6 de set. 2017

7 Imam

Spanish police investigated imam’s terror links, did nothing and said nothing

This chronology is a summary of the facts, mainly taken from a comment to this post: https://elrobotpescador.com/2017/08/30/asi-podria-ser-la-operacion-de-falsa-bandera-para-destruir-el-proceso-independentista-catalan/comment-page-1/

**** Click below on "Més informació" to read the whole post **** 

2002: Abdelbaki es Satty had been found guilty by a Spanish court of illegally smuggling a Moroccan into Spain in 2002 [from Ceuta] and sentenced to six months in gaol. http://www.elperiodico.com/es/politica/20170902/guardia-civil-despacho-parrafos-vinculacion-iman-ripoll-celula-6259506
The Catalan police had apparently not been informed.

19 October 2005. Police tapped Es Satty's phone in 2005 with a court order, because he worked for Al Qaida. Abdelbaki Es Satty was linked by Operation Camaleon to the Islamic Moroccan Combatant Group and Ansar Al Islam. Its purpose was to "give coverage" to terrorist movements in Spain and Europe. He was not taken to court. http://www.abc.es/espana/abci-policia-pincho-telefono-iman-ripoll-2005-porque-trabajaba-para-qaida-201708250540_noticia.html

9 January 2006: Operation Chacal I in Catalonia, with the arrest, by the National Police, Civil Guard and CNI, with 20 detainees. The State bodies do not allow the participation, despite being competent, of the Mossos de Esquadra. In the operation the name of Abdelbaki is Satty appears, linked to the terrorist group. State security forces do not inform Europol of the above-mentioned name. 

National Audience court judge Baltasar Garzón had asked the Guardia Civil for a report on what years later would be considered the brain of the Barcelona and Cambrils attacks, the imam capable of radicalizing a dozen youngsters from Ripoll in record time. The magistrate, after returning to his court after a leave of absence, orders a number of evidence on November 13, 2007, including "to prepare a report on Abdelbaki Es Satty", as stated in summary 21/06, in which accumulated several of the Jihadist operations developed then, including the proceedings opened by Judge Fernando Andreu in relation to the cell detected in Vilanova.

31 January 2008: The final report of the Guardia Civil on the documents submitted, only said of Es Satty that at the home of Mohamed Mrabet Fahsi, one of the main accused of sending terrorists to Iraq (as well as Bellil Belgacem, who killed 19 Italian soldiers and 9 Iraqis), a vehicle's assurance claim declaration and a letter from the insurer had been found in his name. They added that he had "a history of detention in Ceuta, for an alleged tax offence, possibly for drugs for which he did not go to prison." The "fiscal crime" was in fact for having passed a person with a falsified passport to Spain, for which reason he was condemned to a half year in jail. (Translated from http://www.elperiodico.com/en/politica/20170902/guardia-civil-despacho-parrafos-vinculacion-iman-ripoll-celula-6259506. This page has since been removed. The same text can be read here: 

2009: Abdelbaki Es Satty shared a flat in Vilanova i la Geltrú at that time, with the leader of the Jihadist cell there, Mohamed Mrabet Fahsi. Operation Chacal collapsed in 2009, when the key (protected) witness B-5 failed to appear in court to ratify his or her evidence. All the defendants were in the event found not guilty.

2010: Abdelbaki is Satty was sentenced to four years in prison for drug trafficking, which he served in Castelló and where he contacted with 11-M detainees. This circumstance is somewhat strange since a person linked to a Jihadist group is usually prevented from having communication with people from another group. In particular, he made friends with Rachid Aglif, a.k.a. The Rabbit, who was serving an 18-year sentence for taking part in the Atocha station attacks (Madrid, 11 March 2014). http://www.elmundo.es/cataluna/2017/08/19/5997f791e5fdeaa3338b45a2.html

29 April 2014: Once Abdelbaki is Satty had left prison he should have been expelled forthwith. His lawyers appealed to the Government against the order. After his lawyers' appeal was turned down, they turned to the courts and succeeded in overturning the expulsion order. http://www.elmundo.es/espana/2017/08/22/599b32e8468aeb2a388b45ad.html

29 November 2014: His lawyers' applied on his behalf for asylum.

"Imam who masterminded Barcelona jihad attack was ordered to leave Spain, but allowed to stay after claiming deportation would violate his rights". By - on https://pamelageller.com/2017/08/imam-barcelona-rights.html/

January 2016: Abdelbaki is Satty moved to the town of Vilvoorde where he is unsuccessful in his bid to become a local imam, given his incomplete CV and his inability to produce a clean police record certificate. A Vilvoorde policeman contacted with a Catalan Mosso, who had no information either. 

The Catalan police were not informed of his police and criminal record.

The main Spanish police union SUP said that they would have passed information on the imam's criminal record if only the Mossos had asked for it.

August 16, 2017: Explosion in a house in Alcanar in which the Imam of Ripoll is killed and a Jihadist survives. Initially it is reported that, apparently, it is a gas explosion, although the TEDAX of the Mossos de Esquadra work, a point reported by some unionist media without specifying that they are the Mossos 
(http://www.elmundo.es/cataluna/2017/08/17/59954c5e22601d701d8b45b2.html). According to the ABC source being quoted, hours after the presence of the Mossos, they were informed that the TEDAX unit of the Mossos was doing fieldwork. 


"La policia española investigó al imán de Ripoll en 2005 sin informar a los Mossos" (Spanish police investigated the Ripoll imam in 2005 without informing the Mossos). http://www.elnacional.cat/es/sociedad/iman-ripoll-al-qaida_185409_102.html

25 August 2017

(My translation): "The National Police investigated the Ripoll imam, Abdelbaki Es Satty, in 2005 because he was suspected of providing logistical support to al Qaeda-linked terrorist cells. This information, which until now had not come to light, was not provided to the Mossos d'Esquadra. Judge Grande-Marlaska authorized his phone to be tapped to obtain information about the alleged mastermind of the Barcelona and Cambrils terrorist attacks, a fact unknown to the Catalan police force, who did not know about the connections between Es Satty and those detained by the 2007 Chacal I anti-Jihadist operation."

"This new revelation, made public today by the ABC newspaper, ..."


Un informe d’Interior detalla els contactes d’agents del CNI amb l’imam de Ripoll a la presó. Institucions Penitenciàries detalla les quatre entrevistes amb agents d’informació el 2012 i 2014



La defensa pide investigar nuevas pruebas sobre la relación del CNI y el imán de Ripoll en 2016. 11 June 2020. https://theworldnews.net/es-news/la-defensa-pide-investigar-nuevas-pruebas-sobre-la-relacion-del-cni-y-el-iman-de-ripoll-en-2016

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