16 de febr. 2019

My open letter to President Tajani

My open letter to President Tajani following his decision to ban an event with presidents Puigdmont and Torra in the European Parliament on February 18th 2019.

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My open letter to President Tajani

As I am sure you well know, the Treaty on European Union has served us well for several decades. It was signed in Maastricht in 1992, and was amended by the Treaties of Amsterdam (1997), Nice (2001) and Lisbon (2007).

If we read the current text, we find that Article 2 defines the values of the Union: "The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to all Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail." More than any other institution it can be expected that the Parliament will act as a beacon, upholding and defending these values, also in its day-to-day activity.

In regard to these values, allow me to make the following considerations:

Pluralism: Multiple studies have revealed that most Spanish media have been seiously biassed and unbalanced in their treatment of the Catalan independence process, that the courts regard as a perfectly legitimate aim. "Unionist" political leaders have been given far more interviews and attention in the media than those supporting and peaceful and democratic path towards Catalonia's independence.

Non-discrimination: Catalans - both social leaders and political leaders - have been kept in pre-trial detention, some for well over a year. Some were released on bail in the hope that they would lose the election - illegally called by Spanish prìme minister Rajoy, as Spanish law states very clearly that only the pesident of Catalonia can do so - only to be arrested once again after the Catalan people gave them a new parliamentary mandate to govern Catalonia.

Tolerance: From the very start, the reaction of the Catalan people to the devastating Constitutional Court judgment in June 2010, that threw the Statute of Autonomy into a constitutional limbo (the remaining text has not been adopted in a referendum by the Spanish electorate) has given rise to multiple examples - counted by the hunded - of intolerant, offensive statements by politicians, opinion leaders, journalists, churchmen, military. Barely a handful of non-Catalan intellectuals have stood up fo the right of the Catalans to decide their political future.

Justice: Despite hundreds of statements by jurists from inside and outside Spain, including fome Supreme cout judges, to the effect that the Catalan social and politcial leaders are being accused of serious crimes - rebellion and sedition - for which there can be no evidence, despite the fact that this view has been upheld in Euopean courts, despite the insistent reminder that the solution to a political conflict such as this can only be political in nature, the machinery of the Spanish judicial system has continued to move forward amid widespread accusations of the fundamental ights of the defendants having been violated on a number of scores the Supreme cout and the Constitutional court have refused to consider before the months-long trial started.

Solidarity: This is the only one of the listed values the Catalan people have been able to exercise to the full, by demonstating publicaly and massively - and as always, peacefully - on numerous occasions, as well as by donating geneously to the upkeep and defense costs of the defendants and those in exile. The latter is so notorious that it has been used as an argument to keep some of them in pre-trial detention.

In the name of European values and fundamental rights, I hereby ask you not to interfere with the event on February 18, naturally ensuring that no-one is allowed into the Parliament building unless they are adequately screened on security grounds (as I myself have been able to experience on nuerous occasions). Let no-one be accused of banning an event on the grounds of "security", a typical strategy of totalitarian regimes thoughout the world.

Miquel Strubell
Euopean citizen


1. Letter by MEPs representing the Spanish political parties Partido Popular, Partido Socialista Obrero Español and Ciudadanos, to EP President Tajani (European Popular Party) (14th February 2019).

2. Reports that President Tajani (European Popular Party) has banned the event in the EP (15th February 2019).

3. Letter by 130th and 131st Presidents of Catalonia to EP President Tajani  (15th February 2019).


1. Letter by MEPs representing the Spanish political parties Patido Popular, Partido Socialista Obrero Español and Ciudadanos, to EP President Tajani (European Popular Party)

Le escribimos en relación con los preparativos para una sesión que se prevé celebrar el próximo lunes 18 de febrero en las dependencias del Parlamento Europeo, y que contaría con la presencia del Presidente de Cataluña, Quim Torra, y del expresidente de esa misma región, Carles Puigdemont.

El Sr. Puigdemont se presenta a sí mismo como presidente legítimo de Cataluña, usurpando así la denominación de un cargo que le fue legalmente destituido por el Gobierno español en octubre de 2017 en aplicación de una serie de medidas extraordinarias autorizadas por el Senado de conformidad con la Constitución española.

Creemos que el Parlamento europeo, que representa uno de los pilares sobe los que se asienta la Unión Europea, como es el del Estado de Derecho y el consiguiente espeto a la legalidad, no debe acoge a alguien que se encuentra evadido de la acción de la justicia española y que ha hecho alarde de su reiterada desobediencia a órdenes y advertencias procedentes del Tribunal Constitucional, el máximo garante de l0s derechos y libertades fundamentales de loso los españoles.

Como usted conoce, el Sr. Puigdemont fue el principal artífice de un plan para subvertir el orden constitucional en España con el objetivo de provocar una secesión de facto de Cataluña. En concreto -y al igual que algunas de las personas que se enfrentan actualmente a un juicio que ha atraído una gan atención mediática- fue, ente otras cosas, responsable de la aprobación de leyes que, sobe el papel, derogaban la Constitución española en Cataluña, suspendiendo de paso las garantías de los derechos fundamentales de todos los catalanes consagradas en ésta.

El señor Puigdemont invocó para ello un supuesto mandato de las unas. Pero lo cierrto es que, en un régimen democrático ningún mandato permite la violación deliberada de normas superiores del Estado ni la abierta desobediencia a estas últimas bajo el pretexto de una pretendida legalidad alternativa.

Habrá de ser la justicia española la que determine si los indicios de criminalidad apreciados en los actos del señor Puigdemont y varios de sus colaboradores son o no constitutivos de delito. El juicio, recién iniciado, se desarrollará con el máximo grado de transparencia posible, lo que incluye una retransmisión en directo y la posibilidad de que cualquier persona que lo desee asista al mismo en calidad de observador sin más limitación que el espacio disponible en la sala.

El señor Puigdemont no ha sido perseguido por sus ideas. El actual presidente regional, el señor Torra, defiende planteamientos idénticos. No obstante, y a diferencia de su antecesor, se ha mantenido dentro de la legalidad.

Por todo lo expuesto, creemos, Sr. Presidente, que permitir la presencia del Sr. Puigdemont no se compadece con el noble papel que desempeña el Parlamento Europeo como referente de la democracia y el Estado de Derecho que prevalecen en la Unión Europea. Por tanto, y en su calidad de Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, le pedimos que no permita la celebración de la conferencia prevista el próximo 18 de febrero en el Parlamento Europeo.



2. Reports that President Tajani (European Popular Party) has banned the event in the EP (15th February 2019).

"There is a high risk that the proposed event could pose a threat to the maintenance of law and order on Parliament’s premises"
Source: https://brussels-express.eu/european-parliament-bans-a-conference-with-former-catalan-president-carles-puigdemont/

A security review request put forward by Spanish lawmakers, who opposed Puigdemont's attendance and consider his push for secession illegal, is said to have highlighted building tensions during the trial of Catalan separatists in Madrid, which began this week.

"The analysis has concluded that the security threats linked to the event cannot be mitigated by Parliament security services," the statement seen by AFP said.

El análisis de seguridad realizado por la Eurocámara ha determinado que "existe un alto riesgo de que la conferencia suponga una amenaza al mantenimiento del orden público en las instalaciones del Parlamento", resalta el comunicado.

"El análisis tiene en cuenta varios elementos, incluyendo la reciente ocupación por parte de manifestantes de los edificios del Parlamento Europeo y la Comisión en Barcelona, las tensiones ligadas al juicio contra los líderes independentistas catalanes que empezó el 12 de febrero, la falta de información sobre los participantes en el evento y, especialmente, la posibilidad de incidentes dentro o en los alrededores de la sede del Parlamento", asegura la Eurocámara.

"El análisis ha concluido que los riesgos en materia de seguridad ligados al evento no pueden ser mitigados por los servicios de seguridad del Parlamento", concluye el comunicado.



3. Letter by 130th and 131st Presidents of Catalonia to EP President Tajani  (15th February 2019).

We deeply regret your decision not to allow the scheduled event for Monday "Catalonia and the trial on the referendum: a challenge for the EU".

We would like to know on what grounds you have decided that the planned event, organized by MEPs Ralph Packet and lvo Vajgi, has been cosidered a security problem.

During the last year, both of us have visited several Parliaments and countries with absolute normality including the Parliaments of Flanders, Finland, Denmark, ireland, United Kingdom, Bavaria, Slovenia and the USA.

Moreover, two years ago a conference was held in the European Parliament, titled "the Catalan Referendum" with absolute normality with the participation of Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras and Raül Romeva, the latest two former MEPs that are currently in prison and facing the trial, which is at the heart of the planned conference for Monday 18th.

As the President of the democratically elected parliament of the EU, the duty of your insfitution is to preserve freedom of speech as the most superior value, party politics or supposed security concerns should not be used to silence legitimate ideas. The contrary, would be a shame for Europe and damages the democratic credibility of the EU.

In any case, even if you don't rectify your censorship, the conference on the Trial on
the Catalan referendum and its impact for the EU will be held In Brussels, at the same hour and day as was planned. The details will be announced when your decision to ban the event is confirmed.

We are free citizens and we'll express ourselves freely.

Hoping for a quick, clear and democratic answer,

Quim Torra, 131th President of Catalonia

Carles Pulgdemont, 130th President of Catalonia

15th February of 2019

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