17 de jul. 2018

Paper by M. Strubell at 2018 IAFOR Conference

2018 IAFOR Conference on Global Studies, Barcelona (Catalonia)

"The whys and wherefores of Spain’s current political crisis: Catalonia... again"

Click here if need be to access the whole text

Michael Strubell
Montserrat Camps-Gaset

The illustrations

Fig 01

fig. 02

 fig. 03

fig. 04

fig. 05

fig. 06

“Catalonia has been an oppressed nationality under the Monarchy, under the Spanish Republic, and under Franco. The removal of Franco alone will not solve the Catalan national problem, as it was not solved by the overthrowing alone of the Bourbon Monarchy” (The Case of Catalonia: Appeal to the United Nations at the International Organization Conference, San Francisco, April, 1945)

fig. 07

fig. 08a

fig. 08b

fig. 09

fig. 10

Valentí Almirall (1880): «We [Catalans] know how to earn money, but the people of Madrid have the ability to make it jump out of our pockets, and all the savings accumulated in Catalonia end up directly or indirectly sustaining the Royal Court’s squandering»

fig. 10

fig. 11
Assesment of political parties in Catalonia, by National focus (vertical) and left-right ideology (horitzontal) 
Source: @sergicastanye, CIS survey after September 2015 election

 fig. 12

September 11 2013 (Via Catalana). ANC

fig. 13

Barcelona, September 11 2014. "V". ANC

fig. 14
Bullfights are banned... temporarily

fig. 15
Coverage of political parties by Spanish channels («La1», «T5», and «A3»... and by Catalan public TV (Tv3)

fig. 16

Survey of Catalan electorate. Spring 2018. CEO.
"Could you tell me where you were born?"

fig. 17

Survey of Catalan electorate. Spring 2018. CEO.
"How many of your grand-parents were born in Catalonia?" 

fig. 18a

Survey of Catalan electorate. Spring 2018. CEO.

Of those born in Catalonia, 62% were in favour of independence.
Of those born in the rest of Spain, 71% were against it.
Of those who describe themselves as Catalans living in Catalonia, 84% were in favour of independence.
Of those who describe themselves as Spaniards living in Catalonia, 76% were against it.
Of those who preferred to answer the questionnaire in Catalan, 77% were in favour of independence.
Of those who preferred to answer the questionnaire in Spanish, 71% were against it.

fig. 19
Manipulation in translations into Spanish (Public Spanish TV)
David Cameron: «They’ve kept our country of four nations together» → «Quieren mantener nuestra nación unida» («They want to keep our nation united»)

fig. 20

Spanish police beating up voters during 1 October referendum on Catalonia’s independence

fig. 21
Oriol Vidal-Aparicio

fig. 22

fig. 23
ETA 1991 bomb attack on Spanish police garrison in Vic (Catalonia)

fig. 24
Josep-Lluís Carod Rovira: «The debate in Catalonia is not about identity. We are not discussing identity, we are discussing sovereignty. We are not arguing about who each person is, but about who should rule, and those who work and live in Catalonia are the ones who should rule in Catalonia.

Being Catalan cannot be an inheritance nor an imposition. It’s a decision, but one that does not force you to renounce other identities you may have brought with you, if you happen to have come from somewhere else.»

fig. 25
(Temporary?) reprieve for Catalan «Blanquerna» centre assailants 

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