25 de juny 2019

Trial Summary - Catalunya Radio (10 June 2019)

El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio
Mònica Terribas
10 June 2019
Click below on "Més informació" if need be, for Catalan transcript and English translation (by MS)

"The sythesizers: Ready for remittal for judgment"

ÀUDIO:  https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/alacarta/el-mati-de-catalunya-radio/els-sintetitzadors-quatre-mesos-de-judici-i-a-punt-per-al-vist-per-a-sentencia/audio/1042478/

*At the end of the post, for iPad and mobile phone readers, I have reproduced the English text removed from column format.

El Nadal passat pocs s'atrevien a fer pronòstics de quan podia durar però ja som al final: demà comença l'últim episodi del judici al Tribunal Suprem del procés independentista de la tardor del 2017 tot i que per a la sentència encara haurem d'esperar a la tardor... És un judici històric, sens dubte, el més important de la democràcia espanyola.
Last Christmas few dared to make predictions of how long it could last but we have reached the end: the last episode of the trial in the Supreme Court of the independence process of Autumn 2017 begins tomorrow, although for the sentence we will still have to wait until this autumn... It is a historic judgment, undoubtedly the most important of the Spanish democracy.
Fa uns dies, l'advocat Andreu Van den Eynde ens reconeixia que el president de la sala, Manuel Marchena, havia dirigit els tempos amb mà de ferro, encara que pel camí -afegia- els acusats havien perdut alguns drets.
A few days ago, lawyer Andreu Van den Eynde recognized that the president of the chamber, Manuel Marchena, had led the tempo with an iron fist, although on the way - he added - the defendants had lost some of their rights.
Dani Gómez, Domènec Subirà, bon dia! En quatre mesos, des del 12 de febrer fins ara, Marchena ha completat tota la part del judici oral...
Dani Gómez, Domènec Subirà, good morning! In four months, from March 12 until now, Marchena has completed the whole of the oral proceedings...
DG: Sí, ha passat per les proves testificals -els testimonis-, les pericials i les documentals, amb la controvertida exhibició dels vídeos de l'1 d'octubre.
DG: Yes, he has gone through the testimonial tests - the witnesses -, the experts and the documentaries, with the controversial exhibition of the October 1 videos.
DS: La setmana passada, les acusacions, Fiscalia, Advocacia de l'Estat i l'acusació popular de l'extrema dreta de Vox, van exposar els seus informes finals amb els arguments per mantenir els càrrecs contra les dotze persones encausades.
DS: Last week, the prosecution - the prosecutor's office, the state lawyers’ office and the “popular prosecutor”, the extreme right party Vox -, presented their final reports with the arguments to uphold the charges against the twelve people in charge.
Demà tornem a ser a Madrid perquè tocarà a les defenses exposar els seus arguments definitius, amb petició d'absolució inclosa. I després podran fer el seu al·legat final els acusats. Hi ha dues sessions previstes, demà dimarts i dimecres, i si calgués s'habilitaria també dijous.
Tomorrow we return to Madrid because it will be the defence counsels’ turn to expound on their definitive arguments, with a request for acquittal included. And then the defendants will have the opportunity to make their final plea. There are two scheduled sessions: tomorrow Tuesday, and Wednesday, and if necessary, Thursday would also be added.
Per això avui ens sembla oportú SINTETITZAR aquests quatre mesos, els moments, les imatges, el més destacat del que s'ha dit des del febrer...
That is why today it seems timely to SUMMARISE these four months, the moments, the images, the highlights of what has been said since February...
DG: La fase testifical va començar amb la compareixença dels principals actors de govern. I amb ells la principal controvèrsia en clau política: fins on podia arribar el diàleg i on va començar la via unilateral? Versions d'Artur Mas i Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría davant del Tribunal Suprem...
DG: The testifical phase, the witnesses, began with the appearance of the main government actors. And with them the main controversy in the political key: how far could dialogue be reached and where did the unilateral journey begin? Versions of Rt. Hon. Artur Mas and [former deputy primer minister] Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría before the Supreme Court...
TALL 2:20-2:53
CUT 2:20-2:53
Mas: Yo siempre escuché la voluntad de acordar los términos de esereferéndum con el Gobierno español. Siempre. Lo escuché también en declaraciones públicas del president Puigdemont cuando visitaba al presidente Rajoy en la Moncloa y la ofrecía pactar la fecha la pregunta y las condiciones anteriores y posteriores del referendo.
Mas: I always heard the willingness to reach agreement on the terms of this referendum with the Spanish Government. Always. I also heard it in public statements by President Puigdemont when he visited prime minister Rajoy in the Moncloa [palace, in Madrid] and offered to reach agreement on the date of the question and the conditions before and after the referendum.
Sáenz de Santamaría: El Gobierno de la Nación no puede disponer sobre la soberanía y sobre la unidad del territorio nacional. Ni con el Señor Junqueras ni con nadie puedo hablar de convocar un referendum de autodeterminacion en nuestro país.
Sáenz de Santamaría: The Government of the Nation cannot play around with the sovereignty and the unity of the national territory. Neither with Mr. Junqueras nor with anyone can I talk about calling a referendum of self-determination in our country.
DS: Però més enllà de les posicions oficials, un interrogant del judici era quins contactes hi havia hagut entre bambolines l'estiu i la tardor del 2017, i fins i tot els dies previs a la declaració d'independència. I aquí el lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, que va fer de mitjancer, tenia un record i Mariano Rajoy, un altre...
DS: But beyond the official positions, a question mark surrounding the trial was what contacts there had been behind the scenes in the summer and autumn of 2017, and even in the days before the declaration of independence. And here Lehendakari [Basque president] Iñigo Urkullu, who acted as mediator, had one recollection, and [primer minister] Mariano Rajoy had another...
TALL 3:10-3:55
CUT 3:10-3:55
Defensa: ¿Vd personalmente atendió al Señor Urkullu?
Defence: Did you personally meet Sr. Urkullu?
Rajoy: Pues no sé si... desde luego, y puestos a tal, también me llamó el Señor Ortuza. Quizá personalmente haya hablado personalmente con el Señor Urkullu.
Rajoy: Well, I do not know if... of course, and while we are on the subject, Sr. Ortuza also called me. Maybe I did speak with Mr. Urkullu personally.
Defensa: Señor Rajoy, no quiero ponerle en un problema.
Defence: Mr. Rajoy, I do not want to put you in a fix.
Marchena: Es muy sencillo...
Marchena: It's very simple...
Rajoy: O sea, ahí no ha habido ningún mediador de nada. A mi me llamó mucha gente pero claro tiene usted que entender que es muy difícil recordar sí hablé personalmente, hable por teléfono o hablé a través de mensajes.
Rajoy: That is, there was no kind of mediator of any sort. Many people called me, but of course you have to understand that it is very difficult to remember if I spoke to them personally, on the phone or through messages.
Urkullu: Mantuve la reunión con el presidente del Gobierno español el 19 de julio por un espacio de 2 horas. Previamente a ello el presidente español que se puso en comunicación conmigo para fijar la agenda posible. A partir de ese momento ya fueron muchas las conversaciones, muchas las comunicaciones mantenidas con diversas personas...
Urkullu: I had the meeting with the Spanish Prime Minister on July 19 for a space of two hours. Prior to that, the Spanish prime minister contacted me to set the possible agenda. From that moment on there were many conversations, many communications with various people...
DG: Preguntat pel contingut de les converses amb el president basc, Rajoy tampoc va donar gaires detalls...
DG: Asked about the content of the talks with the Basque president, nor did Rajoy give many details...
TALL 4:01-4:08
CUT 4:01-4:08
Rajoy: La propuesta más importante que hice es que se dejara de vulnerar la Constitución. Esta fue la propuesta más importante.
Rajoy: The most important proposal I made was to stop violating the Constitution. This was the most important proposal.
DS: Atenció en canvi, a les percepcions que tenia Urkullu aquells dies d'octubre...
DS: Note, however, the perceptions that Urkullu had in those days of October...
TALL 4:13-4:33
CUT 4:13-4:33
Urkullu: Tuve mi intuición de cuál sería la disposición del presidente del Gobierno español, que no era muy dado a la aplicación del artículo 155 realmente.
Urkullu: I had my intuition of what the disposition of the president of the Spanish Government, would be, for he really was not keen on the application of Article 155.
Acusación: ¿Cuál era la respuesta del Sr. Puigdemont?
Prosecution: What was Mr. Puigdemont's response?
Urkullu: En modo alguno él tenía deseo de proceder a la declaracón unilateral de independencia.
Urkullu: In no way at all did he wish to proceed with the unilateral declaration of independence.
L'acusació de rebel·lió basa els seus arguments en la convergència de quatre actors: el Parlament, la Generalitat, els Mossos d'Esquadra i les entitats socials.
The charge of rebellion bases its arguments on the convergence of four actors: the Parliament, the Generalitat, the Mossos d'Esquadra and the social organizations.
DG: Al govern a més se l'acusa de malversació. I aquí l'ex-ministre Cristóbal Montoro era un dels testimonis més esperats...
DG: The government is also accused of embezzlement. And here ex-minister Cristóbal Montoro was one of the most eagerly expected witnesses...
TALL 4:50-4:56
CUT 4:50-4:56
Montoro: Todos los fondos estaban controlados, hasta el punto que sustituímos a la propia administración autonómica.
Montoro: All the funds were controlled, to the point that we replaced the autonomous administration itself.
DS: No era la primera vegada que feia aquesta declaració, així contundent. Però aquesta vegada el fiscal li arrancava un matís:
DS: It was not the first time that this statement was made this strongly. But this time the prosecutor prized out a nuance:
TALL 5:03-5:14
CUT 5:03-5:14
Montoro: La autoridad convocante no tenía presupuesto.
Montoro: The convening authority did not have a budget.
Fiscal: ¿Esto excluye la posibilidad de que haya actuaciones irregulares para la financiación del referéndum, o engañosas o fraudulentas?
Fiscal: Does this exclude the possibility of irregular actions for the funding of the referendum, or deceptive ones, or fraudulent ones?
Montoro: No, esto no lo podemos nunca excluir.
Montoro: No, we can never rule that out.
La discussió sobre la veracitat i la legalitat dels fets evidentment ha estat un dels eixos del judici, i a això s'han cenyit algunes de les defenses i part dels testimonis.
The discussion about the accuracy and legality of the facts has evidently been one of the cornerstones of the trial, and some of the defence counsels and part of the testimonies concentrated on this.
DG: L'actual president del Parlament, Roger Torrent, per exemple, defensava l'actuació de la seva predecessora, Carme Forcadell...
DG: The current Speaker of the Parliament, Roger Torrent, for example, defended the action of his predecessor, Carme Forcadell...
TALL 5:29-5:47
CUT 5:29-5:47
No hay propuestas de grupos parlamentarios que se puedan censurar. Nunca hacemos censurado, nunca las han censurado los presidentes que me han precedido, particularmente tampoco nunca las ha censurado la president Forcadell, de hecho yo en su lugar hubiera hecho exactamente lo mismo.
There are no proposals by parliamentary groups that can be censored. We have never censored, none of the Speakers who have preceded me you have ever censored them, and in particular Speaker Forcadell never censored them; in fact, had I been in her place, I would have done exactly the same thing.
DS: Però un altra estratègia que també ha sobresortit és la de reivindicar els drets dels encausats i de la població a la qual representaven. El debat de la legitimitat versus la legalitat. Aquí encaixa, entre d'altres, el testimoni d'Ada Colau que, com ella mateixa aclaria, parteix de la discrepància amb l'independentisme...
DS: But another strategy that has also stuck out is that of vindicating the rights of the defendants and of the population they represented. The debate of legitimacy versus legality. Here fits, among others, the testimony of [Barcelona mayor] Ada Colau, who, as she herself made clear, starts with the discrepancy with the independence movement...
TALL 6:02-6:15
CUT 6:02-6:15
A mi se me parte el alma, Señoría, de ver que aquí el Sr. Cuixart esté hoy aquí en situación de prisión preventiva como el resto de acusados, con quienes puedo tener discrepancias políticas, però si por el uno de octubre estamos aquí deberíamos estar millones de personas.
Ada Colau: It breaks my heart, Your Honour, to see that Mr. Cuixart is here today in pretrial detention like the rest of the defendants, with whom I may have political disagreements, but if for October 1 we are here, there should be millions of people in the dock.
DG: I encara una reivindicació més, aquesta sobre el judici mateix. Les defenses havien demanat que es vetés la participació del partit d'extrema dreta Vox al judici, però no se'n van sortir. Els exdiputats de la CUP Antonio Baños i Eulàlia Reguant van ser més expeditius quan els va tocar testificar...
DG: And yet another claim, this one on the trial itself. The defence had called for the participation of the far right Vox party in the trial to be vetoed, but they did not get they way. Former CUP MPs Antonio Baños and Eulàlia Reguant were more expeditious when it was their turn to testify...
TALL 6:31-6:51
CUT 6:31-6:51
Baños: Si me permite, Señoría, yo me negaré a contestar...
Baños: If you allow me, Your Honour, I will refuse to answer...
Marchena: No, no puede.
Marchena: No, you can’t.
Baños: Que sí, si que puedo.
Baños: Yes, yes I can.
Marchena: No...
Marchena: No...
Baños: Bueno, pues no pienso contestar las preguntas que me haga...
Baños: Well, I dont’ intend to answer the questions they ask me...
Marchena: No, no, escuche, escuche, escúcheme.
Marchena: No, no, listen, listen, listen to me.
Reguant: Frente a la extrema derecha, frenta a un partido machista y xenófobo, no aceptaré contestar las preguntas, asumiendo las consecuencias.
Reguant: In front of the extreme right, in front of a sexist and xenophobic party, I will not accept to answer the questions, and I accept the consequences.
Resultat d'aquest desacatament, el Suprem els ha imposat una multa de 2.500 euros que, de moment, NO s'ha pagat.
As a result of this contempt of court, the Supreme Court issued a 2,500 euros fine which, to date, has not been paid.
Entrem en els testimonis de la violència, sens dubte el gruix del judici i el que més hores i més controvèrsia ha ocupat. Els escenaris més analitzats durant aquests quatre mesos han estat el de la concentració del 20 de setembre davant la conselleria d'Economia i el de l'1 d'octubre als centres de votació arreu del país.
Let us move on to the witnesses on violence, no doubt the bulk of the trial and what has taken up most time and most controversy. The scenarios most analyzed during these four months were the one of the concentration on September 20thoutside the Ministry of Economy and the one on October 1 at the polling stations throughout the country.
DS: Pel que fa a l'1 d'octubre, un testimoni destacat que va corroborar el relat de l'acusació, va ser el de l'ex-delegat del Govern a Catalunya la tardor del 2017, Enric Millo, sobretot amb un exemple que es va fer viral...
DS: With regard to October 1, a prominent testimony that corroborated the story of the prosecution was that of the former delegate of the [Spanish] Government in Catalonia in autumn 2017, Enric Millo, especially with an example that went viral...
TALL 7:25-7:37
CUT 7:25-7:37
Millo: Un agente me explicó que le había caído en la trampa del fairy. Pregunté qué es esto, ¿no? En verter detergente en la entrada de algunos colegios para que, cuando los policías entraran, patinaran, caían al suelo y luego les pateaban en la cabeza.
Millo: An agent explained to me that he had fallen into the Fairy trap. I asked what was that, you know? It involved pouring detergent at the entrance of some schools so that, when the police entered, they slipped, fell to the ground and then their heads got kicked.
DG: Del 20 de setembre, un dels testimonis més polèmics de l'acusació ha estat el de Montserrat del Toro, la secretària judicial del Jutjat número 13 de Barcelona, que aquell dia va dirigir l'escorcoll a la Conselleria d'Economia, envoltada per milers de persones...
DG: As to September 20, one of the most controversial testimonies of the prosecution was been that of Montserrat del Toro, the court secretary of Barcelona Court No. 13, who on that day led the search party in the Department of Economy, surrounded by thousands of people...
TALL 7:52-8:08
CUT 7:52-8:08
Toro: Tenía evidentement como persona, como humano, que velar por mi integridad física porque realmente tenía miedo y tambén era mi obligación profesional asegurarme que el fruto del trabajo de 17 horas de registro no se perdieran ni se quedarán olvidadas...
Toro: I had evidently, as a person, as a human being, to watch over my physical integrity because I was really afraid and it was also my professional obligation to make sure that the fruit of the work of 17 hours of searches was not lost or forgotten...
DS: La por que ella esmenta, o la seva sortida pel terrat del Departament, han fet córrer molta tinta, tanta com la descripció del perquè passava tot això a Catalunya aquella tardor...
DS: The fear she mentions, or her departure across a Department terrace, spilled a lot of ink, at least as the description of why this happened in Catalonia that autumn...
TALL 8:19-8:42
CUT 8:19-8:42
Nos poníamos en un clima que podríamos calificar por objetivos, en un clima que podríamos calificar por el número de acciones, en un clima que podríamos calificar por abstención, dónde se producían claramente insurreccional. Aquello literalmente era un polvorín. Aquellos días sabíamos que esa situación cualquier incidente pequeño podría derivar en una escalada incontrolable... y afortunadamente no fue así.
Baena: We got into a climate that we could qualify by objectives, in a climate that we could qualify by the number of actions, in a climate that we could qualify by abstention, where they were happening, as clearly insurrectional. It was literally a powder keg. Those days we knew that in that situation any small incident could lead to an uncontrollable escalation... and fortunately that did not happen.
Era el coronel de la Guàrdia Civil José Daniel Baena, cap dels agents judicials del cos a Catalunya amb una explicació que donava cobertura i justificació global a tota actuació policial, conscient de les crítiques que havien generat.
This was the Civil Guard Colonel, José Daniel Baena, chief of the body's court agents in Catalonia, with an explanation that provided comprehensive coverage and justification to all police action, aware of the criticism they had generated.
DS: Baena, investigat per les seves crítiques i insults a les xarxes contra independentistes i periodistes, insistia a descriure un clima, un terme que el fiscal Jaime Moreno va fer seu després quan va mostrar els vídeos de la suposada violència, amb imatges que, per cert, no va saber ubicar geogràficament...
DS: Baena, who is being investigated for his criticisms and insults in the social networks against independence supporters and journalists, insisted on describing a climate, a term that prosecutor Jaime Moreno took on afterwards when he showed the videos of alleged violence, with images that, incidentally, he could not locate geographically...
TALL 9:15-9:25 CUT 9:15-9:25
Moreno: Esta pidiendo al señor fiscal una identificación que en nada viene a añadir. En todo caso lo que se está señalando es que fue un clima en todos los colegios en todos los lugares.
Moreno: You are asking the prosecutor for an identification that does not add anything. In any case what is being pointed out is that it was a climate in all the schools in all the places.
DG: Els informes sobre els fets d'aquella tardor elaborats pel coronel Baena per al jutjat d'instrucció número 13 són els que han fonamentat la instrucció del Suprem. Coherent amb aquesta línia declarava al Suprem l'exministre de l'Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido...
DG: The reports on the events of that autumn written by Colonel Baena for Investigating Court No. 13 are those on which the investigation of the Supreme Court was based. Consistent with this line, former Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido testified before the Supreme Court...
TALL 9:39-9:50
CUT 9:39-9:50
Zoido: Eso lo de exceso no lo comparto. Creo que fue una actuación proporcionada dada la circunstancias que concurrieron en ese, en ese día.
Zoido: I do not agree that they acted excessively. I think it was a proportionate action given the circumstances that concurred on that, on that day.
El clima insurreccional és un dels arguments de l'acusació per justificar l'actuació dels cossos de seguretat espanyols. L'altre és la passivitat dels Mossos d'Esquadra, un instrument al servei de la rebel·lió, segons els fiscals.
The insurrectionist climate is one of the arguments of the prosecution to justify the action of the Spanish security forces. The other is the passivity of the Mossos d'Esquadra, an instrument at the service of the rebellion according to the prosecutors.
DS: La tesi la va plantejar la fiscalia a les conclusions provisionals i la va mantenir a les conclusions definitives, després de quatre mesos de judici, de sentir gairebé 500 testimonis i de veure una desena d'hores de vídeos.
DS: The thesis was proposed by the public prosecutor in his provisional conclusions and was kept in the final conclusions, after four months of trial, almost 500 testimonials and having seen a dozen hours of videos.
DG: Al Tribunal li toca ara valorar explicacions com la del Major dels Mossos, Josep Lluís Trapero, preguntat pel mateix Manuel Marchena sobre aquesta suposada submissió al govern independentista...
DG: The Court now has to evaluate explanations such as that of the then head of the Mossos, Josep Lluís Trapero, personally asked by Manuel Marchena about their purported submission to the pro-independence government...
TALL 10:30-10:59
CUT 10:30-10:59
Marchena: Sr. Trapero, antes de marcharse, ¿exactamente qué mensaje quiere usted transmitir a esos responsables políticos y qué respuesta obtiene?
Marchena: Mr. Trapero, before you leave, exactly what message did you want to convey to those political leaders and what answer did you get?
Trapero: el referendo, que allí vamos como cúpula del cuerpo y emplazamos a un cumplimiento de las órdenes judiciales. Les dijimos que evidentemente nosotros las íbamos a cumplir, que estaban equivocados con nosotros. Les dijimos que el cuerpo de mossos evidentemente no iba a quebrar nunca con la legalidad y la Constitución, que no acompañábamos el proyecto independentista...
Trapero: the referendum, we go there as the police chiefs and call for compliance with the court orders. We told them that we were obviously going to comply, that they had got us wrong. We told them that the body of Mossos evidently was not going to break with legality and the Constitution, that we were not accompanying the pro-independence project...
DS: El segon en la cadena de comandament dels Mossos, Ferran López, també va participar a les reunions amb el govern on van advertir del risc de violència...
DS: The second in command of the Mossos, Ferran López, also took part in the meetings with the Government, where they warned of the risk of violence...
TALL 11:08-11:23
CUT 11:08-11:23
López: Si que recuerdo que el Sr. Puigdemont dijo que si se producía este escenario que nosotros preveíamos en ese mismo momento declaraba la independencia.
López: Yes, I remember that Mr. Puigdemont said that if the scenario that we envisaged occurred, at that very moment independence would be declared.
Fiscal: ¿Así lo dijo?
Prosecutor: He said it like that?
López: Si, lo recuerdo perfectamente. Creo que es una frase que todos recordamos perfectamente porque es difícil de olvidar.
López: Yes, I remember it perfectly. I think it's a sentence we all remember perfectly because it's hard to forget.
DG: El tribunal podria tenir en compte també que Ferran López va ser el representant dels Mossos, tant en la coordinació de l'1 d'octubre com en l'aplicació del 155, encara que el màxim responsable d'interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido, ni ho sabia...
DG: The court could also take into account that Ferran López was the representative of the Mossos, both in the coordination of October 1 and in the application of 155, although the head of the Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido , I did not know...
TALL 11:35-12:02
CUT 11:35-12:02
Defensa: ¿Sabía Vd. que el Sr. Ferran López era el comisario designado por el mayor Trapero para asistir en su nombre a las reuniones de coordinación con el coronel Pérez de los Cobos?
Defence: Did you know that Mr. Ferran López was the officer appointed by Major Trapero to attend, on his behalf, the coordination meetings with Colonel Pérez de los Cobos?
Zoido: Lo ignoro.
Zoido: I don’t know.
Defensa: ¿Y el hecho de que coincidiera el representante máximo designado por la administración desleal con el nuevo jefe operativo designado por usted no le produce sorpresa?
Defence: And did the fact that the top representative appointed by the disloyal administration coincided with the new chief operational officer you had appointed not surprise you?
Zoido: Yo... ignoro quién fue el que aprobó el dispositivo de los Mossos d'Esquadra.
Zoido: I... I don’t know who it was that approved the Mossos d'Esquadra’s operation.
Justament, l'interrogant sobre qui va decidir l'actuació dels Mossos per a l'1 d'octubre ha estat un dels nusos en aquest procés que, moltes vegades, semblava ser un judici als Mossos.
Indeed, the question about who decided the action of the Mossos for October 1 has been one of the key issues in this trial that often seemed to be putting the Mossos in the dock.
DS: Tant és així que Xavier Melero, l'advocat de l'exconseller d'Interior Joaquim Forn, va demanar al tribunal un cara a cara entre el comissari Ferran López i el coordinador de les policies l'1 d'octubre, el coronel Diego Pérez de los Cobos. La Sala no l'ha autoritzat i la defensa s'ha quedat sense poder posar en evidència contradiccions com aquesta...
DS: So much so that Xavier Melero, former [Catalan] interior minister Joaquim Forn’s counsel, asked the court for a confrontation between Commissioner Ferran López and the police coordinator on October 1, Colonel Diego Pérez de los Cobos. The Chamber has not authorized it and the defence has been left unable to highlight contradictions such as this...
TALL 12:32-13:01
CUT 12:32-13:01
Pérez de los Cobos: Ese plan de actuación no parece el apropiado para impedir un referéndum sino que parece más encaminado a un dispositivo policial de unas elecciones normales y no de un referéndum prohibido que hay que impedir.
Pérez de los Cobos: This plan of action does not seem appropriate to prevent a referendum, but seems rather aimed more at a police operation of a normal election than of a banned referendum that has to be prevented.
López: Pérez de los Cobos validó el dispositivo del día 1 de octubre. Validó que fuesen una dotación de Mossos d'Esquadra en cada punto de votación. Validó el dispositivo y diseñó la estructura de la coordinación del dispositivo.
López: Pérez de los Cobos validated the device on October 1. He validated that they there would be a couple of Mossos d'Esquadra at each voting point. He validated the operation and designed the structure of the coordination of the operation.
DG: Dues versions per a una realitat. Algú menteix deia Melero quan observava aquestes divergències de testimonis. I aquesta impressió es repetiria quan la sala va escoltar els guàrdies civils i els policies espanyols que van actuar l'1 d'octubre...
DG: Two versions of a single reality. Someone’s lying, said Melero when he observed these divergences of witnesses. And this impression was to be repeated when the room heard the civil guards and the Spanish police officers who acted on October 1...
TALL 13:14-13:40
CUT 13:14-13:40
Vi por primera vez en mi vida professional el reflejo del odio, lo vi en la cara de la gente aquella / Las caras de odio, las caras de desprecio ante los agentes de la autoridad / Era digno de ver la cara de odio con los que nos miraba. Yo llevo 25 años en la guardia civil, muchos de ellos pasados en el País Vasco, y lo que pude percibir en esa persona nunca lo he percibido / Ver ese odio en esa gente y máxime en nosotros que tuvimos una intervención muy liviana, muy humana.
I saw for the first time in my professional life the reflection of hatred, I saw it in the faces of those people / The faces of hatred, the faces of contempt before the agents of authority / It was worthy to see the faces of hatred with which they looked at us. I have been in the Civil Guard for 25 years , many of them spent in the Basque Country, and I have never perceived what I managed to perceive in that person / To see that hatred in those people and especially towards us, whose intervention was very gentle, very human.
DS: Aquí tampoc es va poder confrontar el relat amb la prova que més clarament podia evidenciar contradiccions o falsedats: els vídeos, els famosos vídeos! El contrast només arribaria amb el testimoni dels que van anar a votar...
DS: The narrative could not be confronted here, either, with the evidence that could most clearly reveal contradictions or falsehoods: the videos, the famous videos! The contrast was only to come with the testimony of those who went to vote...
TALL 13:53-14:20
CUT 13:53-14:20
Vi como cogían la gente por el pelo, como la tiraban por el suelo, uno que recibe alguna patada / Vimos la policía, como estaba arrastrando y pegando a la gente, intentando sacar de allí... Incluso vi como un policía levantó la porra a una abuelita que estaba sentada en una silla / Me acuerdo perfectamente del ruido de las porras cuando abrían la cabeza / Un policía nacional me estrelló en el suelo, me había fracturado el ala derecha del pelvis entera, de arriba a abajo.
I saw how they grabbed people by the hair, how they threw them on the ground, one or more that get kicked / We saw how the police dragged and hit people, trying to get them outside... I even saw how a policeman raised his baton to an old lady who was sitting in a chair / I remember perfectly the sound of truncheons as they opened people’s heads / A national policeman threw me to the ground, he had broken the entire right side of my pelvis, from top to bottom.
I els magistrats han hagut de sentir una i altra vegada perquè aquesta resistència, perquè aquesta actitud. Els ho va dir David Fernández, l'exdiputat de la CUP: "Ho farem i ho tornaríem a fer".
And the magistrates have had to hear over and over again the reason for this resistance, the reason for this attitude. They were told by David Fernández, the former CUP MP: "We shall do it and we shall do it again."
TALL: 14:31-14:50
CUT 14:31-14:50
La desobedecí a conciencia, y la desobedecí también anteriormente el 9 de noviembre de 2014 cuando también hubo prohibiciones, yo no sólo yo, creo que 2,3 millones de personas desobedecimos aquella resolución del Tribunal Constitucional, porque si la autodeterminación es el delito me declaro abiertamente culpable y reincidente.
Fernàndez: I disobeyed it deliberately, and I also disobeyed it previously on November 9, 2014 when there were also prohibitions, not only me, I believe that 2.3 million people disobeyed that resolution of the Constitutional Court, because if self-determination is the crime I openly admit I am guilty and a recidivist.
Les picabaralles entre els advocats defensors i el president de la sala, Manuel Marchena, han estat una constant al llarg d’aquest judici.
There have been constant quarrels between the defence lawyers and the president of the Chamber, Manuel Marchena, throughout this trial.
DG: Una de destacada va ser aquesta, quan l'advocat Benet Salellas interrogava la filòsofa Marina Garcés. Atenció a com Marchena posava fi a la discussió...
DG: An outstanding one was this one, when lawyer Benet Salellas interrogated philosopher Marina Garcés. Listen to how Marchena put an end to the wrangle...
TALL 15:07-15:41
CUT 15:07-15:41
Garcés: Yo, el uno de octubre, aluciné...
Garcés: I, on October 1, hallucinated...
Marchena: Vamos a ver. Usted no viene aquí para explicar al tribunal su grado de alucinación, su estado febril... Viene aquí exclusivamente, a explicar que fue lo que pasó.
Marchena: Let's see. You have not come here to explain to the Court your level of hallucination, your feverish state... You come here exclusively to explain what happened.
Defensa: Únicamente dejar constancia que las percepciones de los testigos del uno de octubre cuando fueron agentes…
Defence: I just want it put on record that the perceptions of the witnesses of October 1 when they were police officers...
Marchena: No,...
Marchena: No...
… Defensa: Los acepto… Protesta por la forma en que el Tribunal…
... Defence: I accept them... I protest about the way the Court...
… Marchena: Sí, Pero una cosa son las percepciones sensoriales y otra cosa es emotivas acerca de la alucinación...
... Marchena: Yes, But sensory perceptions are one thing and another thing are emotional perceptions about hallucinations...
… Defensa: .. sí fueron pertinentes, Señoría...
... Defence: Yes they were relevant, Your Honour...
Marchena: Mire, en cualquier caso formule otra pregunta, Sr. Salellas.
Marchena: Look, whatever the case may be, ask another question, Mr. Salellas.
Defensa: No voy a formular más preguntas.
Defence: I will not ask any more questions.
Marchena: Correcto. Mucho mejor.
Marchena: Right. Much better.
Aquesta és una de les intervencions més polèmiques de Manuel Marchena, perquè ho heu sentit abans com quan abans parlaven de «las caras del odio» dels policies, aquí no hi va haver interrupcions per part de Marchena, i en canvi, en aquesta ocasió sí.
This is one of the most controversial interventions of Manuel Marchena, because you already heard before as the police talked about "the faces of hatred", there were no interruptions on the part of Marchena then, but on this occasion there was.
La decisió del tribunal de NO contraposar les declaracions dels testimonis amb les imatges dels vídeos també ha generat conflictes de manera permanent amb les defenses.
The court's decision NOT to counter witness statements with video images has also generated conflicts on a permanent basis with the defence counsels.
DS: Els famosos vídeos del 20 de setembre i de l'1 d'octubre només es van poder veure en la fase documental, quan ja havien acabat els testimonis policials i els dels ciutadans que van defensar les urnes.
DS: The famous September 20 and October 1 videos were only seen in the documentary phase, when the police witnesses and those of the citizens who defended the ballot boxes had already finished.
DG: Això va impedir remarcar les contradiccions que els defensors detectaven en el relat dels agents espanyols. És el que li va passar en aquesta ocasió a l'advocat Jordi Pina que, com la resta dels seus companys, interrogava mentre veia en el seu portàtil els vídeos que el tribunal no permetia projectar...
DG: This prevented to emphasize the contradictions that the defenders detected in the story of the Spanish agents. This is what happened to the lawyer Jordi Pina on this occasion, who, like the rest of his colleagues, questioned while watching in his laptop the videos that the court did not allow to project...
TALL 16:24-17:02
CUT 16:24-17:02
Defensa: ¿Vd. sabe si se puso una persona con las manos delante para dialogar y la fuerza actuante lo arremetió, cayó esta persona al suelo y continuaron la marcha sin hacerle caso a esta persona? Mire voy a ser más preciso: que lo estoy viendo!
Defence: Do you know if a person with his hands in front of him stood forward to talk and the acting force attacked him, this person fell to the ground and they continued their march without paying attention to this person? Look, I'll be more precise: I'm seeing it [on the screen]!
Testimoni: No sé qué imagen...
Witness: I do not know what image...
Marchena: Señor Pina...
Marchena: Mr. Pina...
Defensa: Claro, es que...
Defence: Sure, the thing is that...
Marchena: A ver, por favor...
Marchena: Let's see, please...
Defensa: Pues me da igual, lo dejo, lo dejo..
Defence: Well I don’t mind, I’ll drop it, I’ll drop it...
Marchena: Lo que podemos hacer es que testifique usted en lugar del testigo si le parece. Esto no es serio Sr. Pina. Vd. normalmente se comporta como un letrado serio, pero en este momento no se ha comportado como un letrado serio.
Marchena: What we can do is that you testify instead of the witness if you think so. This is not serious Mr. Pina. You usually behave like a serious lawyer, but at this moment you have not behaved like a serious lawyer.
Defensa: Sí, tiene Vd. razón, pero Señoría...
Defence: Yes, you are right, but Your Honour...
Marchena: Ya está, ya está. Si le digo ya está ya está ves. Como tengo razón mejor lo dejamos y hace otra pregunta.
Marchena: That's it, that's it. If I tell you, that’s that, then that’s that. As I'm right, let’s leave it at that and ask another question.
Defensa: Le iba a dar una explicación...
Defence: I was going to give you an explanation...
Marchena: No me tiene que dar explicaciones porque igual las explicaciones agravan su actitud...
Marchena: You do not have to give me any explanations because your explanations might make things worse...
DS: Sonada també aquesta enganxada de Marchena amb l'advocada Marina Roig...
DS: This verbal scuffle between Marchena and lawyer Marina Roig also hit the headlines...
TALL 17:07-17:34
CUT 17:07-17:34
Defensa: Con respecto al Pacto Nacional pel Referèndum, ¿cuál fue el papel del sindicato?
Defence: With respect to the National Pact for the Referendum, what was the role of the union?
Pacheco: Participamos en las...
Pacheco: We took part in the...
Marchena: Vamos a ver doña Marina. ¿Vd cree que tiene trascendencia jurídica en los hechos el papel relevante que haya tenido Comissiones Obreras en el tratamiento de estos hechos? No tiene ninguna trascendencia! Yerra Vd. en la estraegia defensiva. Y no sécomo decírselo más claro.
Marchena: Let's see, Doña Marina. Do you think that the important role that this trade union may have had in the treatment of these events has any legal bearing on these facts? It has no significance! You're err in your defensive strategy. And I do not know how to tell you more clearly.
Defensa: Es que si no puedo pedir por el contenido de un documento, sinceramente, es que no entiendo cómo puedo defender a mi cliente.
Defence: If I can not ask about the content of a document, honestly, I do not understand how I can defend my client.
Marchena: Si no entiende, tiene un problema.
Marchena: If you do not understand, you have a problem.
DG: Marchena en estat pur. Tensions, retrets, queixes, protestes i, fins i tot, algun comentari gens imparcial d'un dels magistrats que va passar desapercebut per a la sala, però no per a l'advocat Andreu Van Den Eynde, que va necessitar respirar a fons i tot seguit mossegar-se la llengua per continuar endavant...
DG: Marchena in pure state. Tensions, complaints, reproaches, protests and even some far from impartial remark by one of the judges that went unnoticed by the Chamber, but not by Andreu Van Den Eynde, who had to take a deep to breath and then bite his tongue to be able to carry on...
TALL 17:50-18:12
CUT 17:50-18:12
Marchena: ¿Tiene más preguntas, Sr. letrado? Sr. letrado...
Marchena: Do you have any more questions, Mr. lawyer? Mr. lawyer...
Defensa: Sí. Estoy pensando.
Defence: Yes. I'm thinking.
Marchena: ¿Qué está pensando? ¿La pregunta que va a hacerle?
Marchena: What are you thinking? The question you are going to ask him?
Defensa: No
Defence: No
Marchena: La trae pensada de casa. Pero bueno... ¿Va a formular otra pregunta?
Marchena: You’ve brought it from home. But hey... Are you going to ask another question?
Defensa: Sí.
Defence: Yes
Marchena: Adelante.
Marchena: Go ahead.
Defensa: Quiero recobrar un poco la serenidad para poder ejercer bien la función de defensa.
Defence: I want to recover a little my serenity to be able to exercise well the function as counsel.
Marchena: Adelante. Recobre la serenidad y formule una pregunta.
Marchena: Go ahead. Regain your serenity and ask a question.
Advocats al marge, també cal recordar les topades que s'han donat entre Marchena i els diversos testimonis que han sol·licitat poder declarar en català.
Leaving aside the lawyers, the confrontations between Marchena and the various witnesses who requested to testify in Catalan are also worth recalling.
DS: La resposta del magistrat sempre ha estat la mateixa...
DS: The judge's response was always the same...
TALL 18:25-18:36
CUT 18:25-18:36
Marchena: Vd. va a contestar en castellano. Si no quiere contestar en castellano, esto es muy sencillo: Vd. se levanta, asume las consecuencias legales de su negativa a contestar, y hemos terminado.
Marchena: You are going to answer in Spanish. If you do not want to answer in Spanish, it’s very straightforward: you get up, assume the legal consequences of your refusal to answer, and we’ve finished.
DG: Això sí, deia Marchena: «Des del respecte al català». Marchena s'ha esforçat a quadrar el judici pel que fa a les formes i els tempos, ara queda la valoració del contingut de tot el que s'ha vist i sentit aquests quatre mesos.
DG: To be sure, Marchena did say: "Out of respect for Catalan". Marchena has strived to manage the trial as regards the formalities and the tempo, and now what remains is the assessment of the content of all that has been seen and heard in the last four months.
DS: Demà i dimecres, les defenses li donaran la seva versió definitiva i, després, els dotze acusats tindran l'última paraula abans que Marchena declari ja el judici vist per a sentència.
DS: Tomorrow and Wednesday, the defence counsels will give the court their definitive version, and then the twelve defendants will make their last plea before Marchena announces that the trial is adjourned for judgment.
DG: Com ja va passar a l'inici de la vista oral, tornarem a escoltar les veus d'Oriol Junqueras, Joaquim Forn, Jordi Turull, Raül Romeva, Josep Rull, Dolors Bassa, Carles Mundó, Meritxell Borràs, Santi Vila, Jordi Sànchez, Jordi Cuixart i Carme Forcadell.
DG: As previously happened at the beginning of the oral hearing, we will hear the voices of Oriol Junqueras, Joaquim Forn, Jordi Turull, Raül Romeva, Josep Rull, Dolors Bassa, Carles Mundó, Meritxell Borràs, Santi Vila, Jordi Sánchez, Jordi Cuixart and Carme Forcadell.
Ells i elles recordaran els seus arguments al tribunal...
They will remind the court of their arguments...

TALL 19:11-21:08
CUT 19:11-21:08
Junqueras: La silla que hay enfrente SIEMPRE está vacía, y traslada su responsabilidad política a los tribunales. La mayoría independentista…
Junqueras: The chair across the table is ALWAYS empty, and transfers its political responsibility to the courts. The pro-independence majority...
Forn: No hay ninguna instrucción política por parte del Consejero de Interior ni por parte del presidente de la Generalitat ni por parte de ningún miembro del gobierno que se le pida al agente que incumpla con las funciones de policía judicial de Cataluña…
Forn: No political instruction was given by the Catalan Minister of the Interior, by the President of the Generalitat or by any member of the government to call on police officers not to comply with their functions as court police of Catalonia...
Turull: Los ciudadanos de Cataluña no son ovejas, gente que está militarizada y se les dice “aquí, allí”, No, no es esto. La gente en Cataluña se independiza…
Turull: The citizens of Catalonia are not sheep, people who are militarizedand are told “Go this way, go that way”. No, that’s not it. People in Catalonia are becoming independent...
Romeva: La clave de nuestras intenciones tiene que ver con el principio democrático y…
Romeva: The key to our intentions has to do with the democratic principle and...
Rull: Yo creo que el Tribunal Constitución española tiene un déficit importante de autoridad moral…
Rull: I believe that the Spanish Constitution Court has a significant deficit of moral authority...
Bassa: Lo que puedo decirles es que no se realizó ningún gasto a partir del 7, el día que se suspende la ley. Antes no lo sé porque no controlo todo los departamentos.
Bassa: What I can tell you is that no expense was made after the 7th, the day the law was suspended. I do not know about beforehand, because I do not control all the departments.
Mundó: En el ámbito de mis competencias no realizar ninguna acción o resolución o acción tendente a realizar aquello que se me decía de no realizar.
Mundó: Within the scope of my competences, I did not take any action or resolution, or any action to do what I was being told not to do.
Borràs: No le voy a quitar valor, porque yo lo firmé, pero las firmas necesarias para un decreto, son las del Presidente y las del Consejero o Consejera que son de la materia.
Borràs: I'm not going to reduce its importance, for I did sign it, but the signatures needed for a decree are that of the President and that of the Minister with powers in the field.
Vila: Lo que ha pasado en Cataluña es impropio de una sociedad avanzada y moderna como la catalana, y teníamos que haber hecho las cosas de forma muy distinta.
Vila: What happened in Catalonia is improper for an advanced and modern society like the Catalan one, and we should have done things in a very different way.
Sánchez: Estábamos ejercitando el legítimo derecho de expresión, de manifestación, de reunión, y de exigencia de un derecho político como el derecho de la autodeterminación y la independencia de Cataluña.
Sánchez: We were exercising the legitimate right of expression, of demonstration, of assembly, and of demanding a political right such as the right of self-determination and the independence of Catalonia.
Cuixart: La parte bonita de todo esto es que dos millones trescientas mil personas en un rincón de Europa se solidarizan los unos con los otros, se organizan de manera transversal de abajo hacia arriba para participar de un referéndum, de una cosa tan poco delictiva como un referéndum…
Cuixart: The lovely part of all this is that two million three hundred thousand people in a corner of Europe stood in solidarity with one another, organized themselves transversely from the bottom up to take part in a referendum, something as little criminal as a referendum...
Forcadell: Lo que nos pedía el Tribunal Constitucional entendíamos que era convertir la Mesa en un órgano censor, quería que hiciésemos una cosa que el Parlament no podía hacer, no podíamos censurar el debate...
Forcadell: What the Constitutional Court asked us to do was to turn the Bureau into a censoring body, it wanted us to do something that the Parliament could not do, we could not censor the debate...
El 16 d’octubre què passarà? Doncs que més val que hi hagi sentència, perquè es compliran dos anys de presó preventiva de Jordi Cuixart i Jordi Sànchez. I si els han de mantenir a la presó, hauria de prorrogar aquesta presó preventiva -ja veuríem amb quins arguments-, durant dos anys. What will happen on October 16? Well, there had better be a verdict, because on that day Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez will have been in detention for two years. And if they are to be kept in prison, their preventive detention will have to extended - we would see on what grounds - for two more years.
Veurem si mentre la sala delibera els deixa en llibertat a ells i a tots els altres 7 presos i preses repartits entre els centres penitenciaris madrilenys de Soto del Real i Alcalà Meco. Demà escoltarem en directe aquestes defenses...
We shall see if, while the court deliberates, it will free them and the other 7 prisoners held in the Madrid and penitentiary centres of Soto del Real and Alcalá Meco. Tomorrow we will listen to their defence counsels live...

© Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals, SA


Last Christmas few dared to make predictions of how long it could last but we have reached the end: the last episode of the trial in the Supreme Court of the independence process of Autumn 2017 begins tomorrow, although for the sentence we will still have to wait until this autumn... It is a historical judgment, undoubtedly the most important of the Spanish democracy.
A few days ago, lawyer Andreu Van den Eynde recognized that the president of the chamber, Manuel Marchena, had led the tempo with an iron fist, although on the way - he added - the defendants had lost some of their rights.
Dani Gómez, Domènec Subirà, good morning! In four months, from March 12 until now, Marchena has completed the whole of the oral proceedings...
DG: Yes, he has gone through the testimonial tests - the witnesses -, the experts and the documentaries, with the controversial exhibition of the October 1 videos.
DS: Last week, the prosecution - the prosecutor's office, the state lawyers’ office and the “popular prosecutor”, the extreme right party Vox -, presented their final reports with the arguments to uphold the charges against the twelve people in charge.
Tomorrow we return to Madrid because it will be the defence counsels’ turn to expound on their definitive arguments, with a request for acquittal included. And then the defendants will have the opportunity to make their final plea. There are two scheduled sessions: tomorrow Tuesday, and Wednesday, and if necessary, Thursday would also be added.
That is why today it seems timely to SUMMARISE these four months, the moments, the images, the highlights of what has been said since February...
DG: The testifical phase, the witnesses, began with the appearance of the main government actors. And with them the main controversy in the political key: how far could dialogue be reached and where did the unilateral journey begin? Versions of Rt. Hon. Artur Mas and [former deputy primer minister] Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría before the Supreme Court...
CUT 2:20-2:53
Mas: I always heard the willingness to reach agreement on the terms of this referendum with the Spanish Government. Always. I also heard it in public statements by President Puigdemont when he visited prime minister Rajoy in the Moncloa [palace, in Madrid] and offered to reach agreement on the date of the question and the conditions before and after the referendum.
Sáenz de Santamaría: The Government of the Nation cannot play around with the sovereignty and the unity of the national territory. Neither with Mr. Junqueras nor with anyone can I talk about calling a referendum of self-determination in our country.
DS: But beyond the official positions, a question mark surrounding the trial was what contacts there had been behind the scenes in the summer and autumn of 2017, and even in the days before the declaration of independence. And here Lehendakari [Basque president] Iñigo Urkullu, who acted as mediator, had one recollection, and [primer minister] Mariano Rajoy had another...
CUT 3:10-3:55
Defence: Did you personally meet Sr. Urkullu?
Rajoy: Well, I do not know if... of course, and while we are on the subject, Sr. Ortuza also called me. Maybe I did speak with Mr. Urkullu personally.
Defence: Mr. Rajoy, I do not want to put you in a fix.
Jutge Marchena: It's very simple...
Mr. Rajoy: That is, there was no kind of mediator of any sort. Many people called me, but of course you have to understand that it is very difficult to remember if I spoke to them personally, on the phone or through messages.
Mr. Urkullu: I had the meeting with the Spanish Prime Minister on July 19 for a space of two hours. Prior to that, the Spanish prime minister contacted me to set the possible agenda. From that moment on there were many conversations, many communications with various people...
DG: Asked about the content of the talks with the Basque president, nor did Rajoy give many details...
CUT 4:01-4:08
Rajoy: The most important proposal I made was to stop violating the Constitution. This was the most important proposal.
DS: Note, however, the perceptions that Urkullu had in those days of October...
CUT 4:13-4:33
Urkullu: I had my intuition of what the disposition of the president of the Spanish Government, would be, for he really was not keen on the application of Article 155.
Prosecution: What was Mr. Puigdemont's response?
Urkullu: In no way at all did he wish to proceed with the unilateral declaration of independence.
The charge of rebellion bases its arguments on the convergence of four actors: the Parliament, the Generalitat, the Mossos d'Esquadra and the social organizations.
DG: The government is also accused of embezzlement. And here ex-minister Cristóbal Montoro was one of the most eagerly expected witnesses...
CUT 4:50-4:56
Montoro: All the funds were controlled, to the point that we replaced the autonomous administration itself.
DS: It was not the first time that this statement was made this strongly. But this time the prosecutor prized out a nuance:
CUT 5:03-5:14
Montoro: The convening authority did not have a budget.
Fiscal: Does this exclude the possibility of irregular actions for the funding of the referendum, or deceptive ones, or fraudulent ones?
Montoro: No, we can never rule that out.
The discussion about the accuracy and legality of the facts has evidently been one of the cornerstones of the trial, and some of the defence counsels and part of the testimonies concentrated on this.
DG: The current Speaker of the Parliament, Roger Torrent, for example, defended the action of his predecessor, Carme Forcadell...
CUT 5:29-5:47
Roger Torrent: There are no proposals by parliamentary groups that can be censored. We have never censored, none of the Speakers who have preceded me you have ever censored them, and in particular Speaker Forcadell never censored them; in fact, had I been in her place, I would have done exactly the same thing.
DS: But another strategy that has also stuck out is that of vindicating the rights of the defendants and of the population they represented. The debate of legitimacy versus legality. Here fits, among others, the testimony of [Barcelona mayor] Ada Colau, who, as she herself made clear, starts with the discrepancy with the independence movement...
CUT 6:02-6:15
Ada Colau: It breaks my heart, Your Honour, to see that Mr. Cuixart is here today in pretrial detention like the rest of the defendants, with whom I may have political disagreements, but if for October 1 we are here, there should be millions of people in the dock.
DG: And yet another claim, this one on the trial itself. The defence had called for the participation of the far right Vox party in the trial to be vetoed, but they did not get they way. Former CUP MPs Antonio Baños and Eulàlia Reguant were more expeditious when it was their turn to testify...
CUT 6:31-6:51
Baños: If you allow me, Your Honour, I will refuse to answer...
Marchena: No, you can’t.
Baños: Yes, yes I can.
Marchena: No...
Baños: Well, I don't intend to answer the questions they ask me...
Marchena: No, no, listen, listen, listen to me.
Reguant: In front of the extreme right, in front of a sexist and xenophobic party, I will not accept to answer the questions, and I accept the consequences.
As a result of this contempt of court, the Supreme Court issued a 2,500 euros fine which, to date, has not been paid.
Let us move on to the witnesses on violence, no doubt the bulk of the trial and what has taken up most time and most controversy. The scenarios most analyzed during these four months were the one of the concentration on September 20thoutside the Ministry of Economy and the one on October 1st at the polling stations throughout the country.
DS: With regard to October 1, a prominent testimony that corroborated the story of the prosecution was that of the former delegate of the [Spanish] Government in Catalonia in autumn 2017, Enric Millo, especially with an example that went viral...
CUT 7:25-7:37
Millo: An agent explained to me that he had fallen into the Fairy trap. I asked what was that, you know? It involved pouring detergent at the entrance of some schools so that, when the police entered, they slipped, fell to the ground and then their heads got kicked.
DG: As to September 20, one of the most controversial testimonies of the prosecution was been that of Montserrat del Toro, the court secretary of Barcelona Court No. 13, who on that day led the search party in the Department of Economy, surrounded by thousands of people...
CUT 7:52-8:08
Del Toro: I had evidently, as a person, as a human being, to watch over my physical integrity because I was really afraid and it was also my professional obligation to make sure that the fruit of the work of 17 hours of searches was not lost or forgotten...
DS: The fear she mentions, or her departure across a Department terrace, spilled a lot of ink, at least as the description of why this happened in Catalonia that autumn...
CUT 8:19-8:42
Baena: We got into a climate that we could qualify by objectives, in a climate that we could qualify by the number of actions, in a climate that we could qualify by abstention, where they were happening, as clearly insurrectional. It was literally a powder keg. Those days we knew that in that situation any small incident could lead to an uncontrollable escalation... and fortunately that did not happen.
This was the Civil Guard Colonel, José Daniel Baena, chief of the body's court agents in Catalonia, with an explanation that provided comprehensive coverage and justification to all police action, aware of the criticism they had generated.
DS: Baena, who is being investigated for his criticisms and insults in the social networks against independence supporters and journalists, insisted on describing a climate, a term that prosecutor Jaime Moreno took on afterwards when he showed the videos of alleged violence, with images that, incidentally, he could not locate geographically...
CUT 9:15-9:25
Moreno: You are asking the prosecutor for an identification that does not add anything. In any case what is being pointed out is that it was a climate in all the schools in all the places.
DG: The reports on the events of that autumn written by Colonel Baena for Investigating Court No. 13 are those on which the investigation of the Supreme Court was based. Consistent with this line, former Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido testified before the Supreme Court...
CUT 9:39-9:50
Zoido: I do not agree that they acted excessively. I think it was a proportionate action given the circumstances that concurred on that, on that day.
The insurrectionist climate is one of the arguments of the prosecution to justify the action of the Spanish security forces. The other is the passivity of the Mossos d'Esquadra, an instrument at the service of the rebellion according to the prosecutors.
DS: The thesis was proposed by the public prosecutor in his provisional conclusions and was kept in the final conclusions, after four months of trial, almost 500 testimonials and having seen a dozen hours of videos.
DG: The Court now has to evaluate explanations such as that of the then head of the Mossos, Josep Lluís Trapero, personally asked by Manuel Marchena about their purported submission to the pro-independence government...
CUT 10:30-10:59
Marchena: Mr. Trapero, before you leave, exactly what message did you want to convey to those political leaders and what answer did you get?
Trapero: the referendum, we go there as the police chiefs and call for compliance with the court orders. We told them that we were obviously going to comply, that they had got us wrong. We told them that the body of Mossos evidently was not going to break with legality and the Constitution, that we were not accompanying the pro-independence project...
DS: The second in command of the Mossos, Ferran López, also took part in the meetings with the Government, where they warned of the risk of violence...
CUT 11:08-11:23
López: Yes, I remember that Mr. Puigdemont said that if the scenario that we envisaged occurred, at that very moment independence would be declared.
Prosecutor: He said it like that?
López: Yes, I remember it perfectly. I think it's a sentence we all remember perfectly because it's hard to forget.
DG: The court could also take into account that Ferran López was the representative of the Mossos, both in the coordination of October 1 and in the application of 155, although the head of the Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido , I did not know...
CUT 11:35-12:02
Defence: Did you know that Mr. Ferran López was the officer appointed by Major Trapero to attend, on his behalf, the coordination meetings with Colonel Pérez de los Cobos?
Zoido: I don’t know.
Defence: And did the fact that the top representative appointed by the disloyal administration coincided with the new chief operational officer you had appointed not surprise you?
Zoido: I... I don’t know who it was that approved the Mossos d'Esquadra’s operation.
Indeed, the question about who decided the action of the Mossos for October 1 has been one of the key issues in this trial that often seemed to be putting the Mossos in the dock.
DS: So much so that Xavier Melero, former [Catalan] interior minister Joaquim Forn’s counsel, asked the court for a confrontation between Commissioner Ferran López and the police coordinator on October 1, Colonel Diego Pérez de los Cobos. The Chamber has not authorized it and the defence has been left unable to highlight contradictions such as this...
CUT 12:32-13:01
Pérez de los Cobos: This plan of action does not seem appropriate to prevent a referendum, but seems rather aimed more at a police operation of a normal election than of a banned referendum that has to be prevented.
López: Pérez de los Cobos validated the device on October 1. He validated that they there would be a couple of Mossos d'Esquadra at each voting point. He validated the operation and designed the structure of the coordination of the operation.
DG: Two versions of a single reality. Someone’s lying, said Melero when he observed these divergences of witnesses. And this impression was to be repeated when the room heard the civil guards and the Spanish police officers who acted on October 1...
CUT 13:14-13:40
I saw for the first time in my professional life the reflection of hatred, I saw it in the faces of those people / The faces of hatred, the faces of contempt before the agents of authority / It was worthy to see the faces of hatred with which they looked at us. I have been in the Civil Guard for 25 years , many of them spent in the Basque Country, and I have never perceived what I managed to perceive in that person / To see that hatred in those people and especially towards us, whose intervention was very gentle, very human.
DS: The narrative could not be confronted here, either, with the evidence that could most clearly reveal contradictions or falsehoods: the videos, the famous videos! The contrast was only to come with the testimony of those who went to vote...
CUT 13:53-14:20
I saw how they grabbed people by the hair, how they threw them on the ground, one or more that get kicked / We saw how the police dragged and hit people, trying to get them outside... I even saw how a policeman raised his baton to an old lady who was sitting in a chair / I remember perfectly the sound of truncheons as they opened people’s heads / A national policeman threw me to the ground, he had broken the entire right side of my pelvis, from top to bottom.
And the magistrates have had to hear over and over again the reason for this resistance, the reason for this attitude. They were toldby David Fernández, the former CUP MP: "We shall do it and we shall do it again."
CUT 14:31-14:50
Fernàndez: I disobeyed it deliberately, and I also disobeyed it previously on November 9, 2014 when there were also prohibitions, not only me, I believe that 2.3 million people disobeyed that resolution of the Constitutional Court, because if self-determination is the crime I openly admit I am guilty and a recidivist.
There have been constant quarrels between the defence lawyers and the president of the Chamber, Manuel Marchena, throughout this trial.
DG: An outstanding one was this one, when lawyer Benet Salellas interrogated philosopher Marina Garcés. Listen to how Marchena put an end to the wrangle...
CUT 15:07-15:41
Garcés: I, on October 1, hallucinated...
Marchena: Let's see. You have not come here to explain to the Court your level of hallucination, your feverish state... You come here exclusively to explain what happened.
Defence: I just want it put on record that the perceptions of the witnesses of October 1 when they were police officers...
Marchena: No...
... Defence: I accept them... I protest about the way the Court...
... Marchena: Yes, But sensory perceptions are one thing and another thing are emotional perceptions about hallucinations...
... Defence: Yes they were relevant, Your Honour...
Marchena: Look, whatever the case may be, ask another question, Mr. Salellas.
Defence: I will not ask any more questions.
Marchena: Right. Much better.
This is one of the most controversial interventions of Manuel Marchena, because you already heard before as the police talked about "the faces of hatred", there were no interruptions on the part of Marchena then, but on this occasion there was.
The court's decision NOT to counter witness statements with video images has also generated conflicts on a permanent basis with the defence counsels.
DS: The famous September 20 and October 1 videos were only seen in the documentary phase, when the police witnesses and those of the citizens who defended the ballot boxes had already finished.
DG: This prevented to emphasize the contradictions that the defenders detected in the story of the Spanish agents. This is what happened to the lawyer Jordi Pina on this occasion, who, like the rest of his colleagues, questioned while watching in his laptop the videos that the court did not allow to project...
CUT 16:24-17:02
Defence: Do you know if a person with his hands in front of him stood forward to talk and the acting force attacked him, this person fell to the ground and they continued their march without paying attention to this person? Look, I'll be more precise: I'm seeing it [on the screen]!
Witness: I do not know what image...
Marchena: Mr. Pina...
Defence: Sure, the thing is that...
Marchena: Let's see, please...
Defence: Well I don’t mind, I’ll drop it, I’ll drop it...
Marchena: What we can do is that you testify instead of the witness if you think so. This is not serious Mr. Pina. You usually behave like a serious lawyer, but at this moment you have not behaved like a serious lawyer.
Defence: Yes, you are right, but Your Honour...
Marchena: That's it, that's it. If I tell you, that’s that, then that’s that. As I'm right, let’s leave it at that and ask another question.
Defence: I was going to give you an explanation...
Marchena: You do not have to give me any explanations because your explanations might make things worse...
DS: This verbal scuffle between Marchena and lawyer Marina Roig also hit the headlines...
CUT 17:07-17:34
Defence: With respect to the National Pact for the Referendum, what was the role of the union?
Pacheco: We took part in the...
Marchena: Let's see, Doña Marina. Do you think that the important role that this trade union may have had in the treatment of these events has any legal bearing on these facts? It has no significance! You're err in your defensive strategy. And I do not know how to tell you more clearly.
Defence: If I can not ask about the content of a document, honestly, I do not understand how I can defend my client.
Marchena: If you do not understand, you have a problem.
DG: Marchena in pure state. Tensions, complaints, reproaches, protests and even some far from impartial remark by one of the judges that went unnoticed by the Chamber, but not by Andreu Van Den Eynde, who had to take a deep to breath and then bite his tongue to be able to carry on...
CUT 17:50-18:12
Marchena: Do you have any more questions, Mr. lawyer? Mr. lawyer...
Defence: Yes. I'm thinking.
Marchena: What are you thinking? The question you are going to ask him?
Defence: No
Marchena: You’ve brought it from home. But hey... Are you going to ask another question?
Defence: Yes
Marchena: Go ahead.
Defence: I want to recover a little my serenity to be able to exercise well the function as counsel.
Marchena: Go ahead. Regain your serenity and ask a question.
Leaving aside the lawyers, the confrontations between Marchena and the various witnesses who requested to testify in Catalan are also worth recalling.
DS: The judge's response was always the same...
CUT 18:25-18:36
Marchena: You are going to answer in Spanish. If you do not want to answer in Spanish, it’s very straightforward: you get up, assume the legal consequences of your refusal to answer, and we’ve finished.
DG: To be sure, Marchena did say: "Out of respect for Catalan". Marchena has strived to manage the trial as regards the formalities and the tempo, and now what remains is the assessment of the content of all that has been seen and heard in the last four months.
DS: Tomorrow and Wednesday, the defence counsels will give the court their definitive version, and then the twelve defendants will make their last plea before Marchena announces that the trial is adjourned for judgment.
DG: As previously happened at the beginning of the oral hearing, we will hear the voices of Oriol Junqueras, Joaquim Forn, Jordi Turull, Raül Romeva, Josep Rull, Dolors Bassa, Carles Mundó, Meritxell Borràs, Santi Vila, Jordi Sánchez, Jordi Cuixart and Carme Forcadell.
They will remind the court of their arguments...

CUT 19:11-21:08
Junqueras: The chair across the table is ALWAYS empty, and transfers its political responsibility to the courts. The pro-independence majority...
Forn: No political instruction was given by the Catalan Minister of the Interior, by the President of the Generalitat or by any member of the government to call on police officers not to comply with their functions as court police of Catalonia...
Turull: The citizens of Catalonia are not sheep, people who are militarizedand are told “Go this way, go that way”. No, that’s not it. People in Catalonia are becoming independent...
Romeva: The key to our intentions has to do with the democratic principle and...
Rull: I believe that the Spanish Constitution Court has a significant deficit of moral authority...
Bassa: What I can tell you is that no expense was made after the 7th, the day the law was suspended. I do not know about beforehand, because I do not control all the departments.
Mundó: Within the scope of my competences, I did not take any action or resolution, or any action to do what I was being told not to do.
Borràs: I'm not going to reduce its importance, for I did sign it, but the signatures needed for a decree are that of the President and that of the Minister with powers in the field.
Vila: What happened in Catalonia is improper for an advanced and modern society like the Catalan one, and we should have done things in a very different way.
Sánchez: We were exercising the legitimate right of expression, of demonstration, of assembly, and of demanding a political right such as the right of self-determination and the independence of Catalonia.
Cuixart: The lovely part of all this is that two million three hundred thousand people in a corner of Europe stood in solidarity with one another, organized themselves transversely from the bottom up to take part in a referendum, something as little criminal as a referendum...
Forcadell: What the Constitutional Court asked us to do was to turn the Bureau into a censoring body, it wanted us to do something that the Parliament could not do, we could not censor the debate...
What will happen on October 16? Well, there had better be a verdict, because on that day Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sànchez will have been in detention for two years. And if they are to be kept in prison, their preventive detention will have to extended - we would see on what grounds - for two more years.
We shall see if, while the court deliberates, it will free them and the other 7 prisoners held in the Madrid and penitentiary centres of Soto del Real and Alcalá Meco. Tomorrow we will listen to their defence counsels live...

See also (Jordi Cuixart, English subtitles):

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