10 de gen. 2020

Dirty work by Spanish Supreme Court against VP Junqueras MEP

Here are two reactions by M. Strubell ( in English and in Catalan) to some of the latest moves by the Spanish Supreme Court, after being wrong-footed by a recent CJEU judgment recognising the rights of Catalan MEO-elects.
Click if need be to read the whole post


I'm no specialist but this seems utterly irregular!

The Spanish Supreme Court investigating judge Llarena acknowledges that exiled Catalan leaders Rt. Hon. Carles Puigdemont (the ousted President of Catalonia) and Toni Comin (his minister of Health) have immunity status as MEPs, in the light of the December 18 2017 Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) judgment (which the Supreme Court itself had requested during the trial, after the EP elections, for Oriol Junqueras, promising in writing to respect the CJEU judgment when deciding - in an unprecedented move - not to wait for it, and to issue the show trial verdict on October 14 2019).

Given they have immunity, he has exercised his right to ask the European Parliament for that to be waived in order to them to be extradited, and crucified like their convicted colleagues.

But judge Llarena has done so without withdrawing (for the 3rd time!) the European Arrest Warrants (EAW) issued against them, which means, believe it or not, that he is calling on the authorities of all EU member states to arrest these two MEPs while they still enjoy immunity!

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has pissed in the faces of the CJEU judges, deciding in a highly contorted text issued on January 3 2020 to uphold having passed judgment on him while he was supposed to be enjoying immunity, and refusing to release him immediately after the CJEU judgment pending a European Parliament immunity waiver. Moreover, it actually quashed his status as an MEP, using as a convenient tool the Electoral Board, acting in this regard at the behest of the 3 right-wing parties: Partido Popular, Ciudadanos and Vox. Following European Union caselaw, the EP has had no option but to acknowledge this Supreme Court decision and strike him off the roll of MEPs.

So now his party, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (and their electoral coalition, I imagine), are taking this back to the CJEU, which will of course put the Spanish courts (including the Spanish Electoral Board) back in the European dock again. A million voters - his - want justice!



L'atropellament dels drets, recordem-ho, ve d'un tribunal (el Suprem) que havia negat durant mesos els drets de l'eurodiputat electe Oriol Junqueras (i els seus votants) - principalment, la seva immunitat- sense en cap moment demanar l'obligatòria suplicatòria al PE, amb el fals argument que Junqueras no havia fet un tràmit burocràtic (només perquè el mateix tribunal no l'autoritzà a sortir de la presó -on feia dies que resulta que no hi havia de ser-), que amb tot cinisme, mesos més tard i sentència de la TJUE en mà la fiscalia del Tribunal Suprem només veuria dubtes raonables" en l'obligació de la LOREG de jurar la Constitució, i que mentre encara esperava la sentència del TJEU que el mateix tribunal suprem havia demanat com a qüestió prejudicial -a instància d'OJ, és clar- es va precipitar, per raons molt diverses i segurament en part tèrboles, dictant una sentència (això sí, assegurant per escrit al President de la TJUE, el mateix dia 14 d'octubre de la sentència, que acataria la seva sentència, fos quina fos), fa que sigui un òrgan administratiu molt visiblement polititzat -les decisions del qual han estat sovint anul•lades pel mateix Suprem!- que en una decisió promoguda pels tres partits de l'oposició dretana espanyola, rebutjada per gairebé la meitat de la Junta, i aparentment anunciada pel president del PP, s'atribueix la facultat de cessar justament una persona que el TJUE -conscient que el Suprem s'ha avançat a la resolució de la qüestió prejudicial- ha decidit fa poques setmanes, públicament, que gaudeix d'immunitat. 



Vegeu també: https://twitter.com/RuthGumbau/status/1215734769465556992?s=19

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