3 de maig 2021

An article by Quico Sallés on Pres. Puigdemont's 2018 arrest in Germany (2 MAY 2021)

An article by Quico Sallés, on the Spanish secret service's involvement in the capture of President Puigdemont in Germany, on charges of "rebellion, terrorism and homicide [sic]". The German court later refused his extradition. The author has kindly authorized the publication of this English translation.

Click here , if need be, to access the whole text.

Original text: https://elmon.cat/politica/lestat-va-activar-el-cni-i-les-forces-especials-alemanyes-per-capturar-puigdemont-248356/

The [Spanish] state activated the CNI and German special forces to capture Puigdemont  

The police report from [Spain's] General Information Office and Germany's BKA details the arrest

Quico Sallés 


Quico Sallés

All its artillery. The Spanish state saw its opportunity and did not want to let it pass. All aimed at to capturing the exiled president Carles Puigdemont. Even including the highly reserved National Intelligence Centre - the Spanish secret services - as well as the request for help from the BKA, the powerful Federal Office of Criminal Investigation of the Federal Republic of Germany and also the special forces of the same police in the federal state where the president was arrested on March 25, 2018.

The judicial report on the two Catalan police officers, accused of concealment, who accompanied the president is dense and full of police reports and statements to be sent to various European authorities warning not only Puigdemont that was wanted for rebellion but that he was accompanied by people "covering him up" who might be armed, so a detailed detention and follow-up plan had therefore to be made. In this vein, proceedings 27/2018 of the Central Court of Instruction number 6 of the National High Court display the vast amount of resources that were dedicated to the arrest of President Puigdemont. The investigation has, in return, led to this case for concealment by the two Catalan police officers who accompanied the president, Xavier and Carles, as well as two parallel cases for the head of Puigdemont's office, Professor Josep Lluís Alay and the senator and personal friend of the President, Josep Maria Matamala, Jami.

In actual fact, on April 4, 2018, a police report from the Barcelona Provincial Information Brigade, signed by Superintendent José Ignacio Moreno, unveiled part of the story for the National High Court on how the police prepared the arrest. In this report, to which El Món has had access, the Superintendent admits that the National Police Corps had the collaboration of the National Intelligence Centre with the corps' omnipotent General Information Commissariat (CGI), as well as various European police services. In fact, the CGI of the Spanish police also called on and activated the international services of the Centre for Intelligence against Terrorism and Organized Crime, CITCO.

The same judicial report also includes "Arrest report number VG 174702/2018" issued by Superintendent Dirk Loding, who signed the joint detention task led by the BKA in the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. In this report, the Superintendent - scant on words - gives an account of the operation and gives details of the police units activated. All this was a result of the request for "judicial assistance" based on article 451 of the Criminal Code in which the Spanish administration sets out to emphasize that Puigdemont and his companions were covering up a fugitive for a crime of "rebellion, terrorism and homicide", and wrote out the entire content of the article.

The German Superintendent explained that the arrest was carried out "with the support of special police forces in the city of Kiel and a team of the Bundespolizei, the German federal police". In the same report, the Superintendent reported that "Puigdemont was taken to the Neumüster prison by special police forces." Interestingly, the Superintendent allows himself to make a passing reference to the behavior of the detainees, despite the spectacular police deployment. "Throughout the procedure, Mr. Puigdemont behaved in a calm and collaborative manner," he describes. He also underlines the fact that he did not pose any problem before the German interpreter arrived, and that Puigdemont himself spoke the whole time with the police, in English, without any kind of problem.

Part de l’atestat de la Comissaria General d’Informació on s’explicita el suport del CNI/QS

Despite the included reports that raise doubts about the official [Spanish] police narrative that his companions knew that a European order had been activated, the German police highlighted their "collaboration". Nevertheless, the National High Court prosecutor's office is calling for a gaol sentence for the president's escorts of no more and no less than three years for a crime of concealment. In his writ of qualification addressed to the Central Court of Instruction No. 6 for the trial to be held between 24th and 27th May at the headquarters of the National Court, to which El Món has gained access, prosecutor Emilio Miró explains that "both were aware that Puigdemont was being investigated in Spain for his participation in acts constituting a crime of rebellion and others, and that the investigating judge in charge of the investigation - Pablo Llarena - had issued a European arrest and surrender warrant in order for him to be tried".

Part of one of the German BKA reports on Puigdemont's detention/QS




Vegeu també: Llarena va activar el centre antiterrorista de l’Estat per capturar Puigdemont. El Món, 14 ABR V2021


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