21 de des. 2019

Comments by Alfred de Zayas on ECJ Junqueras Opinion (20 DEC 2019)

Comments by Alfred de Zayas, Former UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order, following the December 19 2019 European Court of Justice Opinion on Oriol Junqueras MEP, requested by the Supreme Court as a pre-requisite before issuing its judgment... which it issued anyway, on October 14 2019.
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The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg has correctly decided in the Junqueras case. Of course he enjoys immunity and of course he must be released.

The Spanish government must now release Junqueras and pay him compensation for arbitrary arrest and detention -- and for mental torture.
Let us see all Catalan political prisoners released so that they can spend Christmas with their families. 

The UN Working Group on arbitrary detention had already ruled against Spain concerning the Catalan political prisoners, but Spain ignored the UN.
The implications of the Junqueras judgment are wide ranging. Let us see prompt implementation and reconciliation. #JunquerasImmunity

The European Court should have acted more expeditiously and rendered judgment before Spain galloped away in unlawfulness.

All professional organizations of lawyers and judges should now reject the chronic intransigence of Spain's Tribunal Supremo.

Let us see (sic) good example through enforcement of the Junqueras judgment.  NOW!

Neither can Puigdemont be extradited to Spain. Let's end the legal farce in Madrid and return to the rule of law and article 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon. 
#Catalonia #Spain

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