11 d’abr. 2018

Letter by Danish MPs, April 9th 2018

Copenhagen April 9th 2018
Open letter to the Spanish Government from Danish Members of Parliament

***** To read the letter, click below on "Més informació" *****
Text obtained, and transcribed, from the social media.

"The Danish Parliament decided in May 2015 to address the growing tension between Spain and Catalonia by asking both parties to establish a dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the issues regarding self-determination in Catalonia.

As democratically elected representatives and members ofthe Danish Parliament we wish to express that we are deeply concerned regarding the escalating political conflict in Catalonia. It is our firm belief that only dialogue and mutual respect based on fundamental human rights and democratic principles offer a way out of the political conflict in Spain.

The election on December 21 called by the Spanish authorities gained a massive participation, hence we would expect the result to be respected. On this background the continued activation of Article 155 from the Spanish Constitution seems to be derailing the return to normality in Catalonia.

The continuous jailing of democratically elected politicians and grass-root leaders, who are pursuing an independent Catalonia by democratic means, is out of proportions, even Amnesty International is denouncing it. What we are wimessing is a judicialization of the matter instead of finding political solutions to solve it. To continue charges md prosecution on this background will only escalate and deepen the crisis between Spain and Catalonia.

The recent arrest of the deposed Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont, in Germany on an international arrest warrant from the Spanish authorities has furthermore highlighted the growing European dimension of the crisis, as judicial systems in several European countries are facing trials related to extradition of Catalan politicians in exile. In Europe, we need to be able to guarantee that none of the politicians on trial around Europe will face political persecution if extradited to Spain. The crisis in Catalonia has escalated from a regional crisis to a challenge that threatens common democradc rights and principles in Europe.

We therefore point to the need for serenity and the constructive search to reach a solution and common agreement by both parties. If needed with the support of mediation from other European countries or authorities.

Magni Arge, Tjóõveldi (Republic Party, Faroe Islands)
Stine Maiken Brix, Enhedslisten (The Red-Green Alliance)
Pelle Dragsted, Enhedslisten (The Red-Green Alliance)
Aleqa Hammond, UFP Independent Member of Parliament)
Christian Juhl, Enhedslisten (The Red-Green Alliance)
Rasmus Nordqvist, Alternativet (The Alternative)
Estàs Søndergaard, Enhedslisten (The Red-Green Alliance)
Nikolaj Villumsen, Enhedslisten (The Red-Green Alliance)"

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