6 de jul. 2019


I have a question for @michelrademaker @HanTenBroeke and @robdewijk of  The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies,
Click here if need be to access the whole text.

If a public authority whose people wish to democratically and peacefully exercise their right of self-determination despite the opposition of central government were to be charged with contempt of court, prevarication and misuse of public funds for an agreement with, say, the HCSS, what would your position be? Would this not strengthen - along with
  • (a) preventive detention of political and social leaders (some over 600 days) flatly condemned by #UN #WGAD in two Opinions, 
  • (b) #EAWs for exiled politicians dropped by Spain in Belgium, Germany and UK (because courts fail to see the slightest evidence for serious charges) and 
  • (c) the constant reduction of legislative powers of Catalonia's home rule, often affecting the population's wellbeing - Catalonia's claim to remedial secession?
Surely international recognition of Parliament's Declaration on October 27 2017 is more likely to be granted given the Catalans can list strong evidence to be regarded as an oppressed people.

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