10 de nov. 2018

Nine reports on the violation of fundamental rights by Spain in its conflict with Catalonia (2017-2019)

This post provides links to nine detailed reports on the violation of fundamental rights and freedoms by Spain in Catalonia, since 2017.

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Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly
Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
Should politicians be prosecuted for statements made in the exercise of their mandate?
Introductory memorandum
Rapporteur: Mr Boris Cilevičs
October 1 2019

Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (United Nations)
Opinions adopted at the 84th session (24 April-3 May 2019)

No. 6 (SP): https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Detention/Opinions/Session84/A_HRC_WGAD_2019_6.pdf

No. 12 (SP): https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Detention/Opinions/Session84/A_HRC_WGAD_2019_12.pdf

More than 400 academics in the fields of political science, law and other disciplines express their worries that electoral monitors in Spain are being threatened with jail over their role in Catalonia’s independence referendum. December 2018.
(See also http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/09/repression-election-board.html and item 5 below)

Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya (Ombudsman of Catalonia).
1st edition: May 2018.
Report: THE VIOLATION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS ARISING FROM THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE REACTION FOLLOWING OCTOBER 1, AND APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 155 OF THE CONSTITUTION. http://www.sindic.cat/site/unitFiles/5324/Report%20on%20violation%20of%20fundamental%20rights%20and%20freedoms%20arising%20from%20October_1_eng.pdf
600 jurists from Catalonia and abroad endorse a Complaint to the ECHR.
February 2018.
This report is promoted by the Col·lectiu Praga (Praga Group)1. Subscribed by 650 lawyers, the report aims to bring to the attention of the Commissioner of Human Rights of the Council of Europe violations of the 1950 European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR). Such violations of human rights took place in the run-up to the referendum on independence held in Catalonia, on 1 October 2017, on the referendum day itself, and in the aftermath of the referendum.

Report on the political situation and the violation of fundamental rights in Catalonia.
March 2017. 

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