16 de set. 2021

Twitter thread by @cat_nordic on coming months (20 JUL 2021)

Here is an English translation of a Twitter thread by @cat_nordic on events she expects in the coming months. I hope she doesn't mind.
Click here  if need be to access the whole text.


⚠️You know I’m not a lawyer but an economist. But despite my ignorance of legal issues, today I venture to give you my opinion on what I think will happen in the next 18-24 months, starting right after the holidays. I think things will go like this: 👇👇👇 (1/10)

 (2/10) September will see the start, again, this mockery of the "[negotiating] table of the deaf and blind" that everyone knows (including ERC) leads nowhere. The "most leftist in history" government will start adjusting to the covert rescue and will continue with this farce of the "2nd Transition".

 (3/10) Till when? Well, until the perfect storm is triggered and the regime is "liquidated" by Europe's rulings. When this happens (and President @KRLS returns) is when the negotiations will REALLY begin, with international mediation, and the  "Dialogue of the deaf and blind" will come to an end.

(4/10) As I see it, the legal onslaught of exile is basically concentrated on 3 fronts:

1st. The General Court of the EU will annul the (European Parliament) immunity waiver petition (for @KRLS, toni-comin and @ClaraPonsati) and show that the regime has exported its corruption to the European institutions (European Parliament, JURI, etc.) and is therefore a serious threat👇

(5/10) Boye's "trial of the trial" (or "Nuremberg [trial] of the [1978 regime], as I like to call it) will dismantle the whole judgment of the Holy Inquisition, because it will go to the heary of the issue, and will show that the regime has fabricated a fictitious criminal case in order to pursue independence.

(6/10) 2nd. The ECHR, for its part, (if the trend shown by the Council of Europe is confirmed, and there is no reason to believe otherwise as the Council is the body that governs the ECHR), may end up condemning the regime as regards Article 18 of the European Convention on Human Rights several times👇

(7/10) When this happens (I have no doubt that this will be the case) we will have reached a situation where the regime will have been condemned as corrupt, undemocratic, and also for not respecting fundamental human rights.
Brutal, right?
And remember that Spain owes (and will continue to owe) billions of euros to the EU.

(8/10) Finally, I think there is the 3rd front (the ECJ) that will link everything and end up condemning the regime, too, for having violated the treaties it has signed on human rights and the rule of European law, by systematically persecuting and violating the rights of the Catalan National Minority.

(9/10) At this point Spain will have lost the last power it still has, the "gowned mafia" of the 'deepstate' which is the pillar where all the visible sewers and frameworks are supported. But remember that economic and fiscal power is already in the hands of the interests of the 'EU club'.

(10/10) And these interests will force the EU to open a negotiation with international intermediation that I hope will be led by the Consell per la Repúblic [based in Waterloo] and KRLS [president Carles Puigdemont].

Once it has been shown that even with international intermediation no  negotiation is possible, it will be time to recover the 2017 UDI ✊

To be continued… and we shall continue!


⚠️Ja sabeu que no sóc jurista sinó economista. Però tot i la meva ignorància en temes de lleis, avui, m’atreveixo a donar-vos la meva opinió sobre el que crec que passarà els pròxims 18-24 mesos, iniciant-se just després de les vacances. Penso quea la cosa anirà així 👇👇👇(1/10)

(2/10) Al setembre començarà una altra vegada aquesta presa de pèl de la “taula de sords i cecs” que tothom sap (inclosa ER) que no porta enlloc.El govern “més d’esquerres de la història” entomarà els ajustos del rescat encobert i continuarà amb aquesta farsa de la “2a Transició”.

(3/10) Fins quan? Doncs fins que es desencadeni la tempesta perfecta i el negociacions DE DEBÒ, amb mediació internacional, i s’acabarà el “diàleg de sords i cecs”.

(4/10) Tal com ho veig, l’embat jurídic de l’exili es concentra, en 3 fronts, bàsicament:
1er. El TGUE que anul•larà el suplicatori i demostrarà que el règim ha exportat la seva corrupció a les institucions europees (Parlament Europeu, JURI, etc) i, per tant, és una greu amenaça👇

(5/10) El “juicio al jucio” de Boye (o el “Nüremberg al R78”, com a mi m’agrada anomenar-lo) desmuntarà tot el judici de la Santa Inquisició, pq entrarà al fons de la qüestió, i demostrarà q el règim ha fabricat una causa penal ficticia amb el fi de perseguir l’independentisme.

(6/10) 2on. El TEDH, per la seva banda, (si es confirma la tendència mostrada pel Consell d’Europa, i no hi ha motiu per creure el contrari ja q el Consell és l’òrgan q regeix el TEDH), pot acabar condemant al règim per l’article 18 del conveni europeu de DDHH diverses vegades👇

(7/10) Quan això és passi (jo no tinc cap dubte q així serà) ja estarem en una situació en q el règim haurà estat condemnat per corrupte, antidemocràtic, i a més, per no respectar els DDHH fonamentals. 
Brutal, eh? 
I recordeu q deu (i deurà) milers de milions d’€ a TOTA la UE.

(8/10) Per últim, crec que hi ha el 3er. front (el TJUE) que ho lligarà tot i acabarà condemnant al règim, tmb, per haver violat els tractats que ha signat en matèria de DDHH i l’Estat de Dret europeu, perseguint i violant sistemàticament els drets de la Minoria Nacional Catalana.

(9/10) Arribats a aquest punt Espanya haurà perdut ja l’últim poder q encara li queda, la “màfia togada” del ‘deepstate’ que és el pilar on es sustenen totes les clavagueres i entramats visibles.Però recordem que el poder econòmic i fiscal ja és en mans dels interessos del ‘club UE’.

(10/10) I aquests interessos faran q la U€ obligui a obrir una negociació amb intermediació internacional q espero q lideri el CxR i KRLS.
Un cop s’hagi demostrat q ni amb intermediació internacional hi pot haver negociació possible, serà l’hora de recuperar la DUI del 2017✊Continuarà… i continuem!😉

 Source: https://threader.app/thread/1417171479813369860)

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