15 de des. 2018

"Serenity and firmness" by the 9 political prisoners

Here is an English rendering (by M.S.) of the article jointly signed by the nine Catalan political prisoners, insisting on their innocence and the justness of their cause, and calling for serenity and firmness in the run-up to the Supreme Court political trial. If anyone objects to this version or has a better one, please contact me.

Click here if need be

Sources: El Punt Avui: www.elpuntavui.cat/politica/article/1520725-no-ens-rendirem.html
Also published in VilaWeb: https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/carta-presos-politics-serenor-i-fermesa/

Serenity and firmness

by Dolors Bassa, Jordi Cuixart, Carme Forcadell, Joaquim Forn, Oril Junqueras, Raül Romeva, Josep Rull, Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Turull*

15 December 2018

  •  Only with a granite-like strategic unity [...] shall we be able to overcome the attacks of the Spanish State 
  •  When we testify before the Supreme Court, we shall not give up, we shall not capitulate, we shall not surrender
  •  They will be able to condemn us [...]. What they will never be able to prove is that their conviction is just and based on facts and evidence 
  •  What everyone will discover [with the trial] is the insolvency of democracy in Spain and the justice of our demands
 It's time to feel strong and serene. We are, and we need that you are too

We could thank you a thousand times and that would not be enough. We will always fall short when it comes to returning all the warmth, support and company that you offer us day in day out. Thank you for not forgetting, for being with us, for being present and for teling the whole world every day about the just cause that the struggle for civil rights and liberties that have been wrenched from us always is.

We are very close now to the start of the trial before the Supreme Court. This is a moment that needs the greatest firmness on our part, but also all our serenity. It also needs yours, that of all who are by our side, of those who come to see us from outside the prison, of those who write to us, of those of you that you mdemonstrate, of those of you that go to yellow dinners**, of those of you that, in short, keep us present and have, from the very first day of our unfair situation, made our cause your cause and your struggle.

We aretold that many of the people who come close to the prison, be it physically or emotionally, feel in their own flesh the impotence that such injustice causes. We understand that some way may consider, as a result of the indignation that these abuses generates, that the solution should be to open the prisons. But, while we can understand the need to counter impotence by letting off steam, we must also clearly say that this, far from favouring our cause, would damage it, just as it would also hurt the political goals of the country we want and for which we are here imprisoned awaiting a political trial.

Repression aims to destabilize and divide us. We do not have to allow this. The treasure of the independence movement is its plurality and herein lies its strength as well. Only with a granite-like strategic unity, built on the premise of respect and generosity, shall we be able to overcome Spàin's attacks.

We face the trial with full conscience and responsibility. Do not be surprised by this serenity. We share the conviction that we have not committed any crime, because placing ballot boxes can never be. And that makes us strong in the face of any judicial attack and in the face of all arbitrariness and injustice. We are innocent. We know. And this full conviction of innocence is the source of our serenity and of our ambition to frame the trial as a great opportunity to denounce the arbitrariness and the violation of civil rights and citizens' freedoms.

When we went to testify before the National Court and the Supreme Court, we chose, with full conscience and will, the path of doing so with bare faces and of facing up to the consequences that could be derived from this. Since that day, more than a year ago, we have been in gaol, and the Supreme Court trial is the step that gives continuity and consistency to the decisions we took then. We took on the possible consequences, as we take them on now. The coherence of our actions will remain intact when we are sitting on the Supreme Court's defendants' bench.

When we testify before the Supreme Court, we shall not given up, we shall not capitulate, we shall not surrender. Quite the contrary. We shall keep our chins up and we shall speak clearly, fully convinced of our innocence and of the legitimacy of our actions and our convictions. We shall jettison the ballast of lies and oppression that accompanies our captivity and the deliberate inconsistency of the charges that have been laid, built on the foundations of revenge and chastisement in this cause against the independence movement as a whole, of which we are the most visible part.

That is why we tell you that it is time to feel strong and serene. We do, and we need you who are and want to be close to us, supporters of independence or not, to feel the same. Millions of us share the conviction that this is a profoundly unjust situation. The trial will be the right moment for the truth to emerge in the centre of the courtroom where we are going to be tried. Anyone wanting to deny it will have to turn their head completely away, because they blush with shame, and we are convinced that the streets will be on our side.

They can condemn us, because they have the power. We have already said many times that we do not expect a fair trial, because nobody no longer doubts the political - and not legal  foundation of this case.

What they will never be able to prove is that their conviction is just and based on facts and evidence. No, they will not be able to do so, because, having got thus far, it has already been shown that the charges cannot be sustained in any way. And that is why the trial is an opportunity for those of us who are in gaol, for the independence movement and for all those who, without sharing the idea of ​​an independent Catalonia, do not hesitate to side with the defence of civil and political rights. The trial is the mirror in which the various powers of the State, and in particular the judicial one, will have to gave into. Maybe they will be able to bear what they see in it - after all, they are already used to doing so - but what everyone will discover is the insolvency of democracy in Spain, the justness of our demands and the legitimacy of our political ambitions.

Serenity and firmness. We get them from knowing we are innocent and that we shall not relinquish anything. Thank you for being on our side.

* = Mas d’Enric, les Bas­ses and Lle­do­ners prisons, 14 Decem­ber 2018
** = fund-raising events to help cover the costs of their defence and other costs of the victims of repression. 

15 desembre 2018 6.01 h

Serenor i fermesa


The political prisoners in Lledoners, Dolors Bassa i Carme Forcadell 

  • Només amb una uni­tat estratègica granítica [...] serem capaços de superar els embats de l’Estat espanyol
  • Quan decla­rem davant del Suprem, no renun­ci­a­rem, no capi­tu­la­rem, no ens ren­di­rem
  • Ens podran con­dem­nar [...]. El que mai podran demos­trar és que la seva con­demna sigui justa i fona­men­tada amb fets i pro­ves
  • El que tot­hom des­co­brirà [amb el judici] és la fallida de la democràcia a Espa­nya i la justícia de les nos­tres rei­vin­di­ca­ci­ons
És el moment de saber-se forts i serens. Ho estem nosal­tres i neces­si­tem que també ho esti­gueu

Us podríem donar les gràcies mil cops i serien insu­fi­ci­ents. Farem sem­pre curt a l’hora de retor­nar-vos tot l’escalf, el suport i la com­pa­nyia que ens lliu­reu dia sí, dia també. Gràcies per no obli­dar-nos, per ser al nos­tre cos­tat, per tenir-nos pre­sents i ense­nyar cada dia al món sen­cer la causa justa que sem­pre és la lluita pels drets i les lli­ber­tats civils que a nosal­tres ens han estat arra­bas­sats.

Som ja molt a prop de l’inici del judici davant del Tri­bu­nal Suprem. Aquest és un moment que vol la màxima fer­mesa per part nos­tra, però també tota la sere­nor. I també la vol de vosal­tres, de tots els que esteu al nos­tre cos­tat, dels que ens veniu a veure de fora la presó estant, dels que ens escri­viu, dels que us mani­fes­teu, dels que assis­tiu a sopars grocs, dels que ens teniu, en defi­ni­tiva, pre­sents i heu fet des del pri­mer dia de la nos­tra injusta situ­ació la vos­tra causa i també la vos­tra lluita.

Ente­nem que molta gent que s’apropa física­ment o emo­ci­o­nal­ment a la presó senti en carn pròpia la impotència que pro­voca tanta injustícia. Ente­nem que algú pugui con­si­de­rar, fruit d’aquesta indignació que gene­ren els abu­sos, que la solució hau­ria de ser obrir les pre­sons. Però, de la mateixa manera que podem enten­dre la neces­si­tat d’esbra­var la impotència, també hem de dir clara­ment que això, lluny d’afa­vo­rir la nos­tra causa, la per­ju­di­ca­ria, igual que també per­ju­di­ca­ria els objec­tius polítics del país que volem i pels quals som aquí empre­so­nats pen­dents d’un judici polític.

La repressió pretén deses­ta­bi­lit­zar-nos i divi­dir-nos. No ho hem de per­me­tre. La riquesa del sobiranisme és la seva plu­ra­li­tat i aquí rau també la seva força. Només amb una uni­tat estratègica granítica, cons­truïda sobre la pre­missa del res­pecte i la gene­ro­si­tat, serem capaços de superar els embats de l’Estat espa­nyol.

Afron­tem el judici amb plena consciència i res­pon­sa­bi­li­tat. No us resulti estra­nya aquesta sere­nor. Com­par­tim la con­vicció que no hem comès cap delicte, perquè posar urnes no ho podrà ser mai. I això ens fa forts davant de qual­se­vol embat judi­cial i davant qual­se­vol arbi­tra­ri­e­tat i injustícia. Som inno­cents. Ho sabem. I és aquesta plena con­vicció d’innocència la font de la nos­tra sere­nor i de la nos­tra ambició de situar el judici com una gran opor­tu­ni­tat per denun­ciar les arbi­tra­ri­e­tats i la vulneració dels drets civils i les lli­ber­tats ciu­ta­da­nes.

Quan vam anar a decla­rar davant l’Audi­en­cia Naci­o­nal i del Tri­bu­nal Suprem, vam esco­llir, amb plena consciència i volun­tat, el camí de donar la cara i assu­mir les con­seqüències que se’n pogues­sin deri­var. Fa més d’un any que som a la presó des d’aquell dia, i el judici al Tri­bu­nal Suprem és el pas que dona con­tinuïtat i coherència a les deci­si­ons que vam pren­dre lla­vors. En vam assu­mir les possibles con­seqüències, igual que les assu­mim ara. La coherència de les nos­tres acci­ons es mantindrà intacta quan esti­guem asse­guts al banc dels acu­sats del Suprem.

Quan decla­rem davant del Tri­bu­nal Suprem, no renun­ci­a­rem, no capi­tu­la­rem, no ens ren­di­rem. Ben al con­trari. Man­tin­drem el cap ben alt i par­la­rem clar, con­vençudes i con­vençuts ple­na­ment de la nos­tra innocència i de la legi­ti­mi­tat de les nos­tres acci­ons i de les nos­tres con­vic­ci­ons. Des­pu­lla­rem el llast de men­ti­des i oprobi que acom­pa­nya el nos­tre cap­ti­veri i la vol­guda incon­sistència de les acu­sa­ci­ons que se’ns for­mu­len, cons­truïdes sobre els fona­ments de la ven­jança i l’escar­ment en aquesta causa con­tra el con­junt del sobi­ra­nisme, de la qual nosal­tres som la part més visi­ble.

Per això us diem que és el moment de saber-se forts i serens. Ho estem nosal­tres i neces­si­tem que també ho esti­gueu els que sou i voleu ser a prop nos­tre, inde­pen­den­tis­tes o no. Som mili­ons de persones les que com­par­tim la con­vicció que aquesta és una situ­ació pro­fun­da­ment injusta. El judici oral serà el moment pro­pici perquè apa­re­gui la veri­tat al mig de la sala on se’ns estarà jut­jant, i el que la vul­gui negar haurà de girar per força la cara, perquè se’l men­jarà la ver­go­nya, i estem con­vençuts que el car­rer ens hi acom­pa­nyarà.

Ens podran con­dem­nar, perquè tenen la força. Ja hem dit mol­tes vega­des que no espe­rem un judici just, perquè ningú ja no dubta de la fona­men­tació política, i no jurídica, que té aquesta causa.

El que mai podran demos­trar és que la seva con­demna sigui justa i esti­gui fona­men­tada amb fets i pro­ves. No, no podran, perquè, arri­bats a aquest punt, ja ha estat demos­trat que les acu­sa­ci­ons no s’aguan­ten de cap de les mane­res. I és per aquest motiu que el judici és una opor­tu­ni­tat per als que estem empre­so­nats, per al con­junt del sobi­ra­nisme i per a tots aquells que, sense com­par­tir la idea d’una Cata­lu­nya inde­pen­dent, no dub­ten a posar-se al cos­tat de la defensa dels drets civils i polítics.
El judici és el mirall en què els dife­rents poders de l’Estat, i en par­ti­cu­lar el judi­cial, hau­ran de mirar-se. Pot­ser ells podran supor­tar el que vegin –al cap­da­vall, ja hi estan acos­tu­mats–, però el que tot­hom des­co­brirà és la fallida de la democràcia a Espa­nya, la justícia de les nos­tres rei­vin­di­ca­ci­ons i la legiti­mi­tat de les nos­tres ambi­ci­ons polítiques.

Sere­nor i fer­mesa. La que ens dona saber que som inno­cents i que no renun­ci­a­rem a res. Gràcies per ser al nos­tre cos­tat.

*Pre­sons de Mas d’Enric, les Bas­ses i Lle­do­ners, 14 de desem­bre del 2018

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