pueda iniciar a finales de mayo.

Este organismo presidido por el empresario catalán Josep Lluis Bonet, y que aglutina a las cámaras de comercio, ha adjudicado ya la campaña a la agencia británica Brunswick para que promueva en círculos influyentes la idea de que España es una democracia que tuvo que aplicar el artículo 155 de la Constitución ante un intento ilegal de secesión.

El propio Bonet, presidente de Freixenet, ha defendido ese principio en sus declaraciones públicas a lo largo de los últimos meses. La decisión de la Cámara de España de montar esta campaña ha sido refrendada por la junta directiva, de la que forman parte representantes del Banco Santander, BBVA, CaixaBank, Telefónica o Iberdrola, entre otros grandes grupos españoles.

Según el pliego de condiciones de la campaña, la agencia británica deberá combatir «el daño reputacional sufrido por España -y por Cataluña como parte de España- ante la opinión pública internacional, concretamente en el ámbito económico-empresarial, que como consecuencia del intento de proceso independentista afecta, directa y negativamente, a la actividad económica española en general».

Según su diagnóstico, «la imagen de estabilidad política y seguridad jurídica que han hecho de España -y Cataluña como parte de España- un destino preferente de inversiones internacionales se ha visto recientemente empañada como consecuencia del intento de proceso secesionista que se ha desarrollado en Cataluña en los últimos meses, y que ha desembocado en la aplicación de mecanismos constitucionales de carácter excepcional por parte del Gobierno de España con el objeto de preservar el orden constitucional y la legalidad vigente».

En la Cámara de España aseguran que no han actuado con instrucciones del Gobierno y recuerdan que la Ley 4/2014, de 1 de abril de las Cámaras Oficiales de Comercio obliga al organismo a «la defensa de los intereses generales del comercio, la industria, los servicios y la navegación». En atención al cumplimiento de esas funciones «la Cámara de España considera urgente reforzar la imagen y prestigio de España -y Cataluña como parte de España- en el exterior reforzando la confianza de los operadores internacionales en el entorno económico, empresarial y jurídico de España y Cataluña, mitigando así las consecuencias dañinas derivadas del intento de proceso secesionista catalán», según el pliego de condiciones.

Se considera necesario centrar las actuaciones objeto de licitación en Alemania, Bélgica y Reino Unido, países en que se encuentran fugados ex altos cargos de la Generalitat encabezados por Carles Puigdemont. Pero también se pide a la agencia que extienda la campaña a Francia, Italia, Estados Unidos, Argentina, México y Brasil.

La agencia adjudicataria deberá «llevar a cabo una estrategia de relaciones públicas, que incluya acciones con los principales medios de comunicación, creadores de opinión y entidades representativas de la comunidad empresarial». La labor incluye la organización de eventos, encuentros con periodistas, difusión de argumentarios y publicación de branded content en favor de España.

El presupuesto de 484.000 euros es criticado por agencias de comunicación aspirantes consultadas por este diario por ser muy limitado para el desafío que supone ante la falta de acción del Gobierno. Sin embargo, en la Cámara de España esperan que sea una contribución relevante y eficaz. El Gobierno no ha conseguido que en la prensa internacional se entienda en toda su dimensión la acción del Estado contra el independentismo, pero sí que ningún país de la Unión Europea haya mostrado intención alguna de reconocer la autoproclamada república catalana.

La duración prevista de la campaña contratada por la Cámara de España es de siete meses, es decir hasta finales de este año 2018.

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