6 de set. 2017

9 Flags

A false controversy has arisen on account of the convenience or otherwise of flags being flown at the demonstration (despite vast demonstrations promoted by the PP against ETA with thousands of Spanish flags). Barcelona Mayoress Ada Colau reminded people (on the same day as the demonstration) that the demonstration was about people, not flags: http://elmon.cat/noticia/222928/colau-recorda-que-la-manifestacio-es-de-la-gent-i-no-de-banderes

**** Click below on "Més informació" to read the whole post **** 


But whereas some media hide the Catalan flags (above), private individuals, particularly, show pictures of Spanish flags being offered, and even flown by PP politicians.

PP MPs also waved Spanish flags: http://www.elnacional.cat/ca/politica/diputats-pp-banderes-espanyoles-manifestacio_185946_102.html

Another organization distributed Spanish flags, as it always does on Saturdays, just next to where the demonstration was due to pass. It promotes support for Spain's football squad.

A highpoint was when Unionist leader Albert Rivera was interviewed live on Telecinco criticizing the presence of [Catalan] flags at the demonstration, while images were shown of groups of people waving Spanish flags.

Go back to index: http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/spains-dirty-war-and-17a-terrorist.html 

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