12 de jul. 2018


                   CAUSA ESPECIAL 20907/2017


EL INSTRUCTOR ACUERDA: DECLARAR REBELDES rebeldes [sic] a los procesados Antoni Comin oliveres, LIuis Puig Gordi, María Mertixell [sic] Serret Ateu, Caries Puigdemont Casamajó, Clara Ponsatí obiols, Marta Rovira i Vergés y Anna Gabriel Sabaté, suspendiéndose el curso de la presente causa respecto de los mismos hasta que sean hallados, archivàndose, en su caso, los presentes autos. Acredítese esta resolución en los autos de los cuales dimana la presente pieza y comuniquese al misma al Ministerio Fiscal, acusación popular y a sus representaciones procesales.

Así por este auto, Io acuerdo, mando y firmo.

My translation:

SPECIAL CAUSE 20907/2017


THE INSTRUCTOR DECIDES: TO DECLARE in absentia the defendants Antoni Comin Oliveres, LIuis Puig Gordi, María Mertixell Serret Ateu, Carles Puigdemont Casamajó, Clara Ponsatí obiols, Marta Rovira i Vergés and Anna Gabriel Sabaté, and to suspend the course of this case as regards them until they are found, and to file away, if appropriate, the present procedure. 

Accredit this resolution in the texts from which this piece derives, and communicate it to the Public Prosecutor, the popular prosecution and their procedural representations.

So I agree, command and sign this file.

Comment by president Puigdemont:


La part més surrealista és aquesta que us reprodueixo: "hasta que sean hallados". Ho diu un jutge que sap perfectament on sóc i que estic complint les condicions fixades per la justícia alemanya. I a la qual envia constantment informació. https://t.co/HW7GDumNx7

My translation:

The most surrealistic part is the one that I reproduce: "until they are found". It is said by a judge who knows exactly where I am and that I am fulfilling the conditions set by German justice. And to which I constantly send information. 


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