22 de des. 2017


This is my translation of a newspaper article, with a piece of advice added: Catalans could boo at the King in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014...* without any legal action being taken against anyone. 

Logical: it's freedom of speech!

But inviting people to do the same in 2015 got Santiago Espot in trouble!

Yet Catalans booed the King again (always for political, not personal reasons!) in 2016 and 2017 without any further legal action being taken.

The conclusion is obvious: Sr. Espot is a scapegoat for Spain's Establishment.

So jeering at the King could get you a hefty fine.

Is this the same in other democratic countries?


The National Court orders Santiago Espot to pay a fine of € 7,200 for National Anthem booing affair.

The National Court has found the president of Catalunya Acció, Santiago Espot, guilty of the offence of insulting the Crown and Spain, and has imposed a €7,200 fine, having considered that the manifesto published in the social networks in which he proposed jeering at the Spanish national anthem and the King at the 2015 Copa del Rey (football) final is not covered by the right to freedom of expression.

The chair of the Central Criminal Court, José María Vázquez Honrrubia, considers proven that the defendant, for whom the Public Prosecutor requested a €14,600 fine for these facts, published on May 28 of that year in the Facebook profile of the pro-independence organisation a manifesto entitled 'For the Spanish hymn and King Philip of Bourbon' within the framework of a "preconceived and planned" plan that was intended to "offend and disparage" the King and the Spainish national anthem.

The magistrate rejects in the sentence that the content of the manifesto, which called for a general jeer during the course of the Cup final between FC Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao, is covered by the right to freedom of expression and reminds the offender that the protected legal good is the Institution of the Crown, which forms part of the constitutional structure.

During the hearing held on December 12 Espot denied that he or the association he chairs bought or distributed whistles before the final and said he did not attend the match, which was held at the Camp Nou (Barcelona). He did recognize that he is a "political activist" in favour of the independence of Catalonia.

* See http://estudiscatalans.blogspot.com/2017/06/copadelrey.html for videos of cup final booings when Barcelona plays. No-one was prosecuted on these other occasions.

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