17 d’abr. 2018

Col.lectiu Praga: Human Rights Violations in Catalonia (October 2017)


This 43-page report on Human Rights Violations in Catalonia can be viewed by clicking below on "Més informació"

Barcelona, December 29, 2017

The present complaint, carried out by Col·lectiu Praga, is signed by 609 Jurists to demonstrate to the various International Mechanisms for the
Protection of Human Rights, in particular the United Nations system, Human
Rights Violations, recognized in Declarations, Pacts, Treaties and  International Resolutions, which took place on the occasion of the celebration on October 1, 2017 of the referendum on self-determination in Catalonia, convened under the protection of Catalan Law 19/2017, of 6 September, of the referendum on self-determination.

This complaint is not intended to make an exhaustive account of the events,  nor to denounce all the infringements of rights that occurred, but to expose the major clash between the tenants of Democracy and the Law of the Spanish State.

In this regard, we consider that there is sufficient evidence - some of which is
presented in this document - to support an independent and comprehensive investigation into the Violation of Human Rights that took place in Spain on October 1, 2017, especially the Rights to freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, of the Right to the Physical Integrity, the Right to have a fair and  public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal in the determination
of the rights and obligations and of criminal charges against anyone,  recognized and protected by international law....

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