15 d’ag. 2018

Fake profiles of Catalan institutions in the social media

Time and again more or less sophisticated impersonations of Catalan institutions appear on the Twitter scene. Here are a few recent ones.

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Created July 2018
It has managed to deceive 2,027 followers (15 AUG 2018)

Created July 2018. In English
It has managed to deceive 224 followers (15 AUG 2018)

Created July 2018. In Spanish
It has managed to deceive 40 followers (15 AUG 2018)

Created July 2018. In Occitan
It has managed to deceive 57 followers (15 AUG 2018)

Created August 2018. In English
It has managed to deceive 177 followers (15 AUG 2018)

Official statements:

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