4 de març 2020

How Catalan minister Josep Rull was treated by Spanish officials when he was first arrested in November 2017.

This is an English translation of the way Catalan minister Josep Rull describes his disgusting treatment at the hands of Spanish prison officials when he was first arrested in November 2017.
Click here if need be to read the whole post

I was mistreated a lot by the Navalcarnero [prison] officials. I arrived in the Civil Guard van, three officials were waiting for me. I didn't have my glasses. I thought it was Soto del Real  prison]. An official said to me: 'You lot have run out of this Catalan nonsense, your nonsense is over”. I said,“ We won't be over for us, now or ever”. He replied,“ Well, you are going to rot here in prison all your life for being a traitor”. From then on, a very long hour of vexation began, and when they gave me the bag with my belongings, he said to me, 'You're going to spend so many years locked up here that you'll learn this indictment (issued by judge Lamela) by heart'".  
"Then they give me a cross I was wearing, a young official said to me: 'I don't understand anything because, when you came in, we were euphoric because traitors have to be in gaol, but now that I know you are a Christian... Look, Spain was built from the cross, in Catalonia you are full of Moors and, although you hate us, your Spanish brothers will go to Catalonia to save you from the Moors. My heart fell to the ground, my soul to my feet. "

Original text:

"Em van maltractar moltíssim, els funcionaris de Navalcarnero. Arribo amb la furgoneta de la Guàrdia Civil, m’estaven esperant tres funcionaris. Anava sense ulleres. Em pensava que era Soto del Real. Un funcionari em diu: ‘Se os ha acabado la tontería catalanes, se os ha acabado la tontería’. Li vaig dir: ‘No se nos acabará ni ahora ni nunca’. I em va contestar: ‘Pues os vais a pudrir aquí en la cárcel toda la vida por traidores’. A partir d’aquí, va començar una hora de vexacions llarguíssima. Quan em donen la bossa amb les pertinences, em diu: ‘Te vas a pasar tantos años aquí encerrado por traidor que este auto [el de la jutgessa Lamela] te lo vas a aprender de memoria'".

"Després em donen una creu que portava, un funcionari jove em diu: ‘No entiendo nada porque, cuando has entrado, estábamos pletóricos porque los traidores tenéis que estar en la cárcel pero ahora que sé que eres cristiano... Mira, España se ha construido a partir de la cruz, en Cataluña estáis llenos de moros y, aunque nos odiéis, vuestros hermanos españoles iremos a Cataluña a salvaros de los moros’. Em van caure els pebrots a terra, l’ànima als peus".

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